10 Reasons Why 2014 Will Be Year of #ShareableCities: #9 dearth of traditional 'jobs' in cities but no shortage of #collcons livelihoods.
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earn a living ness
12/28/13 6:54 AM
Showcasing the best brands in social currency
12/28/13 7:00 AM
We're living letters. Every time we love people unselfishly, we become a little more legible.@lovedoes
12/28/13 6:59 AM
BE HONEST WITH ME: Wine tastes bad, Shakespeare is no good, Xanadu is a great song:jamesaltucher.com/2012/03/be-
12/28/13 7:05 AM 9 Stories that Will Drive the Global Agenda in 2014: trib.al/s3K1GP3 via@undispatch 12/28/13 6:16 AM How Much Freedom Should A Teacher Have? Interesting readzite.to/19S6ZkP whoa. major assumptions going on here...
Content can be mandated while teaching can still vary: the question obscures this important distinction as framed (probably just to be sensible to laypersons). In fact, this distinction probably reflects the norm. i. e. in most districts and even many private schools there is a curriculum framework that obligates all who teach the courses/grades in question, while little is mandated in terms of specific teaching techniques or instructional activities; that is typically left up to teachers. The public’s response – 70% want teachers to have the flexibility – probably reflects a broadly-held view that practitioners (in any field) should be able to exercise judgment about what clients need.
Yet, this result (and the conflated version of the question) begs an important question about just what it means to be a professional. How much freedom to teach a certain way should a professional educator have?
I trust readers agree that professional freedom does not permit one to deviate from the content of the curriculum to ignore specified content goals.
oh my.