Sunday, August 23, 2009

how we're starting class this year

inspired by greats like:

bob sprankle's dream - about how school should be,

alan november's question of who owns the learning,

steven devijver's drive for visual hygiene,

wendy drexler's networked student ,

david truss' insight in the pods are coming,

lisa nielsen's enrage me or engage me - about how we should be doing school - passion-based,

etc...etc....etc.... (you know)

and most and foremost - by kids - with brilliant, young, fresh, ....energetic minds...

here are 2 ways we are starting out our school year differently:

1. about groupwork: rather than having the teacher pick groups and switch them up every so often, students pick members per their passion, and keep them - hopefully for a life time - their professional learning network,
see here how we are starting out:
and here for where we are: hosting our groups

2. about textbooks
: rather than relying on a book - (no disrespect to written text - but we were looking for something alive and unboxed) - each student will have their own twitter account, with carefully selected people to follow - again per their passion - which will serve as a most brilliant search engine, and - each student will join diigo in order to bookmark all they find from twitter and in order to access the info their classroom coach (that's me) has bookmarked and continues to bookmark for them here

learning is fun, alive, passionate....
school should be too.