Wednesday, April 14, 2010

iste bootcamp on aups

AUP's with Larry Anderson live

how to build policy that is laced to vision

people want to be led

what is vision:  ability to see
you can't call yourself a visionary, others can call you that , but you can't

visionary has to have imagination
act of anticipating
can see things others can't see
can see them and communicate them clearly - so the imagination comes to life

visionaries are about people
they have an energy
if you have vision it has to be cast...

current tv mission statement:
  • Building for a new generation!
  • Building the skills to achieve each student's academic/career goals
  • Building the skills to contribute to society
  • Building an understanding of cultural diversity
  • Building self-pride and self-confidence
  • Building a belief that learning is a life-long endeavor 
1st Paragraph of our Vision: Arapahoe High School commits itself to continued excellence in education while utilizing the ever-changing innovations in communication and
technology. While looking to the future, we also honor our unique and long-held relationship with the Arapaho Tribal Nation by appreciating their
values of respect and dignity. Through positive interpersonal relationships, relevant learning and rigorous curriculum, Arapahoe will continue to
produce responsible and empowered participants who make meaningful contributions in the greater society.


do we have a vision statement? needs to not be filled with mush

do we have a tech policy?

who actually writes the policy
Moderator (Michelle Bourgeois): @kim Probably. But hopefully a good policy is not tool specific, but behavior specific
is it discrete? stands on its own - or integrated w/other policies

what is policy
Bud Hunt: I hope that it's vision realized.  The creative constraints of an organization.

want to insure that the policy is relevant and doesn't conflict w/existing laws, direct, for people, kind
policies should be visionary no reactive

acceptable use policy vs responsible use policy
responsible much better

a father wanting a boy dating his daughter... does he want responsible or acceptable

what is our aup?

bad aup

just  a form, can't be enforced

minot - says we don't have a pencil or textbook policy - so we're having no policy..

Bud Hunt: @Karl - We're skipping opt-out.  We already have a curriculum objection process.  Why should technology be different?

tinker vs demoines
reasonably prudent person principal

policy checklist