I Got Myself Arrested So I Could Look Inside the Justice System - Bobby Constantin o - The Atlantic
http://www.theatlantic.com/The Best Extensions and Add-Ons to Beef Up YouTube
Utah Is on Track to End Homelessne ss by 2015 With This One Simple Idea | NationSwel l
Dangerous Minds | The Future of Life on Earth and Capitalism : Are they compatible ?
http://dangerousminds.net/future of life on earth and capitalism..
we need to upcycle (iwan baan style) in order to reverse consumerism..
2013 In 1.5 Minutes According To Google | The 'BCO Morning Show
12/24/13 7:35 AM
1st hand report from @howden_africa: #SouthSudan #violence epidemic-week 1- truckloads of bodies & hidden massacres theguardian.com/world/2013/
12/24/13 7:40 AM
We've awarded 15 new @g00dfornothing chapters to #SparkSomeGood across the UK this year. Get involved! goodfornothing.com
The goal here is to make the challenge big and meaningful enough to be exciting i.e. to have the potential disruptively innovate on a big social or environmental issue
12/24/13 7:41 AM
Many governments act like they can put the connectivity genie in the bottle. Well, so do many corporations. (spoiler: not happening.)
12/24/13 7:44 AM
What I mean: Censorship x (TV+social media) != Bygone world of TV only. Censorship in social media age does not bring back "TV only" days.