Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Where 2012, Adam Greenfield, "Ultramapping: The New Geospatial Awareness"

you are here.. now unfolding in all kinds of dimensions..  - Adam Greenfield

Saturday, December 27, 2014

sam richards - empathy

can you (we) go there..?



More than a course: a new @YongZhaoUO article with notes from  @boadams1 on the meaningful @MViDiploma #middlegrounds

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:0 Inside Out looks brilliant

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‘The Case Against Torture’  same director as for the Aaron Swartz movie

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Director Brian Knappenberger, whose film The Internet's Own Boy was just short-listed for an Oscar, has released...

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What if @SeeClickFix had a application customized to coordinate lost children/elderly search and recovery efforts?

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Ten year anniversary of the Tsunami. I was there. Here is my story-

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Jesus, I'd missed this piece from two weeks ago. Mark Bittman gets it.

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“I believe that deep within our being as a nation there is a longing for a moral movement that plows deep into our souls,” he writes. “We are flowing together because we recognize that the intersectionality of all of these movements is our opportunity to fundamentally redirect America.”

Meanwhile, the credibility of those who argue that employers “can’t afford” to raise pay — McDonald’s paid its C.E.O. $9.5 million last year — is nil.

shared on fb by jabiz
Here's to hoping that somehow sharing these articles will help these poor people.

"El único objetivo de la educación es tener al hombre en la condición de continuamente hacer preguntas"

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"Any kind of consciousness that is not related to the production or consumption of material goods is stigmatized in our society today"

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Revisited Hawking's BHOT. Here I make the case for why time is an illusion, & not a real property of the universe:

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Cheryl McNeil Fisher (@CherylMFisher)
12/27/14 4:50 AM
@ShiftParadigm I had 2 lose my sight, 2 see what was Right in front of me.
Trust intuition. 
Stop trying 2SEE.
Amazing what what U'll SEE

deray mckesson (@deray)
12/27/14 7:33 AM
See, there are some black people who now work to discredit the movement simply because they have no "power" within it. Tragic.

Michael Boezi (@mboezi)
12/27/14 6:26 AM
“Whose Life Are You Really Living?”…quoting @umairh

Pasi Sahlberg (@pasi_sahlberg)
12/27/14 7:34 AM
In 2050, you might want to be living In Helsinki - smart, car-free city… via @FastCoExist @pekkasauri
The city's vision was all based on detailed feedback from current residents. "In a couple of months we were able to gather over 30,000 markings made by thousands of people," says Manninen. "The answers have been published as open data for anyone to use. This is one aspect in which we have been showing the way for many other cities that are dealing with questions concerning public participation."
Helsinki's draft plan for 2050 will likely be approved next year, after more citizen feedback.
Quinn Norton (@quinnnorton)
12/27/14 7:35 AM
I've been thinking since they started that the fastest way to destroy ISIS would be to recognize them.…
deray mckesson (@deray)
12/22/14 9:45 PM
Blessed are those who still know love despite facing such sustained evil, for one day you will know the joy of freedom. #Ferguson
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/27/14 8:35 AM
The key to everything: "Designing Great Feedback Loops"…
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/27/14 8:36 AM
"The poetry of life must not be replaced with matter-of-fact prose." Steve @SirKenRobinson @jhagel
Molly Crabapple (@mollycrabapple)
12/27/14 8:44 AM
The recent arrests for posting "threats" against cops online are exactly why I'm against asking for police to deal with online harassment
Lisa Duggan (@motherhoodmag)
12/27/14 8:44 AM
All the world's a social media platform and we are merely commentators.
off duty officer
So key: MT @BenedictEvans W/ fundamental tech change, we don't so much get our predictions wrong as make predictions about the wrong things

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Video statements for by @carneross @EthanZ @jonl @mbauwens @ppolitics @rushkoff etc. Playlist

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55% of experts canvassed do NOT believe an accepted privacy rights structure will be created in the next decade.

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The Future of Privacy Must read. #education #parenting #edchat #edreform

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@BillieWhouse Hey you're the number 14 top influencer in our wearable tech landscape 2015!

Full analysis:

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Interesting read: 4 Things Employers Look For When They Google You #psd70

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@audreywatters @Bali_Maha Any time you edit someone else's page you're automatically forking; you edit in your own space (forked copy).

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Holy crap. This @SeeClickFix thing really works!

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Democratic Housing in Edinburgh

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"You can tell a lot about a country by who is in jail and who is on book tour," @jeremyscahill

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Video Explains the Importance of Subsistence Land Commons

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RT pls: Community w a big C: Hacking homelessness @LavaMae @FeedingForward @HandUp @lesamitchell @mbauwens @javicreus

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I just noticed that Chrome keeps about half a gigabyte of cached material on a windows machine (under "AppData/Google.") Interesting. A lot.

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“The vote is unprotected, jury system a sham and schools are holding cells. Here's what happens next”

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"If you're feeling fear and despair, your mind narrows down to very safe and conservative ways of thinking."

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5 min on the finger for 50000  yen "Decarbonizing, Democratic Smart Communities."

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What has hitherto been absent from Japan’s – not to mention the global – debate on smart communities is an explicit statement that their core is energy. What has also been missing is a powerful engine for their diffusion and democratization. We are now getting both from the Japanese, and at a time when these are undeniably urgent matters for all countries.
Consider the confused international debate over smart cities. LSE Senior Urban Fellow Adam Greenfield, in his “Against the Smart City,” lambasted such corporate-led, resource-intensive smart cities as Songdo (South Korea) and Masdar (Abu Dhabi).37 Greenfield’s work lacks, however, engagement with the imperative of building resilient decarbonizing smart communities in the face of extreme weather, unsustainable energy, and the numbing prospect of large infusions of greenhouse gases associated with India’s and China’s mega-urbanization. 
popular movements have not been very successful in leading an energy shift or articulating a vision of resilient, decarbonizing and democratic smart communities. Yet as the stadtwerk-centred smart communities unfold, civil society may be empowered to act more decisively. That is, popular movements, local business, and other elements of civil society will create roles for themselves in the emerging institutional context and economic opportunity.

Cities stand to be empowered to ensure that the community's interests are served by the interests running their core lifeline infrastructures.

Read the story behind the "I Can Breathe" shirts and the guy who took the picture. Fascinating.

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On Alan Turing, #BenedictCumberbatch, & Ada Lovelace

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All cities have tons of learning opportunities. Why we need networks to connect them all: @afterschool4all

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“Schools themselves have intellectual capital,” she said, “but a city’s ecosystem has so muchmore of it. Why are we keeping it so separate?”

Khan Academy founder has two big ideas for overhauling higher education in the sciences

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@Jessifer @Bali_Maha @chris_friend TBH everything on my blog is for me; if someone else gets something out of it, nice.

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Time for change. #SameAsItEverWas #IAmTheChange #StartToday #NoMoreKilling

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The anti-ethnic studies law passed by the state prohibits teachings that "promote the overthrow of the United States government," "promote resentment toward a race or class of people," "are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group," and/or "advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals."

In 2010 the sixth circuit upheld the firing of high school teacher Shelley Evans-Marshall when parents complained about an assignment in which she had asked her students in an upper-level language arts class to look at the American Library Association's list of "100 most frequently challenged Books" and write an essay about censorship. 
fatally, the court concluded that "government employees… are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes." While the sixth circuit allowed that Evans-Marshall may have been treated "shabbily", it still maintained (quoting from another opinion) that "when a teacher teaches, 'the school system does not "regulate" [that] speech as much as it hires that speech. Expression is a teacher's stock in trade, the commodity she sells to her employer in exchange for a salary.'" Thus, the court concluded, it is the "educational institution that has a right to academic freedom, not the individual teacher."

At the "life celebration" for the untimely loss of Brother Mike Hawkins here at Chicago's Little Black…

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Incredibly balanced and thoughtful @VanityFair article on the digital future of humanity

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Police departments are *faxing* each other potentially life-saving information, in 2014

Why the sharing economy could be the internet’s most divisive revolution yet

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it has become easier to create businesses linking people who want to be on either side of a deal. In effect, it seems every transaction can be managed by a sort of dating site.

Driving down the cost of taxis encourages people off buses and into taxis. That means you’re actually using more resources, at an overall higher cost to everyone because you have all these people owning and running cars.”

Everyone involved agrees that these businesses look unstoppable. The question is how far regulations will shape them to behave more like the traditional businesses that they’re trying to supplant.
Ed ness

It might be possible to restore lost memories | KurzweilAI

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Dance like nobody's watching, write emails like mail servers get hacked. -@collision | @tom_peters

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deray mckesson (@deray)
12/22/14 9:43 PM
Blessed are our critics, for you keep this space honest as we work to build a new future together.#Ferguson

Amy Goodman asks: Would the United States allow a film that was about the assassination of a U.S. president? (Watch)

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Dennis Littky spreading the word about Big Picture Learning in India with Manit Jain and Smriti Jain of Heritage...

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"Today’s decision strikes a blow to protest movements at the very moment we see how essential they are"

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Occupy-inspire hackspace / community center in Oakland - looks likea  great project @miniver via @tunabananas

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Cybersec firm Norse not only says the Sony hack was an inside job, it ID's an ex-employee who probably did it. @CBS:

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

tweets et

posted on fb by carol
"Among Inuit and Sami people, there is an explicit need for children to learn self-regulation. Adults keep a reticent and tactful distance. A child "is learning on his own" is a common Sami expression. Sami children are trained to control anger, sensitivity, aggression and shame. Inuit people stress that children must learn self-control – with careful emphasis. The child should not be controlled by another, with their will overruled, but needs to learn to steer herself or himself."

Anyone interested in addiction or changing the world watch bbc3 at 9 tonight please. Let me know what you think.

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uk only

The Nation Magazine reviews Arundhati Roy's excellent new book: Capitalism: A Ghost Story:
"Tens of thousands of dead, tortured or 'disappeared' Kashmiris constitute a large and bloodied blot on the face of the India."

Skype debuts instant translation feature

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spanish and english

L'Amérique de la guerre froide et la contre-culture RT @fturner: Tomorrow The Democratic Surround goes live in Paris:

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Wikipedia editing disputes: The crowdsourced encyclopedia has become a rancorous, sexist mess.

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for the people, a job merely serves as a conduit for income, and consequently, the crisis is not an “employment crisis” but an “income crisis.”

“Unemployment is not a disease that needs to be cured by creating more employment. Unemployment is the cure. So we devised a better system.”

+100 RT @NickKristof For the same reason tht the Taliban attacks schls-education undermines extremism-we shld B supporting global education

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oh my.

posted on fb by swaraj
These places are a must visit; not just as a tourist attraction but to learn from them.

Lennon Lacy. Google his name. Lennon Lacy.

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@Lessig my god this is hard to watch. #BarrettBrown on #AaronSwartz before it got tragic. He was so, so right: …

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Must read RT @maassp The Sound of Torture. My latest for The Intercept.

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RT @amarashar: Successful Tech Requires An Old-Fashioned Skill: Organizing People - Great piece from @cbracy

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.@amygoodman_DN says when a people are surveilled, they are more closed and less creative. Do we want a country of sheep?

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After getting the #flu shot, an 18-m-o died from the #flu: @WalshCBS4 at 5p with more. #Colorado #health

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I will be in Berlin at the end of January for @transmediale let me know if we should cross paths there.

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Conceptually I'm still bouncing off the walls after and next step is a #CheapID revival

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Framework for a Strengths-Based Society | emergent by design

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These are the school children who were attacked in #PeshawarAttack today. Hold your heart people. #IndiawithPakistan

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Facebook Starts Auto-Enhancing Photos Because Algorithms Are Better At Filters Than You | TechCrunch

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Thank you @BillGates: Good News You May Have Missed in 2014 well done @mcarthur @mattbish cc @YGLvoices

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MOOCs on a plane! Coursera & JetBlue announce partnership via @DegreeofFree #MOOCs #onlinelearning

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Aramaic du Jour: the greeting marhaba comes from Mor (Lord) 7obo (Love).

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“They [terrorists] entered our classroom as we were sitting with our teacher,” said Irfanullah, who was shot in the chest and is currently recovering in hospital. “She seemed to understand what was going on before we did because she immediately stood up and prevented the terrorists from targeting us,” he added.
According to a tearful Irfanullah, Ahmed told the terrorists that she would not allow them to shoot her students. “She was so brave,” he said. “Her last words to the terrorists were: ‘You must kill me first because I will not see my students’ bodies lying in front of me,’” he added.
Irfanullah says the Taliban didn’t seem to care about anything she said and immediately threw something on her body. “The next thing we knew, she was on fire,” he said. “Even while burning, she shouted at us to run away and find refuge.”

shared by bruce on fb
It is time (IMHO) for THIS conversation citizens. Excellent read, perspective, civic lubricator!

Our two keynote speakers have been announced! @Zeynep Tufekci and Jeff Hancock #CSCW2015

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After watching the moving performance of "Be Free" on Letterman, I decided to cover it my own way.

I always tell people, I write almost everyday, but most of it never sees the light of day(the irony).

The significance of the Sony hack is what comes next. They just signalled to others: hacks are mighty effective.

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This happens rarely, but @TEDTalks published references for @jeremyphoward’s talk. There are nice reads

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I've got some friends on this list of promising social media apps - Heard, in particular:

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  1. Heard is a social news network that vets sources while preserving anonymity. The platform allows for dynamic, free-flowing social conversations similar to those seen at a party where crowds gather around storytellers, and form and disperse naturally as conversations change. The app uses matching and reputation engines to help content find the right audiences, without users needing to search, follow, or friend others.
  1. Meetey is a location-based app that lets you share and enjoy moments happening around you. The network creates a quick and easy way of connecting and engaging with people in the area. Users are also able to share and consume local content in the anonymous mode. Meetey is launching at Web Summit and aims to be the “go-to” app when you want to see what’s happening in your area.

@holden I think this loose experiment with the happening is actually really good. It's NOT a course. It's a figuring-out

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@audreywatters @holden i have a #fedwikihappening project for us, Audrey - let's update the Impostor syndrome page together?

With as many injustices as there are in the world, to make others feel guilty for not rallying behind your cause is naive and a bit selfish.

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this message is fractal-ly fitting for school.. no?