I do not believe that the future is either utopian nor dystopian. I do see that global networks of human relationships are structured very differently. Its power to adapt and to extend its reach quickly without prior expectation is remarkable.
At the heart of the network is the individual who initiates and acts to create opportunities within relationships of trust and mutuality.
Hierarchies are not built on trust, but rather on the integrity of the system.
Networks, on the other hand, only function well when there is trust at the center of the relationships.
Both systems are inherently fragile and susceptible to change from outside forces.
realizing.. ie Greece... no longer in control of welfare... institutions.. ie banks.. not sustainable...
change thru bringing together of locals.. globally
Event planners who bring people together to support local programs -
over say.. accountants...even over bitcoiners.. rallying around trustless ness..
perhaps because that s what 100% trust... unconditional trust... looks like...
on job security person saying basic income is ok.. unless you make it unconditional.. then a problem...
convo w jesse
what if problem is that we insist on letting go only partially... which band aids and perpetuates not us ness...
word is not a word unless in a sentence..
in order to use properly we'd have to invent a whole new language.
do we write/read better? than 100s yrs ago when we were unlectured/untaught... blame is on words.. wildest, freest, most unteachable of all.. you can catch them and sort them... words don't live in dictionaries.. they live in the mind... when we most need words we find them... at our disposal...
words hate anything that stamps them in one meaning..
our need of change...
perhaps why missing great writers today.. we pin down words
4 min - the origin of capitalism - ellen wood - this dispossession forced competition, accumulation, profit max, hence constant systemic need to develop productive forces... fueled capitalist laws of motion...
socialized job to arrest that motion..
so 2 candidate ideas: 1\ basic income 2\ guaranteed jobs - i see them as complementary - jesse
8 min - alyssa - basic income:
1\ gives workers more power
17 min - 500 lbs a year will keep one alive in the sunshine.. how to get that 500 lbs a yr is what all of us here are trying to figure out..... virginia woolf , room of one's own.. instinct for profession.... jacobin - alive in the sunshine
beyonce - all people on planet working 9 to 5 just to stay alive.. how come
33 min - how to eliminate econ insecurity.. but also how do we build a road to participation..
from basic income.. program i'm critical of... permanent/unconditional/universal.... ie: 20000 to every citizen in u.s. i think macro econ will work against that model.
i study monetary systems... i'm interested in talking about govt spending.. basic premise.. modern econ's are fiat econs.. and fiat currency a public monopoly... so the very argument that govt can't fund public priority doesn't make sense
36 min - you earn dollar, state taxes dollar, fed/govt makes dollar... so how does gov provide currency doesn't corrupt system
37 min - public spending sets a conversion rate... in one money is free.. in other money in exchange for something...
job guarantee, by providing a wage.. situating power of currency in the labor power.. you know what your money is worth, exactly...
we're so drowning...
40 min - on still having to consume with basic income
41 min - eliminating bad jobs... but increase purchase prices that basic income would be used for
job security is counter cyclical..
44 min - on recognizing certain people who need basic income to complement the job guarantee... vehicle to bring people together - its the coordinating mechanism..
45 min - you have to change property rights... can't just guarantee jobs
1:05 - utopian aspect..
looking to places where unemployment is the norm - for rhetoric..policy.. et al
1:06 - jesse asking to hear about job guarantee not as a 9 to 5 ness...
answer - some people really want a job.. to feel they're being productive..
income meets day to day needs... wealth is the freedom...
1:08 - then goes on to the math of it all...
[why spend our time on the math of it all..?]
we need programs to give every american some seed capital
1:09 - a capital society that locks in some without capital is cruel