Wednesday, July 22, 2009

network no longer scam only

growing up for me - when you heard "network" - it registered as "scam" - using others to get rich quick.

today - we see the good side of networking.

the teacher's dilemma - inability to tailor learning environments to 100+ kids... now can come to fruition with the use of personal learning networks. (plns)

wieman speaks of expert individual tutors.
christensen speaks of tailored modules - kid-centric/created.

because of the web - we are now able to create communities/public that can differentiate to the nth degree for our students. gosh - let's not miss it.

richardson advises on best practices with pln's for students. we need to model how to create/experience them:
1) safely
2) ethically
3) efficiently

any educator not involved in at least one pln (whether or not online) - give it a shot. i'm thinking it's the change you are looking for. it was for me.

together we are more.