Sunday, December 5, 2010

notice dream connect do

i'm noticing how easy it is to think you're changing, when you're really just tweaking a bit. i think it's because we believe we should change, but we don't trust completely, so the compromise occurs

i'm noticing that the premise behind the computerbased math via Conrad wolfram, that we spend 80% of our time doing calculations, only one of four main parts to math, is the premise to life. i'm noticing even more than before James came, how much time we spend on what we don't want to do.

i'm noticing that the more you gather in your head.. from unlikely places.. from global voices... the more you are able to zoom out and notice the misuse of resources.. esp of people..

what makes us happy - is having a say in how we spend our time and in what we are about.. i'm noticing most of us are bound by things we don't really want to be bound by.

 i'm imaging a space where that doesn't happen, a space where the 20% google time is all the time.

i'm imagining freedom from the things we think we have to do, the things that take up most of our day and freedom to appear inefficient

connecting with the writings of hagel and brown, the power of pull, and with kevin kelly, what tech wants, and with the thinking of my students and james bach as they converse with each other. with myself.

i'm chilling a bit.
i'm embracing natural instincts more, and voice more. i'm trying to listen better. .. zoom out more.

i'm going to try to channel my current thinking into tutorials of some sort - via James -
1) how to do the seemingly impossible
2) how to mentor/facilitate

i've been spending a ton of time this semester videoing and regurgitating conversations. i need to create something about that as well. i think that's an incredible means to insight..
