Tuesday, February 28, 2012

lean on me

playing for change

mark pesce

Mark Pesce (@mpesce)
2/26/12 8:45 PM
#HYPEREMPLOYMENT, my keynote about the future of work, for Service Skills 2012 is UP -thenextbillionseconds.com/sample-page/hy… - plz enjoy & share!


Tomaz Lasic (@lasic)
2/26/12 12:21 AM
This is what our school is about! Put two telling clips on front of our Moodle smylcc.moodle.com.au Our own kid's work to come.

lovely Tomaz.. 
and Dennis..


jeff lebow

aup, dress code, class rules, house rules...etc:

seriously? how do teachers learn that?

47 states.. common core.. lovely

love it drew - give me a little more background on your question.


eli regalado




600000 with some college no degree

12 mill 3 yrs ago
6000 students

karl fisch

on plc vs pac

i'm all about learning..
but perhaps the a for assess, represents self-assessment.. which i believe is a big missing component today.

what would happen if none of us (all people) didn't have anything to prove... giving us more time and desire and .... to self-assess. ongoing. like always.


Between the By-Road and the Main Road: A Sorrow that Weeping Cannot Symbolize: John Stein...

Between the By-Road and the Main Road: A Sorrow that Weeping Cannot Symbolize: John Stein...: Oranges (2.2012 by M.A. Reilly) February 27. John Steinbeck's birthday. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Steinbeck said: "Litera...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Seth's Blog: www.stopstealingdreams.com is ready to read and share

Seth's Blog: www.stopstealingdreams.com is ready to read and share

reading it now..
nauseating me because it's so spot on. and why are we still going through the motions..

adding my questions (things not setting well with me as i read) here:
449 of 1882, 24%, or #32 (great idea Seth) - we can teach kids to engage in poetry, to write poetry, and to demand poetry - or we can take a shortcut and settle for push-pin, youtube, and lolcats..

[wondering about either or in the Mill's human vs pig thinking. wondering if we're assuming pigs because we've never really experienced freedom to be. we're always in situations of having to prove, and so never really ourselves, because we're tired, or burnt, or whatever..]

interesting: harvard business school turns out management consultants in far greater numbers than it develops successful bootstrapping entrepreneurs.

#34 - sudbury - spot on... if a school is seen as a place for encouragement and truth-telling, a place where students go to find their passion and then achieve their goals, it is not a school we would generally recognize, because our schools do none of this.
students ask for teachers when they wish. they play soccer if they choose. they take responsibility for everything they do and learn, for the age of six. and it works.

being off the hook is a key element of the industrialized school's premise.
the future is  not your fault.
oh.. in exchange?
your dreams.

back to questioning:
what we do need is someone to persuade us that we want to learn those things, and someone to push us or encourage us or create a space where we want to learn to do them better.
why?.. why would we want to find the sq root of a number or sharpen an axe?

#45 - hmm. interesting.. winning the parent lottery or not.. fitting with our redefinition of nclb.

end of #70
teachers aren't given time/resource, or, most important, the expectation that they should sell students on why.
[i think they shouldn't... they should be setting kids free to find out their own why...? - motivation has to come from inside.. no?]  71 - why settle for a lecture.. even..?  73 - hw problems? why..?
74 - why would we need a classroom monitor, shuffler of paper, traffic cop? in this new school.. that's part of the new, none of that needed. let's find that "lesser" teachers gift. no? no students will be stuck .. what is stuck? i think our curriculum, and our belief that people have to prove themselves creates - stuck..]

Saturday, February 25, 2012

carl rogers

his wikipedia page

“A person cannot teach another person directly; a person can only facilitate another's learning” (Rogers, 1951). 

thank you Amy

bret victor

so cool... what he's showing with code.
finding a principle - is a form of self discovery
via monica anderson on fb..
more from him previously..  kill math

stephen hurley

Stephen Hurley (@Stephen_Hurley)
2/25/12 1:05 PM
Most sobering statements heard this week at an education research conference: "We really don't know a lot about how people actually learn.

royston hunget

lovely Royston.

john lennon

tan le

just do it.. and don't be what you're not.

being an insider can so easily mean collapsing the horizons..
accepting the presumptions of your province

most of our ideas were crazy, but a few were brilliant, and we broke through.

i am afraid of privilege of ease, of entitlement, can i give them a bough, dipping bravely into each wave.

govt moneys


ridiculous .. almost 900 bill in 2010 to Ed
1 trill to health...

buffet.. you're missing the best business deal ever.
one that would please your philanthropic heart as well...

one that would please all hearts..

more on funding and tests, et al



annie_keeghan - afraid_of_your_childs_math_textbook_you_should_be

my response.. that I couldn't post .. no login capabilities..
no doubt ridiculous. could it be the ridiculous will help to purge some things (ie: math textbooks, publicly prescribed curriculum) that are no longer boding any of us well...?

this from dan meyers post today

Alex peake


they got 170,000 off their 100000 goal...
they are all about interaction.. action.. sharing..

via uncollege

Friday, February 24, 2012

jared polis

jared Polis (@jaredpolis)
2/24/12 4:19 PM
Obama makes progress cutting red-tape & bureaucracy "telling every agency to slim its rule book" economist.com/node/21547799

ethan zuckerman

DML Central (@dmlcentral)
2/24/12 4:23 PM
How to use media to amplify community voices bit.ly/w1x5aO via @EthanZ and@knightfdn and @elisewho


@rogre @irasocol Did you see this? "Against TED" http://t.co/E2t4ZBUo See also an interview with the writer http://t.co/oXPerG6P (choose Feb 23)

john t spencer

letter to himself at 14

ugh john.
why must we just say you will be ok.
why can't we be more about setting people free. to be ok now.

i love your letter.
and your heart.

thank you for sharing it.


steve collis

linguistics of tweeting texting

dennis littky

on future of ed

via Steve:
control is often a short cut for me

via Dennis:
so must about trusting the student.
you have to control if you don't trust
everything is about a community - very transparent - so if anything you do affects the community..

piece from dick ellmore's book.
what i understood then and what i understand now
in younger years.. knew it was a game
worked with deb sizer at brown
if we didn't know there was such a thing as school, what would it look like, what's best for kids
wasn't about tests, grades, going from class to class
it's about helping a kid find their interest, put them out in the real world (not class - real world is across the street)
how do you know the kid well... small group in 9th grade that stays with one teacher for 4 years.. a lot of small schools where everyone knows everyone well, and let's have kids best teacher, their parent, enroll as well

why not happening more? seems so logical. - because we can't stop adding the list of basics.. and it's the only thing we know.. so rather than change.. we keep on .. and keep adding to

ugh.. has kids still work on common core.. because knows that is important

what are you willing to fight for

[personally - i don't think it's expanding, because we haven't had tech, perfect timing, etc, before, perhaps, but mostly, because big picture still clings to core curriculum]

research on validictorians... 10 years later.. 10% had read a book
start school at 9. 9-930 team meeting, then back to advisory, 17 kids, 10-12 individual work, 12 lunch, 1 on individual work, couple times during week.. book walks
that's mon, wed, fri, come back together at 230, and hw is individual, depends on what they are doing
extended day for 9th graders, till 5pm, writing, to boxing to zumba dancing
parents come in at night
on tuesday, internships (advisor sees 4 sites that day), everyone an iep
before kids graduate have to write a 75 page autobiography (steve asked if teachers do as well.. dennis, no, but that's a good idea)

17 years..
how do college admissions
if you want to get into a college, get an interview
i really care about how these kids are doing at age 30, not 17

real way to learn is to learn anything and study it deeply

wondering if now 17 years later.. we could continue your work with less (meaning no) emphasis on core.. what do you think Dennis?

ivan illich

chapter 6 of deschooling society
learning webs
Many teachers and pupils, taxpayers and employers, economists and policemen would prefer not to depend any longer on schools. What prevents their frustration from shaping new institutions is a lack not only of imagination but frequently also of appropriate language and of enlightened self-interest. They cannot visualize either a deschooled society or educational institutions in a society which has disestablished school
we can depend on self-motivated learning instead of employing teachers to bribe or compel the student to find the time and the will to learn; that we can provide the learner with new links to the world instead of continuing to funnel all educational programs through the teacher. 

via thomas

lena corinna



thanks Alex.


collective impact

stanford social innovation review: collective impact, by john kania and mark kramer
These leaders realized that fixing one point on the educational continuum—such as better after-school programs—wouldn’t make much difference unless all parts of the continuum improved at the same time. No single organization, however innovative or powerful, could accomplish this alone. Instead, their ambitious mission became to coordinate improvements at every stage of a young person’s life, from “cradle to career.”

imagine strive without an agenda. 
imagine not separating, this is for ed, or this is for the river project... just.. this is life. let's collectively determine how to live. by listening to ourselves individually and collectively.

These varied examples all have a common theme: that large-scale social change comes from better cross-sector coordination rather than from the isolated intervention of individual organizations. Evidence of the effectiveness of this approach is still limited, but these examples suggest that substantially greater progress could be made in alleviating many of our most serious and complex social problems if nonprofits, governments, businesses, and the public were brought together around a common agenda to create collective impact. It doesn’t happen often, not because it is impossible, but because it is so rarely attempted. Funders and nonprofits alike overlook the potential for collective impact because they are used to focusing on independent action as the primary vehicle for social change.
Funders search for more effective interventions as if there were a cure for failing schools that only needs to be discovered, in the way that medical cures are discovered in laboratories. As a result of this process, nearly 1.4 million nonprofits try to invent independent solutions to major social problems, often working at odds with each other and exponentially increasing the perceived resources required to make meaningful progress. 
crazy... going for social change.. keeps you from measuring a kindergartners readiness...
it's like that's too small. we can't be small.

funding collective impact initiatives costs money, but it can be a highly leveraged investment. A backbone organization with a modest annual budget can support a collective impact initiative of several hundred organizations, magnifying the impact of millions or even billions of dollars in existing funding. Strive, for example, has a $1.5 million annual budget but is coordinating the efforts and increasing the effectiveness of organizations with combined budgets of $7 billion. The social sector, however, has not yet changed its funding practices to enable the shift to collective impact. Until funders are willing to embrace this new approach and invest sufficient resources in the necessary facilitation, coordination, and measurement that enable organizations to work in concert, the requisite infrastructure will not evolve.


yeah. imagine beyond this collective impact.. via calling into question our assumed defn's of achievement and success. no?

from heather.

phill pappas

excellent man. grazie.
his book
i feel as though everyone has some adhd (and all our labels to some degree, ie: introvert from reading cain), either that or i just happen to have everything in me.

excellent advice for meta learning
that charles phillips talks about as well.. in a great interview with uncollege

some of my favs from Phill:
take the helm of your own intellectual ship. 
right now, ask yourself: what other things can i do? refrains from asking, what other things should i do? you should do whatever ti si that you can do, first.
the freedom of self-control. knowing this feeling is pretty amazing
understanding why you do what you do can only lead to improvement
when you are trying to get things accomplished it is best to keep your mouth shut about it. don't tell others. don't even say it out loud. it has to do with feeling like you have accomplished something by simply saying it
please take care of yourself
athletics are fulfilling. you learn a lot about yourself when you push your mind and body. you learn how far you are willing to go, and how much pain you can take.
embrace your energy
people with adhd: the faster operating system of the human race, and society has simply refused to change for us.
(i'm really believing that all our labels, esp ones we label as disabled, are really super powers. are we listening deeply enough to them? ie: carly, etc)
my productivity increase when by days are packed. i am always happier when i have more to do.
yeah.. get the book.. get one for a friend..

charles phillips

great insight from his interview with uncollege

I’ve since learned that before you argue with someone, ask them to explain your viewpoint FIRST. If that person truly cared about honest, intellectual debate, he/she would’ve researched your side of the argument.
Of course, none of them had read anything against going to college. So, I didn’t try to convince them. The best I could do was point them to the same articles I read and try to educate them. I refused to dive too deep into the argument until they opened up. None did, so I made the decision on my own.  
In my experience, the hardest thing for a self-learner is meta learning, i.e. learning how to learn. If you’re coming out of the American school system, you’ll realize really fast that learning isn’t about how well you can regurgitate information on a test. I think it’s important to know how your body/brain works so that you can understand your behavior and learn to manipulate it.
‎”Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live.” – Nicolas Chamfort

great insight into meta learning.. via Phill Pappas... 

venessa miemis

when passion isn't enough

just finished Phill Pappas's book, one page at a time: getting through college with adhd
some very poignant actionable wisdom. esp in regard to the post above.

wondering if we all have adhd (as we label it) to some degree...


jacqueline novogratz

as i keep up on all that this lady does, esp via acumen fund, ... i'm blown away.

when i keep up on all we spend on ed, but in ways that never reach kids or learning.. i'm blown away.

from her latest letter:
When preparing for the West Africa launch, I came across the following quote by Ghana’s founding President, Kwame Nkrumah. He stated in his Christmas Eve address in 1957:
“We shall measure our progress by the improvement in the health of our people; by the number of children in school, and by the quality of their education; by the availability of water and electricity in our towns and villages, and by the happiness which our people take in being able to manage their own affairs.  The welfare of our people is our chief pride, and it is by this our Government will ask to be judged.”
In this, President Nkrumah could have written Acumen Fund’s mission statement. We cannot and must not allow ourselves to be controlled by capital but must instead control it as a tool to better humankind.  We aim to build a global community of companies and individuals with a shared vision of a single world in which all may flourish and we will not stop until we have succeeded.  Thank you, always, for being a part of it.

we know better.
let's boldly change things up for good. 


Thursday, February 23, 2012

tests and moneys

Cost doesn't spell success for Colorado schools using consultants to improve achievement

They are among the 5,000 worst schools in America, where the percentage of kids who can read or do math at grade level often hovers in the teens or 20s and only about half graduate.
These schools are sharing $5 billion in federal tax dollars in a massive, three-year rescue effort, but no one nationally is tracking how the money is spent and no one can say whether the influx of cash will end up helping kids.
A Denver Post investigation found one clear winner so far: consultants.
In Colorado — one of the few states willing to tally such spending — consultants are taking home 35 percent, or $9.4 million, of the $26.6 million that came to the state from the U.S. Department of Education in the past two days. The money is buying instructional coaches for teachers, leadership coaches for principals, analysts to pore over test data and pricey three-day professional-development seminars on changing school culture.

we are crazy people.
we've forgotten how to think. how to question. how to be bold.
this is silliness.

5 billion to prove we can do something most of us don't even believe in.
5 billion to make sure people can at least on a test at one point in time, rationalize a denominator.

oh my.

here's per kid and 2010 showing almost 900 billion to ed.


khan academy


incredible.. until end..
But it’s not Sal’s fault. It’s ours. We have allowed desire to trump reason, and a rose-colored media narrative to overshadow everything we’ve learned about how students learn (not to mention our own common sense). We’ve begun to beat the drums, and that rarely turns out well. There’s no question that we have a crisis in education, but fixing it requires more than a Wacom tablet. To address our challenges, we need to do what every other successful country has done: invest in professional development; give teachers more time to collaborate; and provide them with resources that help them not only meet the learning standards, but exceed them.
why the focus on pd for teachers... very disheartening..
why aren't we questioning what we mean by.. "what every other successful country has done"
successful by what merits? what is success. why are we not addressing that..
what do we mean by "not only meet the learning standards, but exceed them."
what standards? whose standards? ours?
why aren't we asking that as well.

why are we being so bold to question khan, yet heading right back to what he came in to rescue..
It’s worth remembering the origins of Khan Academy. Sal started the site to help tutor his cousins in math, not to become the so-called “Moses of math education.” And yet that’s exactly how we’ve coronated him.
and yet.. in the end we're right back there.. getting teachers ready to do just the same.

let's focus on self-assessment..
with nothing to prove to others.


jabiz raisdana

Jabiz Raisdana (@intrepidteacher)
2/22/12 12:57 AM
If you have to teach someone how to use a tool, do they really need it? Don't we learn how to use what we need on our own?

lucianne walkowicz

the sky is inherently democratic

you can't see the stars if you drown them out with light

the experience of looking up



1. ask questions
2. solve problems
3. tackle projects
4. find passion
5. independence
6. being happy on own
7. compassion
8. tolerance
9. dealing with change

let's redefine nclb to be unschooling such as this.. no?

thank you Julie.. posted on fb on lab page


kelli anderson

via cogdog

the world is full of order that doesn't necessarily deserve our respect..

mess things up and do things better with the pieces of life,
hidden talents of everyday things

reconsider the vast properties of common place experience
try to do something better by doing something more absurd

the more an experience repeats itself, the less it means.

we have all these assumptions.
paper is silent
websites are flat
newspapers state facts

we sleepwalk through the assumptions about the authority of media

we never see the stories we want to see.
did a paper with only good news

we suspended people in this strange mental space

leverage a pathway that no one expects.

reject normal order..
 avenue to better is through a million teeny tiny disruptions of whatever sits in front of you

lovely dear..


brian cox

via john hagel

everything is connected

via Walter McKenzie on fb
via Teri L Selstrom-Walker



hmm. so much focus on proving ourselves. leaves us with little to prove.. i'm thinking..

pdf of senate bill 10 191

so help me here.. is this one real? no student left untested
The reason for this urgency was to secure $700 million promised to the state by the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program, contingent on the state’s creating a plan to evaluate teachers in relation to their students’ test scores.

colorado-passed-sb191-via karl fisch

perhaps we take a little step back, breathe a little, and notice what we're doing to ourselves.
perhaps we focus on what we're aiming for for our kids.. self-directed learning.

perhaps the assessment we need to focus on is a self-assessment.

or - maybe we  just keep spending 700 mill on things that can't be done, can't be fair, can't be good for us, and are guaranteed to keep us enough insane to keep from thinking of other ways to live..

tell them what's up Nick...

note to karl:

curious if we could possibly, boldly, reclaim ourselves. if we could pause long enough to notice how ridiculous we've become. [ie: is this real? http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2012/feb/21/no-student-left-untested/]

if we're seeking self-directed learners, key to that is, can they self-assess. seems appropriate then, to not only model, but believe that for ourselves.
i'm suggesting, a better way to evaluate - would be to focus on self-evaluation. we have so much evidence that outside evaluations are the most inaccurate. and even worse, that they create spaces of tension. we need to focus more on spaces of freedom, less on management.

imagine all we would save in people, time, money, if we weren't obsessed with proving things. and if we focused more on learning than on instruction.



chris guillebeau

how to write a book

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

kristen adloch

oh my dear. you are brave.
and beautiful.
beautiful soul.


mary ann reilly

oh.. how i love this Mary Ann..
child in the city.. (colin wardish)
street play


Seth's Blog: Engaging with criticism

Seth's Blog: Engaging with criticism

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

diana rhoten

Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

convo we haven't had:
roll of tech..
not diff in tech, but diff in what they conceive to be the pedagogy and epistemology of ed

we've assumed we're talking about the same end goals.. and not so true

in dml 2012 - let's unpack our assumption of what are the primary purposes of learning, where does it happen, how does it happen

back convo up to that..
maybe we have differences of opinions...
this is a large scale problem
innovating a system... we need to understand where we can create this ecosystem of connected leaerning

call topics for conference...
this challenge is about large scale innovation, bold redefinition of ed and learning
practice and philosophy, people in it, content and experience, access and outcomes to and of

rather than picking one particular niche

making and tinkering, democracy, re-imagine content/context, implications for public ed

many convos have been outside of school system, how do we bring it into the system
that's where the majority of youth are, so need to focus there.

cool jets - Diana says, ...want to be provocative in the sessions..

k. glad i just bought my ticket.


james paul gee

we run video games in our heads to think...
comprehension is grounded in perceptual simulations (of experience) that prepare agents for situated action               -barsalou

everything about the brain says.. you're not going to learn anything unless you choose to.
then our system says everything against that..

kids who are 7 master yugioh
rules written at super phd language..  reading college level
every piece is married to a physical action in the game, and completely
explicated in the movies
lucidly functional
that's the way physicists look at language

can kids mod their curriculum in school?

success today, you have to have grit (passion plus persistance)
no one is putting in 10000 hrs of practice unless they have a passion.

how do we give kids grit.
how do we get them to find a passion.

if you're just giving skill and drill - not doing any better than books in school.

you too can be a star if you want to put in your 10000 hrs of passion.
expertise is not individual.. tied to community.
affinity spaces:

learning is an individual responsibility, but proactively ask for help
collaboration is essential
everyone still a learner

how many of these 10 features are still in school.

question - taking game and putting it into school... not enough freedom
now that we know how this works for learning, can we bring it to school or destroy school as we know it.
gee - we need to break the mold of schooling..
this is where he says learning has to be by choice, and the system says it doesn't matter, doing it anyway.
please make games that break the paradigm,,, don't make trivial pursuit games, et al, that keep the paradigm of school as we now know it ongoing.

dang.. this is from 2009


mimi ito

karen brennan

eli regalado

on entrepreneurship

sandy maxey

Sandy tweets: a must read BuildingNetworks pdf

her site: daring to be seen, and disrupt u

other tweets from her.. this day..
Unemployed distressed by inability to contribute. Huge loss of connectivity RT@LiamDelaneyEcon A case for workfare? stumblingandmumbling.typepad.com/stumbling_and_…

Beyond the skills mismatch meme: "The country has more than 20 million people who could use a job" Only 3-4mill jobs. washingtonpost.com/opinions/job-r…

sandymaxey (@sandymaxey)

"Widespread confidence that going back to school is a sure path out of unemployment rests on a shaky foundation" washingtonpost.com/opinions/job-r…

chrisflanagan (@chrisflanagan)
@sandymaxey Curious if students would say the same thing. Would be interesting study and area to capitalize on related to new ed models.

whitney johnson


"A minute can be a lifetime" http://bit.ly/Ayn8n7 -- @fsonnenberg v @johnsonwhitney
"Learn to treat time as personal capital.  Invest it wisely." 
http://bit.ly/Ayn8n7 - @fsonnenberg v @johnsonwhitney
"If grades were given out for listening, would yours be passing?"
http://bit.ly/Ayn8n7 - @fsonnenberg v @johnsonwhitney
"Trying to do everything yourself is not good management, it is an addiction."
http://bit.ly/Ayn8n7 - @fsonnenberg v @johnsonwhitney
"Character in the long run is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike." 
http://bit.ly/Ayn8n7 - Theodore Roosevelt via @fsonnenberg


Seth's Blog: The map has been replaced by the compass

Seth's Blog: The map has been replaced by the compass

Monday, February 20, 2012

tweets feb 20

Roberto Greco (@rogre)
2/19/12 4:05 PM
"[T]o follow a distraction requires independence & disobedience…"nytimes.com/2012/02/19/opi

falling back in love with mother earth.. i think this was from David Hodgson on fb

Chris Lehmann (@chrislehmann)
2/19/12 7:06 PM
My must read tonight: @teacherken has a brilliant letter to @BarackObama from a teacher:ow.ly/9afok

dloitz (@dloitz)
2/20/12 1:54 AM
RE-IMAGINE TEACHING By Julia Putnam | Boggs Center - › An older woman spoke of leaving the corporate world... tmblr.co/ZfO8WyGjFmNx

Jose Baldaia (@Jabaldaia)
2/20/12 1:34 AM
RT @ralph_ohr: Interesting post from @guardian: cn creativity save the business world? -bit.ly/xyum0t #innovation

umair haque (@umairh)
2/20/12 12:43 AM
Excellent. RT @nikluac: RT @mendozamedia: Thoughtful review of Gary Hamel's latest book, What Matters Now bit.ly/xyswV5

Phil Shapiro (@philshapiro)
2/19/12 9:10 PM
I love listening to cello duets with just one cello. tinyurl.com/7ohdce5 see alsotinyurl.com/3qrk632

loveland man wins oscar

umair haque (@umairh)
2/19/12 11:47 PM
Corpocracy is really a set of values. Like spending your life meekly taking orders to buy and sell harmful, pointless shit.

umair haque (@umairh)
2/20/12 12:08 AM
The people formerly known as the middle class. Wronged victims, gullible rubes, coddled losers? You decide.

Christopher Johnston (@chrisjohnston)
2/19/12 9:27 PM
Mooresville School District, a Laptop Success Story ow.ly/9akhY Stories like this give me hope for education

Big Think (@bigthink)
2/19/12 6:05 AM
Distraction Is a Virtuebit.ly/yx6Jtz

Fred Bartels (@fredbartels)
2/19/12 6:00 AM
It's worth contemplating the word "civilized" and its sibling "civilization". en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilizat… It's all about living in a #macroorganism

Bernd Nurnberger (@CoCreatr)
2/18/12 8:02 AM
RT @zshahan3: New “Flow” Battery Does that Cheap Energy Storage Thing dlvr.it/1CvX9k#renewables


Saturday, February 18, 2012




via @ethanz
if i can't dance.. i don't want your revolution...

love comes down to you.

a cultural challenge.. crossing our fingers that we will all rise up to meet it


Saul Kaplan (@skap5)
2/18/12 8:43 AM
Anthony Shahid wrote this incredible article before he died last week in Syria. Will miss his clarity. ow.ly/1GznDJ

do we get exponentiality?

i'm thinking many of us don't really get the power of the exponential curve.
i think too many of us still see exponential as parabolic.
i think many of us get to that point of inflection, and it's hard getting there, no doubt, and we think, even though parabolic is great, it's not linear, right, and that, well dang, we just can't keep up this pace.
i think if more of us could see what it's like past that point of inflection, we would quit less.

there are so many amazing people, dreamers, et al, quitting, right when they've ended the hardest part of the journey.

i can't wait till more believe this.. get it.
such an unleashing.
i can't wait till stress in people is overcome by peace in people.

a lot of that has to do with the feeling of having to prove ourselves.
i think i've spent 40 years feeling out of sink. feeling dumb. well maybe i was just dumb at being other people. maybe i was just not good at following the plans others laid out for me.
if you feel like you don't have to prove yourself. well - that's huge. competition is out the door.
and you fall in love with those countless others, and their dreams. and you see the connectedness of it all. and you quit quitting, and you quit wasting time playing defense, and having pity parties, and ... whatever it is that you do when you don't feel like you get to be you.

the web is letting us communicate with each other in ways we haven't been able to before. it's letting us get closer at seeing each other's hearts.
that's huge.
George Barnard Shaw is happy as a lark. because people are starting to realize that communication has no definition, no end, it's perpetually creating, it's vulnerable in each new context, ...

and that. we. is the point of inflection.
it's a volcanic hotbed.
we get to choose.
will we grant ourselves spaces of permission to be us. will we spend out energies/moneys/etc on restorative niches. will we embrace the mindset, that we don't have to prove anything. well, because mostly, we can't.

if so,.. game on. and up. rampant speed. mach speed.

via Frank Verheijden (@frankverheijden)
2/18/12 4:36 AM
Martin King (@timekord)
2/18/12 4:43 AM
USB Stick sized DNA machine can sequence human genomes in hoursgoo.gl/ZvRui

The diplomacy of knowledge goo.gl/SpvQ5 via@timekord

unprecedented rates of change. 

you coming with?


Simon sinek




Friday, February 17, 2012

venessa miemis

this lady is brilliant.
she goes to places we just talk about.

grazie dear Venessa... for the work you do and for the insight your transparency brings to others..



dave pollard


There are many ideas for how we can collaborate ("do") together more effectively. But how can we just BE together more mindfully?



Glenn Moses (@mrmosesdotorg)
2/16/12 9:56 PM
Guest Commentary: Opting out of CSAPsdlvr.it/1CdjDC


michael wesch

gardening on solsbury hill - gardner campbell

something about being in those spaces of permission, where you don't need to prove yourself.
adrenaline to the soul.

this is what matters.
this is what we should be about.

this is what we can be about.
we can.

thanks guys..


Seth's Blog: Music lessons

Seth's Blog: Music lessons

Seth's Blog: The illusion of privacy (and what we actually care about)

Seth's Blog: The illusion of privacy (and what we actually care about)

or perhaps even better, perhaps, we learn that transparency is the new currency, and we learn to revel and respect it. let it change us into what are hearts are truly craving to be in the first place...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

transparency the new currency

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
2/15/12 3:26 PM
No @UNESCOnow. You have to tell the truth to survive in an era of transparency. The full email trail is here:wikileaks.org/WikiLeaks-deno…

david loitz

dloitz (@dloitz)
2/16/12 12:59 AM
Education as a Essential Gesture of Human Existence wp.me/pPx06-oa via@wordpressdotcom

whoa from sept 2010.

no more waiting..


game on

ah.. huge grazie Bob Sprankle.. for dropping this by my way..

let's not spend our time waiting..... for life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

howard gardner

via @budtheteacher "the present problem . . . . is to get to work on tomorrow's computer and tomorrow's university. . ." http://t.co/0d0NaxnU

Yet I take the spirit of Licklider’s words to be that when we aim to perfect our lectures, assignments, and grading, we may (and typically do) neglect our own eagerness, our own continuously creative brains, and the prime pedagogical directive of education: to create situations that stimulate curiosity and self-directed, intrinsically-motivated learning.

are we really supposed to create those situations? or get out of the way of them happening. just be on call for the happening of them..  modeling them happening in us alongside.
why must curiosity be stimulated?..

michael wesch



coffee shop

Sinan Si Alhir (@SAlhir)
2/14/12 6:11 AM
@jhagel: Coffee shops rule - exploring models for enhancing the social by @stephentgobit.ly/wi1jYZ

Sinan Si Alhir (@SAlhir)
2/14/12 6:11 AM
@jhagel: “nothing more beautiful than way ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.” Sarah Kay”