Saturday, December 31, 2011

umair haque

vow @CoCreatr

kinder and retirement home

malcolm bellamy (@malcolmbellamy)
12/31/11 12:24 AM
Kindergarten in a retirement home proves a hit with young and old… via @globeandmail

zac chase

Zac Chase (@MrChase)
12/31/11 12:23 AM
Things I Know 357 of 365: It begins and ends with the


lessons learned from khan academy - via josie fraser

curious what success rates would be if the courses were per choice.
so crazy how we use data. how we trust it so much..

amanda judd

how cool is she...

both from here

via this 
@CoCreatr @monk51295 @venuex in my most productive times I work towards  a passionate concept, often with a made-up checklist, sometimes without.
and this
@venueX click on an experimental adventure @monk51295 @cocreatr chiming in on   productivity conversation while ringing in 2012



Alain de botton

kathryn schulz

loved her Ted on wrongology... now this one as well.

thank you for sharing Ryan bretag
Ryan Bretag (@ryanbretag)
12/31/11 5:53 AM
Just watched Kathryn Schulz: Don't regret regret wisdom

notice what we regret most... education.. no where near money.
and often our Ed decisions are base on potential moneys

Harold jarche

via @jhagel

Cathy davidson

Are Babies Racists? Learning How to Pay Attention in a World of Difference | HASTAC

Friday, December 30, 2011

finnish schools

goal wasnt excellence.. it was equity

there are no private schools. Ed thru higher Ed is free

Cristina Milos (@surreallyno)
12/31/11 6:07 AM
Forget comparing with Finland - it is a different culture. via @HeidiSiwak #edchat #must-seevideos

amanda judd

aka @venuex

link straight to it

she explains further..
venueX @monk51295 when i was making it, i was involved in the marking. the gestures and the marks left by those gestures. it started as a list.
venueX @monk51295 of what is necessary. the barest elements to survive that one needs and most likely must purchase. it is an incomplete list.


Kio Stark (@kiostark)
12/27/11 6:01 AM
The idea that we don't have a class system is "the most dangerous lie the country tells itself." @cshirky

is it equality we're after - or equity?
equity doesn't seem to mean equal.. and seems to honor more the thumbprint.. the culture of each culture, the culture of each individual..

cathy davidson

30ish posts from 2011

in regard to badges.

just met with alex and ruby of hourschool.. their new site shows classes taught and taken. you can then link to people who were in the class.. etc.
wondering if that might be a good means to resume or whatever..

listening to cormier today..
talking about peer review, and facts, etc.
and he said, (this is my interpretation and possible misrepresentation - as always - no?)
that out of those systems... we have created for credentialing, et al..
we come away not with something necessarily true, but rather with something we have validated.

fitting with kids impression that 75% cheat or cram the night before tests.. so the test score may validate something on a piece of paper, diploma, etc.. but it's certainly not in truth.. of what a person knows... etc

our consumerism, our consumption, or addiction to validation..
that's a good question.. a good wondering.. where is it taking us.. what has it made us..
must we continue in its pursuit...


julia fallon

last post i titled mother teresa - came from julia.
guess i need to title them her..

“I don’t know how to save the world. I don’t have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all of Earth’s inhabitants, none of us will survive—nor will we deserve to.” -Leonard Peltier, Prison Writings: My Life is My Sun Dance

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. -Henry Ford (via @zen_moments)

mother teresa

Love begins by taking care of the closet ones -- the ones at home. -Mother Teresa

stephen downes

Harold Jarche (@hjarche)
12/30/11 6:09 AM
deep, well-researched blog post counters unfounded MSM newspaper criticism of NB education system

still don't get why our conversation revolves around pisa, around math that most people don't use. on tests that can't possibly be accurate...

really great video.. but still talking schools steeped in math, literacy, etc and requiring community involvement.
the compulsory piece is compromising.
and maybe i'm reading that more than it's there.

curious about this

and very curious about comparisons anyway.. what is up with best. how much is really subject to a culture.. not that rigor isn't desired... but curious about natural rigor in an environment without assuming some thing as everyone's success

oh.. so many questions.

kenneth bernstein

aka @teacherken

healing the heart of democracy

his book

help us find the courage to create a politics of the human spirit.

mary bahus-meyer

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  said,  "Our goal is to create a beloved community, and this will requirea qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives". 

thanks Mary..

ray rafiti

on wolves

Wolves cause us to examine our values and attitudes.  Paul Errington wrote, “Of all the native biological constituents of a northern wilderness scene, I should say that the wolves present the greatest test of human wisdom and good intentions.”
Aldo Leopold, father of game management in America, said, “Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left. That is to say, you cannot love game and hate predators; … The land is one organism.”

so much to learn about each one of us.. our culture. what happens when we strip that. when we don't listen to our own rhythm..

Wolves remind us to consider what is ethically and esthetically right in dealing with natural systems.  As Leopold wrote in his essay “The Land Ethic,”  “A land ethic …does affirm (animals’) right to continued existence…in a natural state.”  He concluded, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community.  It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

Jared polis

mtg with him next week. thank you Barry.. and tim...

via Spencer poston

dave cormier

on rhizomatic learning with jeff lebow

via siemens.. rhizome has the same dna.. so stays within itself

so then - extending the  metaphor beyond that..
it's not about content..
the nomad takes up that role..

then you are in a weird place where you are trying to use words for things that weren't intended.

big on no definition..
doesn't need to be broken down...
it's not really a model... or a learning theory.
i can tell you the story of what it means.. how it applies.
but not defining it and putting it in a box.
don't know how to talk about that.

it suits crazy thinkers
allow for a lot more chaos.. (sounds like mary catherine bates.. talking about throwing herself into the vulnerability of context)

we think of ed as a sanitary process. when looking at theory.
but realistically - the rest of the world isn't like that at all

so much of what the process is about is about transparency...

connection between nomads.. a guild type process... the other - a more community model

hmm. interesting.. "if you're going to have a course... stay within the garden"
appreciative inquiry - a way of doing strategic planning

otherwise - it's just a coffe shop convo.. or the internet.
this really works.. so how do i get it to work on purpose

talk about syllabi and not curriculum (wesch? editable)

keep assignments vague. but structure is not?

oh i love it.. don't believe in facts

you black box it - but does that make them true?
more like handy short hands to allow us to talk about things

why lie and then unlie through the process

no need to nail things down and make them true.. proof helps to steep up power..

[this is all me trying to capture what he's saying.. not necessarily what he's meaning.. ]

findable - you already know what it is
discoverable - flip through and find things you didn't know existed

we think of things as facts in order to get permission to do things.
do everything the same.. just that the right answer is never there, nothing is ever true.. it's always changing/becoming

better at making decisions.. really making connections faster
weighing all things available and finding a pattern, a way.
but don't see the world that way. life is messy. not concrete.

evidence is good.. but none of those pieces of evidence leads to things that are true, real.
the usage of any word you use.. are built on a whole bunch of other premises

when you start trying to measure things
very useful to talk in that way - and probably things are like that..
these facts are just short forms that are useful
they are theories - the best understanding that we have of the thing right now.

look at the craziness that  happens when we claim facts..

oh wow.. at the very end by john 1:07 -
how would we make judgments..
as soon as we assume that facts are real.. we lose sense of reality.
the framework changes reality, changes truth
john - we're not going to collect facts with judgments.. people say that's risky - where are your facts..
dave - peer review, etc, process, helps to weed things out.. but it still doesn't make it true.
those systems are about controlling power.. not truth.
come out of it with - not something true - but something validated.


jeff lebow

learning in abundance

Participants Erik Duval, Brenda Kaulback, Giulia Forsythe, Carol yeager, VH AUStudent, Vance Stevens, Jose Mota, & Jeff Lebow
Video and more details at:

 - Erik: thought this was a no brainer.. we would say.. let's share.. then we'd try to organize connections

Erik Duval
gosh - he reminds me of Steven.
love his philosophy - more like a mentor alongside - no advice, just being there, loving them, helping them with - and to notice - internal struggles with things
saying i don't know
serious fun

ah - his opera story - just before it starts
and live performance

orchestration as the main activity of the teacher

hmm. interesting - what can we do in practice for those that don't have abundance..
Erik says - if we say we must go do something about it, then these convos would have to stop so we could go out.
focus on divide or focus on advancing tech - it's ok to go either way

being more connected does help with the digital divide.. if it becomes personal, can't ignore it

nic askew

when did you last cause someone to smile, to feel warmth.

maybe this is where i can be more of me


via Mary Ann Reilly

Seth's Blog: The reason productivity improvements don't work (as well as they could)

Seth's Blog: The reason productivity improvements don't work (as well as they could)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Jacqueline Novogratz (@jnovogratz)
12/29/11 5:15 AM
Dharavi slum in Mumbai - layers and layers of the city, of work, of aspirations and not easily defined

need to finish reading

steve wheeler

aka timbuckteeth
Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth)
12/29/11 6:10 AM
RT @lefouque Ingenuity, creativity and time#edsg #edchat

love elizabeth gilbert's dealing with genius and steven johnson's adj possibilities

Give your learners time to practice their art, their thinking, their craft, and you will be providing them with the tools to become creative in their own right.


Michael Josefowicz (@toughLoveforx)
12/29/11 6:06 AM
@devenkblack Check out this ad by Verizon that describes what they are offering. @timekord

hmmm.. wondering how smart they really are..

Michael Josefowicz (@toughLoveforx)
12/29/11 6:10 AM
@devenkblack But they use their own cloud on Telco. As far as I can tell no more wiring needed. What am I missing? @timekord @SNewco

Michael Josefowicz (@toughLoveforx)
12/29/11 6:11 AM
@devenkblack But Telco has no marginal costs to hook people up. Very different from cable with wires. @timekord @SNewco

finnish lessons


wish i could afford all these books..

thank you for the heads up and review:
Kenneth Bernstein (@teacherken)
12/29/11 6:16 AM
Finnish Lessons - read about most important book on Finnish education - by .@Pasi_Sahlberg #finnisheducation #education

george couros

you should read

including 10 best teds for kids


money for data
via aronsolomon

start ups

in 13 sentences
via venessa miemis




tweet from diane ravitch
Diane Ravitch (@DianeRavitch)
12/29/11 7:07 AM
Fascinating take on US schools:


seems crazy.
so we're making sure we separate people out.. to get their scores on tests.. on things like rationalizing a denominator.. that aren't used by most people.

let's question the test and how fascination with it is making many of us mindless, rather than how we're scoring it.. no?
there's no way to have a level playing field,... even if it were about something useful.


Seth's Blog: "It's always been this way"

Seth's Blog: "It's always been this way"

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

noam chomsky

einstein didn't have property rights on the theory of relativity...

via @courosa

stephen downes

where the future lies

via @courosa

nic askew

one take music

A live music documentation film. Dir: bd Artist: Dub FX feat. Mr. Woodnote Date: April 2009 Location: Bristol, UK This film for me really justifies my whole approach to filming performers in one take. For me the film works not because of the way I filmed...

ariel wilburn

of big picture schools


nic askew

the boy who would leap

he wants to play. without prescription..

thank  you Nic..

manish jain

via manish

As I moved around, I started to discover that there were deeper linkages and assumptions which connected and served to keep in place these power structures.

I started to have deeper questions about the labels which we used to describe diverse people/lifestyles from around the world (such as ‘under-developed’ or ‘illiterate’), about the framing of peoples’ problems around the world (from a deficit perspective within a larger worldview of scarcity), and around the nature of the experts, technocratic solutions and institutions.

I realized that no matter how clever I was, these only served to further fuel the monster.

love this:
For the past 9 years, I have been trying to explore what swaraj means today in the context of my life and my community in UdaipurIndia. I have been trying to understand dignity, wisdom and imagination in new ways that stem from the mundane, the small, the slow, the inefficient, the invisible.

on swaraj:
via Mahatma Gandhi, 1908 called Hind Swaraj - real purpose of the freedom struggle. He clarifies, “It is not about getting rid of the tiger [i.e. the British] and keeping the tiger’s nature [tools, systems, worldview, etc].” He calls for swaraj (rule over the individual and collective Self) and for the need to look beyond the logic of “modern” colonizing systems of health, justice and technology. 

oh.. huge.. how can i do what i do instead of waiting...
How can I live my values today rather than waiting for the System to change?
reduce my family’s dependency on large institutions and re-value physical bodily labour 
I have met people from all over the world who are making similar efforts in honestly regenerating their own communities – many of whom have never called themselves activists and would never think of doing so.
I think the main struggle in front of us lies in reclaiming control not only over what we choose to see and value in our life, but also how we see and value things. 
For me, the most exciting examples of Now Activism in India are those which are seeking to re-legitimize and re-connect to the local knowledge, imagination and wisdom that exists within traditional communities. Giving top priority to regenerating local languages, ways of seeings, expressions and dialogical spaces -- on their own cultural terms rather than through institutionalized and commodified lenses -- is urgent, if we are to find our own ways out of the massive crises that overwhelm us today.  As I meet with friends, there are some questions which seem relevant to explore:
- What else do I need to unlearn to see/tap into new forms of power, identity and relationships?
- What are the diverse ways in which people are self-organizing outside the purview of dominant authority and institutions?
- What are new tools that not only allow us to creatively express our dissent but more importantly regenerate our cultures, our wisdom ecologies, our imagination and our inter-connected beings? 

thank you Manish.. curious when this was written.. so 2 yrs ago..

claude alvares


via Jodhbir.. and Manish

gap year college

jacques ellul

Ellul agreed with Jules Monnerot who stated that "All individual passion leads to the suppression of all critical judgment with regard to the object of that passion".[23]:170
The individual who burns with desire for action but does not know what to do is a common type in our society. He wants to act for the sake of justice, peace, progress, but does not know how. If propaganda can show him this 'how' then it has won the game; action will surely follow".[23]:209

76 questions for tech

ewan mcintosh


ever wonder

if most all of us are just waiting ... for when we'll get to do the thing we want to do... the thing we can't not do...
and some of us just wait better than others...?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Steve collis

Mimi ito

thank you jackie

looking not so much to domain knowledge... but underlying disposition for learning

friendship driven vs interest driven.
(profoundly uncool to care about something)
how to empower more to own thIs?
provide more spaces of permission... with resources

at least give up time in day for cities to connect.. face to face and online (ie: seat time in a classroom is killing most people... let it be per choice)
then too.. govt money's could be per census.. with people/cities determining spaces and resources by ongoing crowd sourcing... listening w/o agenda. art of hosting and world cafe

art of hosting

let's start listening loveland..
let's talk about it, get underneath it..

something happening to all of us, but none of us owned it

it isn't about trying to create something.. something is already happening, how are we working it... (that's innovation, combining unlikely things)
the need to move from fragmentation to connection 

teach for america

the hidden curriculum of liberal do gooders

need to finish reading.
via dale stephens


as a boost for workout and...

thanks kes

fb timeline

resume? reputation of future?
along with hourschool's what you taught what you learned aggregation, and skillshares, etc..
fb timeline
thank you jackie


foto via tweet from ritajking

science and math

types of scientists or mathematicians
or - types of people..



chess geeks rule

thank you shannon

dream act

dream act in ny
via toughloveforx


diy and collective intelligence  via ruth howard

all that is needed is time and spaces of permission to be..

and trust..
there is never nothing going on...  rr



post on race

let's take a listen to ellen langer,
prejudice decreases and discrimination increases..


ditching godaddy

mr rogers

via bud hunt

Seth's Blog: Q&A

Seth's Blog: Q&A

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

clay christensen

reading innovative uni

p. 35 is describing Harvard in beginning years as totally student focused.
instructors didn't necessarily know more than student. lived with them. sounds like mentor alongside...

chart p. 43-44: decreased focus on students

p. 48. 3rd goal.. freedom of choice of curricula
earlier:innovation was to offer gen Ed
and more.. go back to 48ish

this is 1865.. and Clay writes..
he (Eliot) could already see that this freedom of curricular choice,
would create a kind of intellectual free market, one stimulating of excellence in all disciplines, in cluding those with the potential to directly influence societal welfare.

p. 53. curricular choice also kept political tensions at bay.. when living per choice... like perpetual beta.. no one has to set curricula via admin
also induces a rateyourprofessor set up

perceived risks of pe choice: 1) coherence for students 2) breadth of Ed 3) depth of topics

a business-style assessment of ourselves creation..impractical and undesirable in higher Ed... k-12 as well

time was ripe with Lincoln's talk of freedom. while very few wanted to stick with prescribed curricula.. most loved option...choice... dang

Eliot's patience... 30 hrs later.. 1899, Harvard got rid of last required class

1890.. other unis still had 80% of student courses pre determined.. decade later down to 30%

huge part of innovation, freedom, learning, is being original.. so kept from copying other unis.. ESP European ones ( sounds like walk on... make it your own..use what you have

commingled students.. so not staunch into pre req courses

p. 56... interesting.. where art ands science meet.. but don't let them take over ?

p. 60.. was choice for kids to attend class until one parent found out his kid was in Cuba rather than class. so started taking roll... dang

p. 62.. no no .. Eliot now turning... deciding Harvard has the clout to set curriculum for secondary schools.. ugh

child whose whole soul is on fire...let's not crush it. p. 76
we pay price for our consumption

p. 92. Lowell at Harvard... using merit badges (via idea from athletics to up engagement) was willing to risk potential Downsides.. such as drop in collegiality and intrinsic motivation to learn..... (dang) for the sake of greater academic excellence

trade school


Trade School 2011 from David Felix Sutcliffe on Vimeo.

bringing people together who have something to teach, and people who have something to trade for the teaching..


hOUR school

ah.. Alex and Ruby - you are lovely.
what you are doing is so spot on.. so needed.

better than a fb timeline, or resume,
what have you done for the people around you .. how is your community doing..
hourschool keeps track of all you have taught, all you have taken, (not for badges or money even, just because we can), so they (Ruby and Alex et al) are tracking your living.. what makes you tick, what you share, what you learn,.. as you are living.
you can also go to people in Alex's classes.. see what they have done, has he impacted them, what did they think of what he offered....
super stuff guys..

looking forward to jumpstarting hour school in loveland.. learning from each other as we go.

here's to the best ramen noodles in the world. no?


stephen hurley

hey Stephen.. love your post on assessment.
tried to comment.. needed to register or log in.. when i tried both - they said i needed my canadian username..
so responding here..

you write:
The word assessment is derived from the Latin verb, assidere, which means, quite literally, to sit beside. In Roman times, the assessor was connected with the taxation process and always sat beside the judge. Despite its ancient origins, it is a term that has taken over a good deal of our thinking about modern schooling. It is difficult to imagine opening up any classroom resource, attend any professional learning conference, or attend any faculty meeting without there being some mention of either assessment practice or policy.
this is huge Stephen.. just huge. our focus in public ed is assessment, and yet, it's the very thing we have all wrong. most often, practically, it becomes.. i teach you, you test, i grade, then test is trashed. we miss the most important part... the sitting beside and nurturing feedback loops. and then on top of that.. we're not even assessing authentic learning, we're assessing compulsory buy in. how well have you done what i told you to do. 

what we're calling this - is mentoring alongside, listening without an agenda. ch 4 of the book we are crafting.

for assessment to be authentic.. what have i (you/we) learned or done - i think it needs to be this very nature. you sit down alongside in order to know the person better, in order to get into their mind and heart. not in order to check something off your list. or to get them to follow your heart and mind. the presumption of any prescribed learning or curriculum wipes out authenticity, any life long learning. and in the end, any quality of life.

i would also say, self-assessment is drastically missing. none of us have time, and many are afraid of that solitude. but sitting beside oneself, ridding your mind of chatter. creating your own feedback loops, self reflection, daily. huge.

thank you Stephen. would love to add some of this in the book..

Seth's Blog: Merry

Seth's Blog: Merry

be us.


Thursday, December 22, 2011


via @mrslauer

matt damon

ah.. sweet.. you go Matt Damon
thank you richard byrne..
here's to all our dear colleagues..

this really is about a mindset.
this really is an easy paradigm shift...
we keep creating more spaces (mental and physical) of permission..
people are good. if you let them be themselves. they are exactly what we need.
let's let people be themselves.. help facilitate them to finding their people..


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

gordon mackenzie

continuing on with orbiting the giant hairball
recommend via Jeff Brazil (thank you sir)

  • genius is an innocent casualty in society's efforts to train children away from natural-born foolishness.
  • set aside the herd longing for security of sameness
  • it's not the business of authority figures to validate genius, because genius threatens authority.
  • orbiting - is not being sucked in to corporate normalcy, etc.. it is
  • responsible creativity: vigorously exploring and operating beyond the hairball of the corporate mind set, beyond "accepted models, patterns, or standards" - all the while remaining connected to the spirit of the corporate mission.
  • to be of optimum value to the corporate endeavor, you must invest enough individuality to counteract the pull of corporate gravity, but not so much that you escape that pull altogether.
  • finagle your way..
  • invisible leadership on a crew of zanies
  • travel paths related to the system but not of the system
  • a never ending emptiness filled with opportunities to become lost and to grow
  • i hunger for the comfort that can come from devotion to herd wisdom. yet, at the same time, i remain desperate to flee the soul-wilting thatch of society's rules and standards and fly to the mor uncertain but broader possibilities of living originally.
  • meeting life with an exuberance that befits humanity
  • orbiting is following your bliss
  • if you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living.   joseph campbell, the power of myth
  • cultural seduction - if we work hard/long enough... we'll be found valuable/loveable, turn  your back on the overwork as an end in itself game, and instead, enlist the hidden genius within you and develop the skills to play like a champion
  • a management obsessed with productivity usually has little patience for the quiet time essential to profound creativity. 
  • we need courage to respond successfully to the consequences of exploring beyond authorities sometimes beneficial sometimes detrimental boundaries...we must explore, but we must be courageous to admit impasse... and the need for help
  • what it was all about was nonlinearity [nonlinearity goes chaotic, it is groping.. not replicable, otherwise it becomes linear.. rote]
  • rote has nothing to do with creativity
  • organizational entropy [entropy: degradation of matter and energy to an ultimate state of inert uniformity] 
  • container - most widely used invention.. too widely used...  today we put everything in containers, even people, even ourselves.
  • contained in a box called job description. we must find the grace to learn to dance together. 
  • many of us choose security over freedom
  • mandatory fun - result, is a discomfort that everyone feels but no one acknowledges -  obligatory happiness
  • when one of us finds courage to risk growth.. others are afraid that means they will have to too, shaming is a way to hold others back, teasing a seemingly nice way to shame and hold back (roger martin again)
  • help the bureaucrat discover a means
  • paradox - exploit the absurdities, embrace the enigmas, revel in the powers of paradox 
  • masks cause little deaths - little soul deaths
  • our models are like headlights of a car. whatever illuminated becomes our truth and we organize our life around it. but this light we create can also blind us
  • liberation through speaking personal truths
  • not trying to change hairballs, but offer to midwife out of hairballs anyone who longs for a full
  • orville wright did not have a pilot's license
  • creativity is shy - look at it ...and it vanishes 
  • since you can't focus on it - you can't measure it.. it is invisible and elusive must release from the obsession of quantifying everything..- value the unmeasureable
    • culturally appropriate but functionally inappropriate
    • give permission to escape
    • compassionate emptiness - nonjudgmental receiving - when i stopped interfering with their process... they would come up with solutions of their own.. and both would leave better off.. they feeling heard.. me not feeling helpless
    • more about dynamic following that dynamic leading 
    • to be free.. must learn to let go.. stop clinging

    be you.. don't follow the paint by numbers society is urging you to take.. without question.
    only you can paint your masterpiece.

    oh my.
    grazie Gordon MacKenzie..


    kirsten olson

    super find
    papert and freire:
    i'm not a good boy

    thank you dear..

    walk on

    just finished - what a great read..
    so resonating with what we are doing.

    summary at end of book:

    1. start anywhere, follow it everywhere
    2. we make our path by walking it
    3. we have what we need
    4. the leaders we need are already here
    5. we are living the worlds we want today.
    6. slow
    7. we listen, even to the whispers
    8. we turn to one another
    more on my twitter feed - and probably at amazon quotes for book

    again - Meg's incredibly resonating post on systems (and incredible site)
    Deborah talking two loops video - very resonating to connected adjacency
    and more from Berkana: name connect nourish illuminate

    site for walk out walk on

    here's to slowing down and listening..
    finding out what it means to be fully human and alive  - Davis

    they will be in boulder april 17

    people in the book:
    Tuesday Ryan-Hart - leader as host - shift in leader as expert (fitting with Karyn Schulz's wrongology - mentor alongside, a not knowing that seems truthful) working in Columbus ohio

    Tuesday Ryan-Hart on Hosting from Deborah Frieze on Vimeo.

    Art of Hosting
    Barb Poppe

    again Manish on Swaraj

    other voices:
    the indigeous of Chiapas
    the squatters in Brazil's corticos and favelas
    the dalits of India
    the homeless in Columbus  - Barb Poppe's World Cafes

    Art of Learning 
