Tuesday, December 28, 2010

scott stratten

video on his book - unmarketing  - is perfect for advice educators

don't be hypocritical.. don't market in ways you hate to be marketed
people do business with people they like they trust and they know
people trying to find other ways to interrupt you..
more people registered for the no interrupt data base than to vote in the last 3 yrs combined..
listen to that

marketers are very self-serving.. need to look at customers.. humans function off validation
engage/listen, build a relationship

easiest thing to fix right now.. listen.
stop marketing.. and really listen

go where they are talking.. you can't to the thing anymore.. i don't like twitter i don't like facebook, well your market does, over 400 mill on facebook, go where they are, show up and listen and engage, you can do that right now..
