Sunday, August 31, 2014

Short Film - Class of Rowdies

i just created a space where no one is judging them...


too much


Saturday, August 30, 2014


User-Generated Content Portal Wikia Raises Another $15M To Crack Into Asia @jimmy_wales

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MT @simonsinek: Fight against something and we focus on the thing we hate. Fight (strive!) for something and we focus on the thing we love.

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Chilling effect: @ALSassociation files trademark for #IceBucketChallenge, though it didn't create the viral campaign

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New docs show @GovChristie cut $1B from schools & spent $1B on fees to Wall St firms - many which are GOP donors

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Dr. Khan, of Sierra Leone, was invited to spend the summer at Harvard, but he stayed to fight Ebola. He died at 39.

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Here are my SOLUTIONS to POLICE VIOLENCE #Ferguson #CureViolence

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I am not sure that all the war reporting has added anything to what Euripides had to say, & Hepburn gave voice.

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marion chapsal (@MarionChapsal)
8/29/14 1:55 AM
I like that : “The day before something is a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea”. Peter
too much focus on future of.... business.....?

Chris Rauschnot (@24k)
8/29/14 3:33 AM
'Unborn' baby turtles talk to each other before hatching… via@CBCTechSci #nature

Tobias Marchant (@uandptobias)
8/29/14 3:32 AM
Plans for a new garden city

Harvard University (@Harvard)
8/29/14 6:54 AM
Harvard researchers may have found new treatment for PTSD and other memory-related

Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep)
8/29/14 6:54 AM
And world. RT @RobertMackey ICYMI Ahmed Seif al-Islam Hamad, Pioneering Rights Lawyer, Mourned by Egyptian Activists

Joseph Willits (@josephwillits)
8/29/14 5:04 AM
We were shocked at 1,000 #Syria refugees. Then 10, 100, 500, 1 million, 2m, now 3 million. Still 'just shocked'?

my way around degrees and requirements; certificates offered by UTexas, designed by my team

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I choose awe over bureaucracy. This week's column for @Beingtweets: #health

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i don't ever want her to think that i hate half of her

"Gaming’s most pervasive issue isn’t corruption, but the people who’ve taken ownership of something that isn’t solely theirs to begin with."

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I'm biased in all this as I quit my job because I decided more control over my time was more important than more money.

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Syrian refugee influx into Lebanon: "the equivalent of having the entire population of Mexico entering the US"

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Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar)
8/26/14 6:38 PM
“secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting. For some it's a Broadway spotlight; for others a lamp-lit desk." #leadfromwithin

J.D. Stein (@jdstein)
8/30/14 6:48 AM
iTunes New & Noteworthy and What's Hot algorithm appears to have gone retro. Featuring mostly defunct podcasts.

TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered)
8/30/14 6:50 AM
QAA to investigate University of Bedfordshire Saudi students’ exam

Maria Popova (@brainpicker)
8/29/14 9:28 PM
The psychology of
Ever since psychology godfather William James first expounded the crucial role of habitin how we live and who we become, modern psychology has sought to figure out how we can rewire our bad habitsmaximize our willpower, and use habits to optimize our productivity. And yet, if the market for self-help books and to-do apps and productivity tools is any indication, a great many of us still struggle with either understanding the psychology of habit and willpower or applying it to what really matters

..a great many of us still struggle with either understanding the psychology of habit and willpower or applying it to what really matters. 

 In one study of self-control, participants first had to resist the temptation to eat chocolate (they had a radish instead); then they were given a frustrating task to do. The test was to see how long they would persist. Radish-eaters only persisted on the task for about 8 minutes, while those who had gorged on chocolate kept going for 19 minutes. The mere act of exerting willpower saps the strength for future attempts.

The mere act of exerting willpower saps the strength for future attempts. These sorts of findings have been repeated again and again using different circumstances.

and/or takes you away on the edge ness. ie:follow the radish zapping energy.. making me less alive
2energy types... 1 for supposed tos.  1 fir can't nots

"@GSWSyndicate: We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom. Leo Tolstoy"

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"We are passing to our kids a system that does not work." Please take 2:46 to watch and support. #mayday

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A piece in @TheEconomist about the future of #STEM with me and @anya1anya: @cetesse @osmanrashid

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That’s why we have to test the tests—to see what the outcomes of our measurements are in the real world. And if those outcomes don’t match what our tests tell us, then you need to change the instrument. If we designed a different kind of assessment to get at what Rita and I both see as a very fluid and collaborative process of sense-making and understanding, we’d have a very different world. 

like lessig - fixing the system - rather than scraping it.. or at least a much deeper prune - refocus

For example, it’s a known fact that most pre-med students fail their biostatistics class. 

working toward biostatistics class...?

But, given the fact that corporations writ large don’t really have an impetus to educate people around the kind of skills that Anya and I have been talking about, I would ask: “Where are the critical life skills going to come from? Who’s going to actually educate these people?” 

oh my.

The laudable side is where they want to provide context and focus on outcomes, where they’re fostering skills they’re want and need to see in the workforce. 

workforce..? as a focus.. ?

There’s a reason education is a public good, because things that are publicly funded are things the market does not provide, and I think it’s very important to maintain that distinction—as it has been historically, so should it be in the future.

i think/hope this what i meant by above. public isn't centered on workforce ness - it's centered on - what it means to be human and alive.

An interview with @BKpub authors Margaret Wheatley and @dfrieze on the relationship between community and eduction.

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Delighted to have been on @pritheworld discussing twitter, diplomacy & leadership in the digital age:

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"I think we’ve seen a real change over the past decade in the way our traditional institutions — the institutions of diplomacy and institutions like NATO — communicate and engage," says Nicco Mele, a professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and the author of “The End of Big: How The Internet Makes David The New Goliath.”
But while the methods of communication have changed dramatically, Mele warns that regulations and norms have not kept up. "It's easy to think that Twitter is not a formal space for communication, but it can have unintended consequences," he says. "These words carry weight."

The Democratic Surround: An Interview with Fred Turner @fturner (Part Three) via @henryjenkins

Jeff Roberts@jeffjohnroberts

Law geeks: here's the deep-dive into why PACER is so screwed up…

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rosewater TRAILER 1 (2014) - Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal, Jon Stewart Drama HD


"Unless we figure out how to create more inclusive, dynamic and creative #cities we're gonna be in trouble" #NCS2014

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The people I make websites for look at me funny when I tell them my goal as a technologist is to make myself obsolete.

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"MIT Students Can Get 'Credit for Reddit'"

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Autodesk Foundation (@AutodeskFdn)
8/26/14 6:50 AM
Are cities ready to host their own crowdfunding platforms? @Citizinvestor weighs in

"It's going to take a handful of cities doing a significant number of projects [before it really takes off]. If you only have two or three projects per city, it's hard for it to grow quickly in that geography. It's going to take a city doing 25 or 30 projects in one year, so you can give citizens more choice."

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
8/27/14 6:36 AM
UK extradition act changes as a result of abuses in #Assange and other… More:…

Previously an application for asylum submitted after the issue of an EAW would stop a person being extradited until it was decided. Now, extradition cannot take place until any asylum application has been determined, no matter when it was issued.
Again, it is difficult to know how these provisions will be interpreted, and it is likely to be some time before a sufficient body of case law is built up to enable anyone to predict the outcome of an individual argument with any degree of certainty.
isn't this part of the problem.. older data leading to assumption

MIT Media Lab (@medialab)
8/18/14 1:35 PM
Labbers @natematias@erhardt, & @peteyreplies are fellows in the new DERP initiative, researching online social data

So honored and excited: Walkable City is Cleveland State's 2014 Campus Read! 1500+ freshmen reading it. Can't wait to visit.

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70% of my s's know someone killed due 2 violence-s's believe is true in all schools. Is this true in ur S? Please share #edchat #ferguson

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"We had a lot of trouble with western mental health workers who came here immediately after the genocide and we had to ask some of them to leave.
They came and their practice did not involve being outside in the sun where you begin to feel better. There was no music or drumming to get your blood flowing again. There was no sense that everyone had taken the day off so that the entire community could come together to try to lift you up and bring you back to joy. There was no acknowledgement of the depression as something invasive and external that could actually be cast out again.
Instead they would take people one at a time into these dingy little rooms and have them sit around for an hour or so and talk about bad things that had happened to them. We had to ask them to leave."
~A Rwandan talking to a western writer, Andrew Solomon, about his experience with western mental health and depression.

80 percent of organizations are turning to citizen developers to drive innovation via @physorg #ibmbluemix #bluemix

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White House brings in CMU comp sci professor to advise staff (via @dexter412)

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just released: Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence’ w/ my collaborators @lrainie @helloinyoung @kristenpurcell

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An informed citizenry depends on people’s exposure to information on important political issues and on their willingness to discuss these issues with those around them. The rise of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, has introduced new spaces where political discussion and debate can take place. This report explores the degree to which social media affects a long-established human attribute—that those who think they hold minority opinions often self-censor, failing to speak out for fear of ostracism or ridicule. It is called the “spiral of silence.”

Self-segregation on social networks and the implications for the Ferguson, MO story:

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The realisation that data produced by everyday appliances, smart toothbrushes or smart toilets, can be monetised has produced an interesting resistance against the data-hoarding attitudes of Silicon Valley giants, who mint billions while we only get free services. 

Google integrates data from different streams — self-driving cars, smart glasses, email — and its helpfulness is a function of its ubiquity. To get the best from it, we should let Google’s services fill in all the vacant areas of our digitised everyday existence. The size of Google’s data reservoirs makes competition unrealistic, a point not lost on smaller companies. The other option is to follow the populist calls of Pentland and Lanier and thwart Google’s ambitions by insisting that data automatically belongs to the users, or demanding that they at least share in Google’s profits.

 the future offered to us by Lanier and Pentland fits into the German “ordoliberal” tradition, which sees the preservation of market competition as a moral project, and treats all monopolies as dangerous. The Google approach fits better with the American school of neoliberalism that developed at the University of Chicago. Its adherents are mostly focused on efficiency and consumer welfare, not morality; and monopolies are never assumed to be evil just because they are monopolies — some might be socially beneficial. For all its claims to innovation and disruption, the contemporary technology debate neither innovates nor disrupts: in assuming that information is a commodity, it operates firmly within a sole neoliberal paradigm.

As Fred Wilson, a prominent venture capitalist, put it recently, “when we reach a place where systems are truly self-governing and self-regulating, we will not need regulators” 

Some technology critics, with their laments of cultural decline enabled by Twitter and e-books, are partly to blame. Instead of engaging with attention and distraction socio-economically — as was done with earlier media by Walter Benjamin and Sigfried Kracauer — we get Nicholas Carr, with his embrace of neuroscience, or Douglas Rushkoff, with his biophysiological critique of acceleration (8). Whatever the salience of such interventions, they end up decoupling the technological from the economic, so that we end up debating how the screens of our iPads condition the cognition of our brains — instead of debating how the information gathered by our iPhones conditions the austerity measures of our governments. To be critical of technology today should mean questioning how it and its boosters let the current system buy more time, and stave off an even more existential crisis.

Went on @HuffPostLive to talk about NSA's 'secret Google' & its significance: Thanks to @AlyonaMink for having me.

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Gotta love that we're now being described as "The Intercept, the news website recently banned by the military."

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James Risen Case: Why Obama Wants This Journalist In Jail - Business Insider

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The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Most Popular Physics Book Ever Written, Now Completely Online

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It'd be great if Twitter weren't such a sweet platform for abusers, but we all know the problem is bigger than one service's abuse policies.

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About | Ciudad Escuela 15muebles

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Duh. RT @justintarte: Google has figured out that grades and GPA are worthless... #sblchat #unionrxi

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MIT Media Lab (@medialab)
8/18/14 1:35 PM
Labbers @natematias@erhardt, & @peteyreplies are fellows in the new DERP initiative, researching online social data

Yet smaller is relative: Reddit may be a shrimp compared to Facebook, but with 115 million unique visitors every month, it’s still a sizeable community. And so Derp aims to offer “a single point of contact for researchers to get in touch with relevant team members across a range of different community sites.
“We envision that this will lower the friction to investigating these sites in more depth, and broaden the scope of research happening within the academic community,” the organisation says.

World Economic Forum (@Davos)
8/28/14 6:25 AM
The human right to access the internet is only enjoyed by a minority: @AFJellema, WWW Foundation #wef#NETmundial

World Economic Forum (@Davos)
8/28/14 6:47 AM
Outcome will be function of self-organising, critical mass, rough consensus: Richard Samans, #WEF Mg Dir#NETmundial

Ana Maria Menezes (@anamariacult)
8/28/14 6:48 AM
How Open Badges Could Really Work In Education: Higher education institutions are abuzz with via @Edudemic
unless... credentials (as we know them) aren't what matters.. and are getting in the way..
unless... curricula (as we know them) aren't what matters... and are getting in the way..
we're living in a time we can (finally) unleash all this. let's not miss it with shiny..

Bob Price (@BobPricepln)
8/28/14 6:33 AM
Just showed a colleague my Open Backpack. Interest in @OpenBadges increases by 300%. Building a case by stealth.
yeah. like that. shiny.

Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida)
8/28/14 6:49 AM
RT @GOVERNING: Unlike most mayors, L.A.'s is sweating the small stuff. Is his vision big enough?
For generations, ambitious mayors and governors all over the country have followed a common playbook: Pick a few key priorities and push to get them through early in the first term, while political capital remains high. That was the way Garcetti’s predecessors as L.A. mayor approached the job. Both Antonio Villaraigosa and James Hahn focused immediate attention on a single cause. For Hahn, it was expanding the police department; for Villaraigosa, it was gaining control of education.

@brainpicker hey chica, would you be up for facilitating a little panel discussion amongst our lovely @Wisdomhackers in NYC in Sept?

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Surrounded in the Key of B Flat

Running like a fool.
In a circle.
The same circle

Oh shit ...

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Wall Street Journal (@WSJ)
8/28/14 6:26 AM
Breaking: Vivendi says it will enter exclusive talks with Telefonica to sell Brazil unit

Syamant Sandhir (@syamant)
8/28/14 6:48 AM
A Handcrafted, $7,500 Yurt That’s Far Cooler Than Your…
According to Forget, the idea of a guaranteed basic income “seems to come back every 20 years … There has been perennial dissatisfaction with social programs,” she said. “Everybody is always looking for a better way of dealing with these issues.”

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


@umairh @ValaAfshar interesting how these skills are not predetermined by having money - illustrates the problem of capitalism, right there.

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great stuff. “@ValaAfshar: What leadership skills do you need the most?
Story image

"No, you think about it." David Lynch on where ideas come from: via @holdengraber.

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No Request is Too Extreme

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.@QueenofSpain Brilliant. I love how you sought and found healing.

Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. - James A. Baldwin

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from doug belshaw:
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.  (Albert Camus)

US mom publishes DNA info about people she doesn't know in an Ethiopian village. That's ok, right? cc @zeynep

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What I've Learned from Two Years Collecting Data on Police Killings

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NEW #ConnectedLearning 'Personal Story' - Building the Conditions for Creativity in the Classroom

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This photo captures the grief of #MichealBrown 's father at the burial. (Photo by Richard Perry, AFP/Getty Images)

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Technogianism "Win-Win Ecology: How The Earth's Species Can Survive In The Midst of Human Enterprise"

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Remember that @EdgeRyders trip to #Belarus? Some early fruit (see context.) Interesting!

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Det största sveket i skoldebatten är att alla tycks förutsätta att våra elever ska fortsätta gå till samma gamla skola i ett decennium till.

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The greatest betrayal in school debate is that everyone seems to assume that our students will continue going to the same old school in a decade to.

MBAs must focus on cities

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Stephen Downes (@oldaily)
8/18/14 1:27 PM
One chart that debunks the biggest myth about student loans
TED News (@TEDNews)
8/18/14 1:31 PM
“Bigotry cannot survive experience.” Be the first to read this powerful story from
UN Foundation (@unfoundation)
8/18/14 1:31 PM
"A challenge w/ sustainability is that many see it as being exclusively environmental" Elizabeth Thompson#MDGMomentum (via @climasphere)
UN Foundation (@unfoundation)
8/18/14 1:32 PM
RT @BillGates: Depending on where you live, cooking, sex & pooping are either 3 of life's pleasures or what kills you
Robin Chase (@rmchase)
8/18/14 1:32 PM
How many (& what is growth of) engineers worldwide contributing to FOSS? @saschameinrath @cshirky@timoreilly @Linux @corbett3000 @zittrain
CSU Warner College (@WarnerCollege)
8/18/14 1:29 PM
100,000 Elephants Killed in Africa, Study by @ColoradoStateU @GeorgeWittemyer Finds - ABC via @ABC
GOOD (@good)
8/18/14 1:33 PM
How a grad student's unlikely @ArgusRadio became the most important #Ferguson…
Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) 8/26/14 6:10 AM Another day, another big civilian apartment building in Gaza purposely destroyed by Israel: 40 more homeless families…
Will Richardson (@willrich45) 8/26/14 6:11 AM BBC News - US schools to have non-white majority Changing culture. #edchat
approaching beige.. r brand
Dezeen (@Dezeen) 8/26/14 3:29 AM Google forced to add steering wheels to driverless car designs:…
Autodesk Foundation (@AutodeskFdn)
8/26/14 6:50 AM
Are cities ready to host their own crowdfunding platforms? @Citizinvestor weighs in
@blaine on co-stuff in London, is where I'd like to go.

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