listen to each other (us ness)
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
7/29/14 6:02 AM
Why Google's best leaders aren't Stanford grads with perfect
7/25/14 5:28 PM
Human the new radical mark - Arabs are Semites too - all are human = your a radical for not normalizing murder @MarkRuffalo @dailykos
7/29/14 6:50 AM
White-collar crime does pay - up to $5,000 a speech.
7/29/14 6:55 AM
Do Our Kids Really Need To Learn How To Code?
In the mid-19th century an English mathematician named George Boole created a basic logical system that could be encoded into ones and zeros. Nearly a century later, Alan Turing proved this logic could be used to create a universal computer and Claude Shannon showed how to encode that logic into electrical switches called logic gates.
7/29/14 6:55 AM
From Russia with Love: A for Disaster
7/28/14 3:05 PM
Four years ago at #NAEH10 @cmtysolutions challenged us to know our vulnerable neighbors. Now 105,000 are housed.
7/29/14 7:00 AM
Crowdsouce mobile phone signal ratings to figure out the best carriers in your neighborhood: #crowdsource
7/29/14 7:00 AM My first Blendspace lesson - creating a space for math study guides for my spec ed kiddos!! #mgsd14siFUN!!! #lovemyteam |
oh my.
7/29/14 7:22 AM
If you're a journalist writing a #sharkweek story, let me help you find a shark scientist to interview! Whysharksmatter at gmail. Please RT!
7/29/14 7:29 AM
"Stop chasing Finland -- or Singapore. Start redesigning schools." @willrich45 at #ettsummit#ettleadership
We are looking for some great, motivated people to join our team @MartinProsperiT -
Original Tweet: Florida/status/ 494128343659192320
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roaming autodidacts don't worry about upward mobility — they're already there. - @tressiemcphd #berkman
Original Tweet: audreywatters/status/ 494164904199196673
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we focus on education policy, not economic policy because "we know education won't push back" - @tressiemcphd #berkman
Original Tweet: audreywatters/status/ 494175239148810240
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"roaming autodidacts" - ideal, self-motivated learner, embedded in the future but disembedded from place — @tressiemcphd #berkman
Original Tweet: audreywatters/status/ 494164362722938880
'Video gives you a sense of the person in ways that other media don't.' - @hrheingold #DMLTrust LIVE on
Original Tweet: TheCLAlliance/status/ 494188196067307521
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Bill Viola: Cameras are soul keepers
Original Tweet: LineDalile/status/ 494449658630918145
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there's nothing more important than being trusted. we edit out the people we don't trust. - @Jonathan_Worth #dmltrust #connectedlearning
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@funnymonkey note this exchange earlier today:
Original Tweet: audreywatters/status/ 494293111405690883
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What 6.9 million clicks tell us about how to fix online education | MIT News Office
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Sierra Leone's top Ebola doctor dies of Ebola
A hero beyond any heroism
Very terribly saddened.
#ajam #ebola #health
Original Tweet: status/494350211087474688
A hero beyond any heroism
Very terribly saddened.
#ajam #ebola #health
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I say, woot & amen: "The internet is still at the beginning of its beginning." You Are Not Late, by @kevin2kelly
Original Tweet: aprilrinne/status/ 494357592559198210
Original Tweet: policy/2014/07/why-one-new- jersey-school-district-killed- its-student-laptop-program/? utm_source=digg&utm_medium= email
Democracy Now! (@democracynow)
7/30/14 6:23 AM
LIVE: Watch our interview with Rabbi Henry Siegman about the situation in Israel and
There is no more determined hacker…than a 12-year-old who has a computer."
Are you listening? #edchat #EdTech
Original Tweet: aronsolomon/status/ 494457387311312897
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Dougald Hine (@dougald)
7/30/14 6:22 AM
“Why don’t you just go back to Britain & tell your government to stop supporting Israel when they kill our kids?” blo…
Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
7/30/14 6:23 AM
Economics for Orcs: how can virtual world economies inform national economies and those who design them? |
7/30/14 6:22 AM
“Why don’t you just go back to Britain & tell your government to stop supporting Israel when they kill our kids?”
7/30/14 6:23 AM
Economics for Orcs: how can virtual world economies inform national economies and those who design them? |
Just like national economies, virtual economies incentivize certain behaviours and discourage others; they ask people to make choices between mutually exclusive options; they ask people to coordinate. They can also propagate value systems setting out what modes of participation are considered valuable. These virtual economies are now built into many of the most popular areas of the Internet, including social media sites and knowledge commons — with their systems of artificially scarce likes, stars, votes, and badges. Understanding these economies is therefore crucial to anyone who is interested in the social dynamics and power relations of digital media today.
his book...?
But in game economies, the economic problem doesn’t really exist. The needs that players experience are contrived, created by positioning otherwise useless goods (magic swords) as desirable status items. The scarcity of resources is likewise artificial, enforced through programme code. If games designers wanted to solve the economic problem, they could do it with a few keystrokes; no markets or other economic institutions are required for this purpose.
Different multiplayer game economies have different aims, but one key objective stands out: the economy helps create and hold together the social fabric of the game. Regular interaction generates interpersonal ties and trust. Having people consume the fruits of one’s digital labour generates a sense of meaning, a sense of a role to play in the community. Division of labour and the resulting mutual interdependence moreover creates solidarity and social cohesion. In short, the economy can act as a wonderful glue holding people together.
Division of labour and the resulting mutual interdependence moreover creates solidarity and social cohesion. In short, the economy can act as a wonderful glue holding people together.
The social fabric is important to game developers, because the stronger the ties between players, the longer the players will keep playing (and paying fees). Some games developers expend considerable resources in their own style of economic research, experimenting with different exchange mechanisms and institutions to find the designs that really strengthen the social fabric. When we examine the resulting virtual economies we can see that their design choices are often very different from the choices that a conventional economist would make.
I will give an example. One aspect of designing a market is designing an exchange mechanism: the concrete mechanism through which the buyer and the seller meet, settle on a price and quantity, and execute the transaction. The simplest exchange mechanism is two people meeting face to face to negotiate a trade, and then exchanging the goods on the spot. A more sophisticated mechanism is an online auction, like eBay. Stock markets use an even more sophisticated mechanism, where participants submit buy and sell offers, these are matched by an algorithm, and trades are executed automatically.
Given that many exchange mechanisms are possible, what kind of an exchange mechanism should be build into your market? When governments and companies create markets they usually turn to microeconomists specializing in this kind of mechanism design. The microeconomist’s answer is that you should choose the exchange mechanism that is most efficient, in the sense of allocating goods optimally and minimizing all transaction costs: in the best case it may not even be necessary for the buyer and the seller to know each others’ identities.
yesterday's knewton ness
Games economists, in contrast, tend to favour exchange mechanisms that involve social interaction; often through a virtual face-to-face meeting, where the tedious parts (explaining item characteristics) are automated, but negotiation over prices and quantities is conducted manually. Some locations in the virtual world often spontaneously emerge as sort of bazaars, where buyers and sellers congregate to search for deals. These double as social hubs where people come to meet friends and put on performances and displays, thereby building social capital. One might later consider one’s trading acquaintances when putting together a team for some quest.
More sophisticated exchange mechanisms, such as auction houses and the commodity spot markets in EVE Online, are also common in games, but they also avoid completely displacing social trade networks. In EVE Online, players must either move around in space or use their social networks to obtain price information from neighboring localities. This way, EVE Online’s developers have struck a balance between efficiency and social ties. One thing that virtual economies can teach is to look for other objectives besides efficiency and output as variables that need to be maximized in an economic system.
Second, even in that greater part of the world where the economic problem still remains acute, it is not the case that we should focus on it exclusively. Poor countries should not have to go through social disintegration to reach economic affluence. Third, as I have already mentioned, games and virtual economies have become significant phenomena in their own right. Their creators are smart people who have developed many economic insights of their own. They are eager for knowledge on how to better design and operate these economies, but conventional economic advice that focuses solely on efficiency fails to address their needs. Economists and economic sociologists should widen their research to develop answers that satisfy the needs of virtual economy designers – and also of a more ‘social’ national economy.
Second, even in that greater part of the world where the economic problem still remains acute, it is not the case that we should focus on it exclusively. Poor countries should not have to go through social disintegration to reach economic affluence.
are we listening to thar..
autodidact s. all of us
idzies post on trust learn
7/30/14 6:23 AM
LIVE: Watch our interview with Rabbi Henry Siegman about the situation in Israel and
7/29/14 8:20 PM
Have Qs about your student loans? Tweet them to us NOW using #AskFAFSA & then join us for
7/30/14 6:24 AM
When the College Admissions Battle Starts at Age 3 via@UpshotNYT
so we zoom out from ivy league obsession..
and realize 2 needs matter more..
7/30/14 6:30 AM
Technology is what it does. Design is what it does for *me*/*us*.
7/30/14 6:30 AM
Amazon offers customized, 3-D printed products:
7/28/14 10:20 PM
Prof. Ilan Pappé: Israel Has Chosen To Be A "Racist Apartheid State" With U.S. Support #Gaza
My Dream Design Curriculum:
If I had to do college over again, this is what I’d take by @joulee
Original Tweet: status/494500144084025344
If I had to do college over again, this is what I’d take by @joulee
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Macrowikinomics Murmuration
Macrowikinomics Murmuration - the epitome of self-organization - via @dtapscott (2010):
Monday, July 28, 2014
This one’s called “Thank You Note.” #newspaperblackout
Original Tweet: austinkleon/status/ 493136548485795840 indepth/opinion/2014/07/how- many-palestinians-been-kil- 2014726131843576945.html 2014/07/24/photo-watching- rockets-flying-over-gaza-from- space/ it-takes-an-ecosystem-the- rise-of-worker-cooperatives- in-the-us
Stigmergy as a Universal Coordination Mechanism - P2P Foundation
Original Tweet: status/493241684314972160
RT @costrike: Time for humane academics to walk away from this broken system.
Original Tweet: status/493248016988786688 mumbai/report-maharashtra- tops-student-suicide-list- 2002506
wrong...? at 17 min - or at least changeable..?
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Stigmergy as a Universal Coordination Mechanism - P2P Foundation
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RT @costrike: Time for humane academics to walk away from this broken system.
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"India lost 2,471 young citizens in 2013 as they committed suicide after failing in examinations. This is up by 10%, as compared to the previous year. Over 2,246 students took their lives after they failed in exams in 2012."
7/27/14 6:26 AM ▶ Rachel Botsman on The Reputation Economy | Am...: Rachel Botsman explores 'The Reputation Economy: Savvy Use... |
wrong...? at 17 min - or at least changeable..?
RT @SultanAlQassemi With @dkobia, co-founder of @Ushahidi at MIT @medialab
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Too good to verify before reporting, apparently -
Original Tweet: ggreenwald/status/ 493517739408232448
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@Annemcx: RT @francescgo IMHO New @Airbnb logo is just a masterpiece <+1 think it's inspired @bchesky"
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Ed tech promoters need to understand how most of us learn #oldaily
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7/28/14 6:03 AM Ugh. RT @RawyaRageh Attackers increasingly using female suicide bombers in #Nigeria.. Third such report in as many days. 7/28/14 5:21 AM “Death to the Jews” chanted the crowd waving the black flags of ISIS. In the Netherlands. 7/28/14 6:13 AM Don’t understand: “To help promote full attendee participation and engagement, Wi-Fi will not be available.”#ourdpsday 7/28/14 6:14 AM Still, I’m excited to take part in #ourdpsday. Wifi or not, learning will be on the agenda! 7/28/14 6:18 AM Just in time! As year looms,chk out step-by-step guide useful for online collaboration in Composition Course |… … their work visible and available. In future classes, I hope to advocate more strongly for making the websites public while addressing students’ legitimate con If I were to do it again, I would implement collaborative inquiry even sooner and consider allowing the websites to serve as, rather than supplement, final research papers. 7/27/14 7:23 AM Focusing only on parks as #publicspace is missed opp to appreciate, capitalize on #community spaces that do exist. The boredom of self-directed learning is very differnt from that of not wanting to do what someone's telling you to do. @SunKPwrz @ongoingly Original Tweet:
"Children are walking around with an underdeveloped vestibular (balance) system today–due to restricted movement….“He is starting to say things like, ‘I hate myself’ and ‘I’m no good at anything.’
And we have to teach kids digital citizenship??? "Wikipedia blocks 'disruptive' page edits from US Congress"
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Wow. "@MelissaLaforge: The word MAKERS is now a drop down option on online dating profiles." @make
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i'll stop tweet for a while because i need to calm down my son after being terrifyed #prayforgaza #gaza #gazaunderattack
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This is not the sun light .. this light of bombs
#Gaza Original Tweet:
The house keeps swaying.
It's not that strong-built. #GazaUnderAttack Original Tweet: |
stephen downes - pursuing interests
when people are pursuing their own interests, they'll find help, they'll try again and again, and they'll figure it out. That's not unusual or innate:that's true of every person.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
3 secrets to practicing self designed learning | Lakshmi Gunashekar | TE...
completing each other rather than competingat swaraj
Saturday, July 26, 2014
#yeswecode v=-KurMqWrXmU#t=123
Bob Moesta (@bmoesta)
7/24/14 8:58 PM
very powerful consequence of this thinking. well worth the 2014/07/16/koch-brothers- education_n_5587577.html
Northern Colorado Regional effort underway for tourism project #noco #loveland via @JessicaMaherRH
Original Tweet: status/492645667517382656
Greg Satell (@Digitaltonto)
7/25/14 6:24 AM
How To Create A Culture Of
Chairman Ryan says he’s driven by evidence and research, his plan would jeopardize basic nutrition assistance for poor children, which research has shown is highly effective not only in reducing child malnutrition, but also in improving children’s long-term prospects. A path-breaking recent study examined what occurred after food stamps gradually expanded nationwide
When a broad array of programs are merged into a block grant, policymakers find it virtually impossible to identify a specific level of needed federal funding — or the likely human impact of program cuts. As a result, the broad block grant often becomes easy to squeeze in the competition for federal budget dollars.
Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
7/25/14 6:29 AM
Evgeny Morozov on the dangers of Algorithmic morozov…
"it’s incumbent upon society’s most privileged to interrogate our values relentlessly, because they are inevitably imposed on others."Y/N?
Original Tweet: status/492432864613769216
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7/24/14 8:58 PM
very powerful consequence of this thinking. well worth the
Northern Colorado Regional effort underway for tourism project #noco #loveland via @JessicaMaherRH
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7/25/14 6:24 AM
How To Create A Culture Of
7/24/14 2:56 PM Here's why the Ryan "Opportunity Grant" would likely result in more #poverty and hardship, not |
Chairman Ryan says he’s driven by evidence and research, his plan would jeopardize basic nutrition assistance for poor children, which research has shown is highly effective not only in reducing child malnutrition, but also in improving children’s long-term prospects. A path-breaking recent study examined what occurred after food stamps gradually expanded nationwide
History clearly shows that when policymakers combine a number of programs into a block grant, federal funding typically declines over time, often dramatically. That has occurred in most broad-based block grants of recent decades. When a broad array of programs are
When a broad array of programs are merged into a block grant, policymakers find it virtually impossible to identify a specific level of needed federal funding — or the likely human impact of program cuts. As a result, the broad block grant often becomes easy to squeeze in the competition for federal budget dollars.
Lest we forget, the nation has made enormous strides in reducing hunger and malnutrition, especially among children, since the late 1960s, when child malnutrition and nutrition-related diseases in some parts of the United States were similar to those in some Third World countries. SNAP’s entitlement nature lies at the heart of this success. The single most troubling aspect of the Opportunity Gr
I thought wasn't true...?
various times over the past several decades that block-grant levels could be adjusted to reflect changes in need. They almost always make such statements in the abstract, however. No one has ever designed a workable formula to achieve that goal, and no experience or evidence supports the notion it can be done successfully. Designing a block-grant formula that would effectively adjust for changes in need as the changes actually occur appears virtually impossible.
so much time investmemt in proving ourselves..our worth
imagine if we called that out
7/25/14 6:29 AM
Evgeny Morozov on the dangers of Algorithmic
There are 18,600,000 vacant homes in the United States. That's enough for every homeless person to have six.
Original Tweet: CovHousePrez/status/ 492669638359416832
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Snapchat stars? Huh. RT @mathewi RT @TheStalwart Snapchat stars are making up to $100,00 per week.
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Original Tweet: the-secret-of-minecraft- 97dfacb05a3c
I’m not a huge Minecraft player myself—my shelter never grew beyond the rough-hewn Robinson Crusoe stage—but I look at those books and, I tell you: I am eight years old again. I feel afresh all the impulses that led me towards books and writing, toward the fantastic and science-fictional… except now, there is this other door.
What’s different here is that Minecraft connects this lure to the objective not of beating the game, but making more of the game.
“Game” doesn’t even do it justice. What we’re really talking about here is a generative, networked system laced throughout with secrets.
@mozzadrella same here. All credit goes to @ashaegupta for excellent curation. Quotes were from this, on minecraft:
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Reply to @mozzadrella @5hreyans
Shreyans Bhansali @5hreyans
@mozzadrella same here. All credit goes to @ashaegupta for excellent curation. Quotes were from this, on minecraft:…
. @jamesrbuk To be clear, I didn't criticize Google. My critique is of a legal regime that forces Google to play this role.
Original Tweet: wales/status/ 492728887605198849
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.@jimmy_wales, who's on Google's independent panel on this, criticises the search giant over "right to be forgotten"
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Facebook & Linkedin: lowest user-satisfaction among social network sites. Both depend on monopoly to hide fragility.
Original Tweet: status/492732229689548801
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depend on monopoly to hide fragility.
"Unless we figure out how to create more inclusive, dynamic and creative #cities we're gonna be in trouble" #NCS2014
Original Tweet: newcitiesfound/status/ 492734782581641216
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@funnymonkey I keep meaning to write about why Glass in edu is horrible. Then I read these stories and know it's so dumb I needn't bother
Original Tweet: audreywatters/status/ 492735115164782592
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unless we get out of the classrooms.. and glass simply becomes a personally fabricated wearable.. for talking to self.. et al.. feeding into ni. no?
@catherinecronin @kshjensen Think this will interest you. Third Space curated resources.
Original Tweet: MaryAnnReilly/status/ 492724393085530113
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Singapore's Early Morning Free Transit Program Has Been a Huge Success - CityLab
Original Tweet: KGreenbergTO/status/ 492786162453323776
Original Tweet: society/life/get-ready-for- generation-z/
.@tbeckett RT @AndyBacker #Supermarket comes up with brilliant way to keep #food from going to #waste. …
Original Tweet: sandymaxey/status/ 493007123316768769
World Economic Forum (@davos)
7/26/14 3:00 AM
Why are "superstar" cities making income #inequality so much worse? #wef
Actually, Harvard economist Edward Glaeser claims that the large poverty rates of central cities are a testimony of their success, not their failure: they attract poor households by catering better to their needs (Glaeser 2011).
Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep)
7/26/14 6:43 AM
Syria's hospital 601, Cambodia's prison S21. Tens of thousands tortured, killed, documented. Crimes against humanity.…
Barry Wellman (@barrywellman)
7/26/14 6:44 AM
2/3 that cut across the traditional concepts of bounded groups (villages, families) & social categories that treat people as #Networked_p 40
Both software and corruption can result in wealth
.@tbeckett RT @AndyBacker #Supermarket comes up with brilliant way to keep #food from going to #waste. …
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7/26/14 3:00 AM
Why are "superstar" cities making income #inequality so much worse? #wef
Actually, Harvard economist Edward Glaeser claims that the large poverty rates of central cities are a testimony of their success, not their failure: they attract poor households by catering better to their needs (Glaeser 2011).
7/26/14 6:43 AM
Syria's hospital 601, Cambodia's prison S21. Tens of thousands tortured, killed, documented. Crimes against humanity.…
7/26/14 6:44 AM
2/3 that cut across the traditional concepts of bounded groups (villages, families) & social categories that treat people as #Networked_p 40
7/26/14 6:43 AM Don’t Chase |
Both software and corruption can result in wealth
isn't part of billionaire silicon valley have (perhaps unknowingly) corrupted ..?
not sharing in returns.. where they received in first place...?
if so...
perhaps just more subtle... invisible... invasive....?
One of the things that makes myths so attractive is that they are not only unknown, but unknowable. It was said that powder made from the horn of a unicorn had magical properties to purify water because… why not? If impure water is a poorly understood problem, a fabricated solution provides hope, not to mention a profit opportunity.
In his book, The Tipping Point
, author Malcolm Gladwell makes the same mistake with regard to social epidemics—viral cascades of ideas that are elusively transferred from one person to another. He writes:
The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts.
He calls this his “Law of the Few” and it is very convincing. We all know people who seem to have rare social gifts, such as those with lots of friends or the gift of gab, and it makes sense that that such “influentials” would play an important role in the spread of ideas. Unfortunately, influentials are a myth.
The truth is that social influence is quite complex and defies simple explanations. Thescience of networks does offer a very effective framework for understanding social epidemics, but it is highly mathematical and somewhat counterintuitive, so most people are perfectly happy to chase the influential myth even though it’s all for naught.
The Washington Post's @BoothWilliam is using the 12-hour cease fire to photograph the devastation in Gaza. Look at his time-line.
Original Tweet: ggreenwald/status/ 493027862606532608
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A great explanation of why collaborative credit is key to solving econ & eco crisis: by @jembendell
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Very interesting @WIRED piece on @tejucole's twitter fiction.
Original Tweet: aronsolomon/status/ 493065049238302720
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Brave New World - the full length 3hr 1980 great movie -
Original Tweet: StonyRiver/status/ 493084869971292160
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"it’s incumbent upon society’s most privileged to interrogate our values relentlessly, because they are inevitably imposed on others."Y/N?
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Anya Kamenetz @anya1anya
thx @sandymaxey i'm trying to figure out if this sentence says what i want it to say. Which is that the folks on top define "success".
@anya1anya I've been wrestling w/this from an actionability/on-the-ground perspective. Hierarchies give way to new levels of hierarchy.
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