Sunday, June 5, 2011

mark pesce

just finishing up The Playful World...

play = advanced experiment

is Nicholoas Nigroponte a prototype of Joi Ito?

don't care about gizmo's - just want to connect

anything known to anyone, anywhere, has become indistinguishable from what you know.
we are one

the real world, when touched and played with , is the best tutor.

concrescence: the production of novel togetherness. as things grow together, they become a new, unique thing. elements that seem unrelated can though time emerge as a whole.

changing what we know b transforming how we come to know it...

as the children of the playful world grow,... their language and customs may be sgtrange to us - but not because they are bad or immoral; they simply reflect a deeper understanding of the world we have created for them.

for we have given birth to our teachers.