Friday, October 23, 2009

let's make it real ...ed

two reads within the last hour - making me feel very surreal just now...

1. tomaz lasic's post about his difficult to staff school - how similar are we all to this story? maybe we're not so visibly tragic - but i'm thinking - much of the same story is going on in people's souls. we ignore and cover up deeper issues with the possession of toys - rather than their use for interaction and understanding. that's seeming like abuse just now...

2. danah boyd's podcast on antisemitism - how similar is the banning of hate speech to the blocking of the internet in schools? why do we keep pretending that if we don't see it in the classroom - it doesn't exist....

and then a video the next day...

3. gary stager's video - imagine it - how do we run school - in order to gain benefit from being together for a short period of time.