Sunday, March 13, 2011

mar pesce

speaking at webstock
dense and thick

the more we share the more valuable things become

the web is personally seductive.. that's the core of it..
i let the intrinsic seductiveness of the web snare them

if we share the web, not it's tech, not its potential, but its real seductive human face, we'd be done
1994 - web appeared to every single person - the object of their desire, it was something to everyone

the golden age:
we can never go back... if everything died today, we could recreate it
we've arrived in the new space, human culture is instantaneously and pervasively accessible to the 4.5 billion people networked connected on earth, this is the golden age, a time when everything seems possible

then bookends
1) the book (ebooks)- has previously resisted its own digitization

2) the web as appliance - ipad - treating the web as appliance - the portal into a human universe

together they translate into a universal and ubiquitously accessible form

the silver age:
things are never what they appear to be, instead we overlay our own meanings on the material world
that process provides the mechanism through which the world comes to make sense to us
most often this is implicit, very rarely, generally only in works of art - does it become explicit
none of us can look at something and be completely innocent about the hidden meaning
it constantly nips at the edge of our consciousness, unless we empty our mind..
the material world for us always has a subconscious component, everything means something
throughout history, the interiority of the human world has almost always remained hidden

the mobile brings the depth of the network ubiquitously to the individual
now augmented reality, the strength of ar is not what it brings to big things, buildings and monuments.
its about to make a transition.. one we won't even notice any more
a world where the implicit becomes explicit and thus can become manipulated

1) the book -  (ED)
the rest is noise, listening to the 20th century, alex ross
find -
the playful world by pesce
ie: 6th sense book buying..
a book represents an investment in time, and an opening of a window,
as book dissolves to the hypertext, it becomes the focal point, the lens, the book varies person to person,
unitary authorship (has even resisted crowd sourcing) will finally soccumb to the corrosive effects of hyperconnection
the more connected everything becomes the less likely we are prone to linearity
the tl;dr phenomenon - where any text over 300 words becomes almost impossibly owneristic ??
whatever book is becoming must balance clarity and linearity against the forces of hypertext,
the book stands on the threshhold between physical and immaterial, it wants to be liberated, but it will be utterly destroyed in that liberation

2) beef mince -  (BUSINESS)
sixth sense again, questions answered on demand while at the market - balance of footprint and finances and health
something that can do that would be exceptionally desirable

3) medicine -  (MEDICINE)
right now we rely on drs to keep our info, that is precisely backwards
an interface to ourselves, object of unimaginable importance..

a revolution in waiting.
the marriage of the hand held device and the ubiquitous knowledge filled world
this is the semantic web, but it has always been about pushing to get machines talking to one another
this is a world of pull... (hagel)
we have the capability to conceive of the world as a database... we have the systems, we have the need, but we have precious little connective systems..
as it opens.. it will make the web look puny
how to inject data into the real world. what will fire off this next revolution?

promise yourself to invent the future
write meaning explicitly into the real world
the real world is clambering to crawl into cyberspace - open the door


ianchia @monk51295 Agreed. My bigger problem is always the longer time to comprehend/reflect/synthesize. Have decided to "let go" of info...
ianchia @monk51295 Always far too much that "might" be vital. I've decided it's ok. My PLN will always pop it back up.Curation via divergent network
@ianchia so cool that now ed is about now. rather than prep for future. means we can be us. means we can focus on gatherings.
