Wednesday, June 30, 2010

iste 10 - scott elias - ipods for admin

an intriguing update as of july 1.....

what i planned to change scott's mug to after seeing the fear his own image caused him

but (and this is a lovely little lesson in how listening and doing affects all of us)
a most recent - and because it's from one who knows scott live - a more  
authentic capture of his being
notice the other incredibles that i'm sure where encouraged to do the same  
by those who caught a 
glimpse of their essence..

by the way - a piece that might be amped a bit by junto. (beginnings via @venessamiemis)

iste 10 - howard rheingold

started looking for people that knew they were talking about

make it clear in beginning - very interested in learning from them

how can you pluck the answer to any question in the air - how do you know what you find is accurate

textual literacy - knowing how to read and write
social literacy - work with others 
critical consumption
network awareness

all need to work together... 
not really taught in schools.. not things that the students aren't teaching each other

got term from hemingway
what every journalist needs is a full proof internal crap detector

his daughter at 11 (14 yrs ago) started searching web for papers in school - and that concerned him - the accuracy piece - video and slides

wiki space to compile resources for crap detection

the person who knows how to determine crap detection - will do better in school
if you have a disease - people will go online - and that is mixed with the best up to date info - but also mixed with a bunch of bad info
to believe what others send you or not

ie: student during class - sees what howard pulled up on screen, went there on his laptop, then went back to doing his email. he ended up with an a in the class.

trying to determine the beginning of understanding

having a filtered version of the web at school is like teaching kids to drive via slideshow

young students are shifting values from parents to peers - they now have a better way to do this in public
we have an opportunity

the ability to learn without a teacher has been magnified - and facilitating that is now key

most students don't know how to check the history or debates in wikipedia until you show them

use wikipedia as a tool to find out the bad things about wikipedia

in youtube
how to ____
youtube doesn't expose process by which things happen

what is readiness
behavior causes schools to shut down access to fb

no doubt - having a laptop is a seductive distraction

 backchannel, fb, all have that potential


iste 10 - chris lehmann - beyond tools

there's a diff between  

stop talking about the tech and talk about what we do

check changes: creation research collaboration presentation networking - but stuff we've been doing

tell a better story: we must have vision

profound diff between
i teach math
and i teach kids math
not about subjects we teach - it's about  
what the kids learn 
inquiry driven - student centered
teacher - mentored
community based...
collaborative - christian long - about creating something that will last
schools should be places of 
great passion...
where kids are working on things that matter

school isn't prep for real life - it is real life
know global solutions 
and solve them 

days have to make more sense   {fried, rework}
at sla classes for longer amounts of time

if we shoot for citizens 
we will get the workforce 
we need
if we shoot for the workforce we get what we now have

idea for change from bishop catholic school in oakland
they don't have so much money - sees school moving off campus - to access businesses - internships
the box we're sitting in was built in 1950, no longer best place....
everything becomes very flexible
decentralizing the school

don't segregate by age

no one said - want them to become test takers or chronologically literate
how do we innovate
be humbled by this task
we're trying to ed kids..this job will smack you down and no one will come with
{godin, if it's your art, you will do just about anything to give it away, - won't survive without this mentality - has to be bigger than you.}

if school is about lifelong learning...
if you say you believe it then:

common inputs: core values inquiry research collab presentation reflection

sometimes the best tool is the tool we agree to use

used to be - let me figure out what teacher wants in that class and i'll do that work

common outputs:

if you give a test at the end of pbl 
(project based learning) - 
you're not doing pbl

ilps and capstones  every wed - soph/jrs go all over in the community  over 100 sites in the city
sr capstones - innovation lab

schedules - classes fewer times a week for longer
{what if kids decide due dates for their projects... they learn to manage time... rather than being told due dates}

every system and structure in your school should relate to what you believe in 

going to be more like a college schedule
{k-8 foundational via gaming, logic & programming; 9-12 quasi college, 12+ quasi career}

steam - putting the arts into stem

keep asking questions 
- can't settle for easy answers
best thing - really empowered kids, worst thing - really empowered kids

what's the worst consequence of your best idea:
goes against babysitting roll of hs - how do you do supervision
all behavior we're worried about is questioning authority behavior

making own curriculum
{why can't we let the kids do it}

it's their ed, let it be their world


{why cant kids determine their own shipping dates - for their projects..}

what will student's lives be like 
if you dare them to do real work
do it for yourself first (willrich45)


richard byrne

wondering first if i'm just missing it... 
but if not ... how many others might like @rmbyrne to add a 

to his fab site.

cool video he had on there today.. 

via free tech for teachers

dear lucy

yeah.. i don't think i can visit you sweet - without extending my family..

thank you for once again.. starting my day off perfectly.

iste 10 - just an observation

about the grumbling.. particularly the opening talk..
just an observation - k..?
from our end.. which - is the end we control... 

i'm wondering if..
the perceived gap 
in a lot of minds between what the speaker should have done and what he did, 
is much the same if not smaller than 
the perceived gap 
in a lot of students' minds between what the teacher should do and what the teacher does.

and i'm wondering if.. 
the reaction 
that night was much the same if not larger 
than the reaction
from students on a daily basis in classrooms.

i'm not putting any value judgment on what this speaker did or what's done in classrooms... just talking perceived gaps..

wondering if that perspective helps next time there is a perceived discipline problem at school.

transparency is the new currency. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

iste 10 alan november

the strategy of improving learning - is to focus on the conversation between children...
not staff development

none did 2x16...
and then they said:

do they say that about our hw...?

with hw there is no purpose
her purpose of spending 2 hours as opposed to 10 min on factoring 32 was to:  

a new purpose- 
every teacher could start every year by having kids design tutorials to teach others
no grades to no tutorial design - dan pink, drive

self-directed is an absolute critical skill
next to:

if i had to give one tool - it would be a screencaster - like:

grab an ipod - house all those video tutorials
first day of school is so critical..
high tech high

give kids top 10 most difficult to learn concepts in the course.
they say - these are the most difficult to learn concepts - i need your help
go use google, etc, .... and help find me stuff to teach these...
research is clear - kids would rather than listen to kids than teachers

kids voices explaining the curriculum

 highly motivating learning jobs:
job #1 - tutorial designers

this workshop is about a shift of control
(who owns the learning)

from a kid: all you really need is a computer but you might want something more affordable - via kids
oh yea - and don't forget the kids

we haven't spent enough time to empower the kids

all of a sudden - no hw - kids are demanding to become producers of content
a classroom that creates a condition of purpose that kids want to go on what teachers expect
that's a beautiful concept

job #2 -  official scribes

during the course of the year - his kids write the calc textbook

there's a check point for whole class 5 min before the class
darren says he is the one that benefits the most... that feedback at the end of each day - learn tons

relationship in classroom improved - because every kid is making a contribution
fascinating idea - to have an official scribe in the classroom - at the end of the year - they have a textbook

notetaking - 3 people taking them - each one in their own perspective - and asks others to please add to them if they find stuff

no one took better notes than those three
every teacher has an official scribe team rotating every day
at midnight when they wake up

at one session alan did - he was having trouble with tech... he stopped and said...
i can't work here - i will quit today
a week later the district opened up everything
{so  - a piece of digital equity - november visiting every district - yes?}

current plan is not working...
and you don't get feedback as a teacher

this doesn't set well with a lot of teachers - it's a shift in control

previous post on november

job #3 - researchers

combo of wolfram alpha and screencasting software... completely gives up control

he read some comments from fearless leadership

i would rather kids would use their cell phones in the age of wolfram alpha
a cell phone pilot:
every school should gather up a team of kids 
to figure out 
best use of cell phones

get the teams list

go get the map... kids says - aren't you the teacher
then kid asks - can i answer my own question too..
has school culture  
conditioned kids to depend 
on the teacher to answer their questions

epals - 
another job
job #4 - global communicators
can track down research centers, emails, etc for the class to do good research

kiva - based on a noble prize in economics - if you give a little money to a local entrenpreneur - rather than a lot of money to a government
november said if web was invented for one thing alone it would be:

i dont think we should put fear in kids - as soon as you tell them not to go to places (like wikipedia, youtube, facebook) that's where they go

job #5 - learning documentary producers

it's important to share your knowledge with the world.
single best strategy to improve learning

job #6 - solvers of real problems
godin says school should do 2 things - teach leadership and solve interesting problems
what if school was real life...

work that has purpose
you do not give letter grades for that type of work - for that you say - do your best and don't stop till it's done

i love alan november

learn whatever you want

resources in place to kids can learn what they want..
next vista
non-profit video company for teachers and students - save the world from ignorance one video at a time - all embedded

interview by @rmbyrne at iste10

.....brightstorm math
.....academic earth
.....kahn academy
.....byu ind study

iste 10 will richardson on changing the world

 h  i  s     t  a  l  k
radical transparency is what is going to change the world

tribes - we have everything we need to build something that's bigger than ourselves

our kids have no real models of how to learn as opposed to just socialize on these networks 

4 books he suggests:
Blessed Unrest Hawken
video added march 29

{new vision in my head via @mctownsley :
pln (or plc's) - my definition is a group of say 10 - carefully selected people that will stretch you daily. rough ie for teacher - rough ie for student
so we know that even w/o an virtual aspect... pln's value (toward learning and learning how to learn) is exponential.
however.. with the virtual element added in - which means now my group transcends geography - allowing those connections to be more fine tuned - to my passion... that becomes factorially exponential...}

jenny luca - helping each other ning - and now student 2.0
part of @gsiemens - lots of pockets of innovation but no infrastructure to level it out and scale it

bp has bought google apps - so when you do the google search..of oil spill - you get bp

how do we save the world without these

walter (cronkite) is gone now.. we all have to be walter
all of us need to contribute what we know and then try to figure out what we know from that

wikipedia discussion page - shared intelligence

{@noamkos of @seeducation at tedxwarsaw - when we gain the confidence that being good to each other is clever}

goodguy - is entering the world of the sixth sense

if you have access to that.. why can't we fix the oil spill problem

google earth presentation by arnold s

per richardson brand - safe, effective and ethical ways

requires our own participation - again - his - do it for yourself first

we need to get recylced phones in kids hands for equity

we're being tech washed.. like green washed

tinkering (and tweaking) no longer cuts it

we know to much - or we're too uncomfortable -
why wouldn't you take the best things you're doing and share it

we have to know our impacts

{dang - we're teaching teachers to share - remember the only things needed to know learned in kindergarten - hmmm mit kindergarten innovation lab - the idea of gifting back has lost us.}

we can't just consume.. consumption needs to have an impact - a pay back

ontario's plan?..
stewards of the earth

it's limitless - the ways in which we can begin
{but to move it along - and why wouldn't we - shouldn't we focus on standards of access}

ended with wesch's video  - make a stand - on the hand   
they all speak video
these aren't statements of fact.. if they think they already existed - they wouldn't be saying them on this video,.. these are statements of action

tribes, godin - leadership is a choice.. it's a choice not to do nothing.
{Linchpin - we don't need to be more creative - we just need to ship more}


tim ferriss

After reading 4HWW, I understood that if I was really going to pursue my goal of being the best swing instructor, there would be many moments of discomfort and even embarrassment along the way. After I accepted that, I was left with nothing but excitement. 

found embedded in this article - how to create your own real-world mba - by tim ferriss - author of 4 hour work week.

wonder if he and fried know each other. 
wonder if they hang..


Sunday, June 27, 2010


as educators..  we take on a mission to optimize learning .
we need to boldly change the game. we need to switch from defense to offense.
we need to no longer buckle when reliability-oriented thinkers question our practice.  
we need to no longer let this means of validation, one we don’t even believe in, prove us to be invalids. 


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia                                                                          

  1. Not valid; not true, correct, acceptable or appropriate.


  1. One who is confined to home or bed because of illness, disability or injury
  2. Any person with a disability.

thinking inspired from
iste 2010
edubloggercon - session one -
cognitive science, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation

my bad for tangentiating (and making up words).. but i really do think it’s blocking motivation/cognitive science/etc.
in this session today... our idea of displacing standardized tests... was dismissed.
they said - - that won’t happen in our lifetime.
first of all - i don’t agree.
but even more important...
i hope we don’t give kids that impression. that an idea could never happen in their lifetime.

ways to cope, how to motivate kids, how to robusticize learning... we spend a lot of time talking about these.
well - i don’t think kids or teacher or anyone - needs more medicine to function ... i think we need to liberate learning. start believing in the impossible.

i realize this took us astray in the conversation - displacing standardized tests... but most conversations around school end up here... it must have some link to motivation...

parents worry about test scores/grades for future college, kids worry about parents worrying about test scores, admin worries about achievement - which usually translates to a comparison of test scores, teachers worry about grades/test scores for job security and their own validation, smart businesses - on the other hand - worry about test scores/grades advancing cogs rather than innovators into their corporation.
ie: nasa doesn’t take people with all a’s.

if we (teachers/admin) are the classroom. and our uncertainty is rampant. we need community (infrastructure.. we need a facebook presense.. a home base.. a standard) in order to resolve the uncertainty.

we have become invalids (noun). because we keep allowing innovation to be labeled invalid (adj).

if we are about learning... innovation has to play a part in that.
even if what we are learning is.. not new info... each person learns differently.. the media in which we learn changes constantly... learning how to learn smacks with innovation.

so if we want to be a verb/alive learners ... as opposed to a noun.. a grade.. a piece of paper - we need to make a choice to put in our offense.

we have to quit spending valuable time defending learning and innovation.


manifesto - public ed

still in the works...but started it like a year ago.. gotta ship - yeah Noam? thanks for the encouragement...

1 problem......UNCERTAINTY
- uncertainty without a commitment in the classroom to build a public causes selfish acts (from both teacher and student): when there is no public, no medium, and no commitment towards each other's performance in the classroom everybody is on their own when faced with a challenge.
uncertainty causes community
commitment reduces uncertainty

2 solution.....PUBLIC/COMMUNITY
- you learn when you help others:
help others and yourself, build your media through building your public.
learning is social - people and story telling at the core
want students to learn more?
1) model learning through pln's (with or w/o tech)
richardson: how to network a) safely b) ethically c) efficiently
2) invite them places w/rich questions
3) get out of the way
4) repeat till 1,2,3 is flow

personalization - through pln's - student centric as kids are creating their own public - engaged in meaning-making and writing about self-selected topics that are relevant and interesting to them - wieman's expert individual tutor - web 3.0 tailoring

cameron - knows intuitively how to create value, add his default intention is to share it with others - most of the time for free. That why he has a public
do we insist that the class is one public?
or do we just insist that each one in the class finds/creates their own public (like in real life)
that would allow for more of a passion driven pursuit.
ie: some who need it - may be a part of a community of 2 (them and expert individual tutor), others may end up with a community of hundreds
thinking of the adult as the only teacher is artificially turning abundance into scarcity
and it's minimizing our available resources exponentially
we can ask interesting question, like: how do you feel about your friend not being so good about math?
a fixed group of people that constantly interact with each other and learn from each other
the leader also learns, but in different domains
if teaching is helping others then everybody is at the same time student and teacher
the adult in the room is also student and teacher, and is there to supervise and direct, but no to control
in order to maintain community/change - need to work thru 3 human universals
1) We're all humans and we all want to be treated as humans all of the time.
2) We all make mistakes. When those mistakes are rectified gracefully remarkable stories
are being created.
3) We all have our own cultures and values that don't always match but we all try to do good.

w/in plns - discover design do
per alan november - who owns the learner....
and - 2 things we're short on: time and money
so give them back time in class and quit spending so much on gimicks to help teach

3 sustainability.....SUCCESS
- success is defined by how everybody is doing
(kids ask each other - how can i do better)
status is not from teacher but from other kids in class
community reduces uncertainty
together we are more
new media changes how we know ourselves
if we don't learn socially there's a host of things we'll never learn
To learn something new about the world we first have to learn something new about ourselves.
the quality of the school should depend on the innovation of of the kids
"focus on the performance of the public instead of on the performance of self"
as long as others aren't getting it you know that your learning isn't complete yet
if people can't accept this they can also not accept that you can't be right by yourself
they start from a selfish mindset and get to this logical conclusion
if we define school success by the performance of their publics that students will know that they can't perform well against 'the nation' through a selfish mentality
whatever their community - the goal is to learn something that they will then create a platform to share it with others - a larger public
so - the new assessment - graded on what your public has learned
kids should understand that how well they do directly depends on how well others are doing
in my days there were very smart kids in the class, and then the rest of the class, there was just a divide and it didn't matter to or for the smart kids how badly the other kids were doing
a bad school is a school with such a divide
and state-wide and national genius contests make this problem worse.
any focus on the performance of self is a loss
the guideline should be: how is everybody doing?
smart kids in class get status from their teachers
that status is probably intimidating for other kids, making his status unreachable for them
so they just let the smart kid doing, increasing his status
that could be replaced with kids awarding each other, not the teacher
assess through portfolios/google-ability/your public's growth

uncertainty - connections - commitment - public - media - ......repeat
Leaders are those who most publicly learn and bring others with them along the way. - Ben Grey

it's surprising how closely leadership and media are related
1/ the class room is the public
2/ everybody is both teacher is student
3/ learning is social
4/ focus on the performance of self is a waste
5/ success is defined by how everybody is doing
6/ status is distributed by everybody, the adult should not get the upper hand in status distribution
7/ learning is a group effort, only if the group has learned is learning complete
8/ describing the adult in the room as teacher is troublesome
9/ in good schools everybody is doing well

the current problem of education is two-fold:
1/ under-estimate the true costs
2/ over-estimate the true valuers:

how do we have to behave to create real value - to create authentic value
the value is in how much students learn,
if we think they learn close to 100%, but they actually learn only 10% ...
so umai haque says: "the world is a function of what we do"
ok- so if we assume that the world is indeed a function of a what we do
basically this is emergence
then, if professionals in education use assumptions that are antagonal to the true capabilities of our brains and psychology then it's going to be very hard to create any value and we will automatically underestimate the costs because we'll be thinking we're doing ok.
so anybody who believes is performing ok but in reality is not is under-estimating the true costs of his or her actions
