12/19/13 7:00 AM
40% of primary school age children around the world can't read or write huff.to/1fGkODZ#globalmotherhood #jnj
Those goals helped significantly increase the number of students in classrooms, but now the focus must shift to what's next: helping kids learn while in school, and redoubling efforts to increase access for marginalized groups such as rural girls and students who are disabled, nomadic, or from ethnic minorities.
oh my.
as we're saying. .. listen up.. we're not listening up..
we could so take care of things by 2015 easy (if we're brave enough to take care of them as they should be.. not via as we've accepted/assumed they should be, aka: read/write/arithmetic; via classroom; via teaching; ...)
Last year, Baela's team visited an astounding 82,521 households in order to be able to disaggregate data across households, villages, districts and provinces. The data they have gathered reflects student learning levels, enrollment, attendance, teachers, facilities, multi-grade classrooms, and grants to government schools.
imagine if data were simply each person's daily curiosities.. and we then used that to connect/crowdsource resources and gatherings that matter - to a person/community..
Children in developing countries deserve better than we've been providing for them. Just as we care about our own children's education, so too must we all be invested in ensuring that children everywhere have the resources, trained teachers, and support that they need to thrive.
oh please... don't advance - schooling the world ness... esp in the name of doing good.
12/19/13 6:16 AM
Tim Berners-Lee leads call for more transparency over mass surveillance buff.ly/1c3xrII#nsa #PRISM
The inventor of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has collaborated with more than 100 free speech groups and leading activists in an open letter to protest against the routine interception of data by governments around the world.
In the letter to the Open Government Partnership, the group condemns the hypocrisy of member nations in signing up to an organisation which aims to preserve freedom while at the same time running one of the largest surveillance networks the world has ever seen.
12/19/13 7:00 AM
@marije @mikey3982 @hjarche 'the net worth is in the network', cumulatively.
12/19/13 7:00 AM @bonstewart @KateMfD rant on! But, frankly, despite what the Kansas AG says, I don't think the policy will withstand (U.S.) legal scrutiny. |
so.. perhaps it's time for a change..
lest we all become...what word did Bonnie and Kate use...?
The 21 Best Infographi cs Of 2013
12/19/13 7:01 AM
What are your thoughts on Teach For America? Do you think the organization should expand or pull back?
what does that mean..?
i think we need to question everything.. but specific and especially to this...
anything.. anyone with hand in compulsory curriculum ..
as via cevin... otherwise.. blood on our hands... no..?
12/19/13 7:01 AM Treating emotional injury from #violence #exposure - one of ways to #interrupt violence bit.ly/1jjOkUZ @CuReviolence @RWJF_VP |
“Unfortunately, as a country we’ve ignored all those things. But it’s time to stop ignoring them,” says Robert W. Block, M.D., of Tulsa, Okla., the AAP’s immediate past president and a champion of the new approach. “As these kids [facing toxic stress] grow older, there become more and more issues that become more expensive to fix. And often they’re not fixed at all, because they’ve become too advanced.”
country we’ve ignored all those things. But it’s time to stop ignoring them,” says Robert W. Block, M.D., of Tulsa, Okla., the AAP’s immediate past president and a champion of the new approac
child development a top strategic priority for two years. In January 2012, the AAP published two major reports in its journal Pediatrics co-authored by Center Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., on the science of toxic stress and the pediatrician’s role in mitigating its negative effects across the life span. Shonkoff is a Board-certified pediatrician.
we see how early childhood experiences are so important to lifelong outcomes, how the early environment literally becomes embedded in the brain and changes its architecture,” Garner says. “Hopefully, this will drive support. It’s not just the right thing to do ethically. It’s not just the right thing to do economically. It’s the right thing to do biologically. And that framework places it squarely in the realm of pediatrics.
James M. Perrin, M.D., the AAP’s president-elect, says the need is clear, but it won’t be easy for primary care pediatricians to change their thinking—or their practice. Many already feel overburdened and are reluctant or unable to take on more responsibility, especially for issues they may not be well equipped to handle, such as those that traditionally have fallen to mental health providers.
holy crap... no?
same song second verse.. English accent... little bit worse..
aka.. sorr. but at the moment too busy/scared bowing to our money sources... no...?
what 20 mill represents to us..
money so people can quit thinking about and be driven by... money..
all the while children (all of us) die...
too doable.
too urgent.
“For the typical pediatrician, it’s going to require some real action and some change in how we do things,” says Perrin, a professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. While pediatricians have understood for years that early adversity can have a significant negative impact on the lives of children and their well-being as adults, Perrin says that, previously, “There was a thought that this was the way it was—and the way it had to be.”
sounds like it's stll there.. no..?
after how many years..?
it doesn't matter how much we talk about it...as much as it will when we jump ship... no..?
we can't not
The science of toxic stress has been—and will continue to be—an essential part of helping pediatricians understand that they can make a difference in adult outcomes, according to Perrin, who is associate chair of MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston and who founded and directed the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Child & Adolescent Health Research and Policy.
“The attention that the Center on the Developing Child has brought to understanding more about the underlying neurobiology has been, frankly, quite critical to health care communities,” Perrin says.
critical enough..to try a new thing/experiment... today..
The AAP is designing a three-step approach of prevention, screening, and treatment to help pediatricians intervene as early as possible. The organization wants pediatricians to routinely screen babies, toddlers, and preschoolers for social and emotional difficulties that can be signs of toxic stress
how about a much much much quicker way... that reduces need for cures as it goes..
7billion people doing that.. as we free them up to pay/ be..
in the city.
as the day.
“Pediatricians can’t do this alone,” says Garner, the work group’s chair. “That’s why we need a public health approach. There’s no single intervention to fix all of these issues.”
so do we continue to claim scarcity and overworkedness in these fields... ie: education, health, ..
what happens if we give that up.. today..
trust people.
trust curiosity.
The ideal pediatric practice of the future, he says, would be a comprehensive medical home with all related providers working in the same place – the pediatrician, the psychologist, the social worker, someone doing home visits, and a case manager to coordinate care. This is being done in some leading-edge practices around the country, but not enough, he says.
what if it was... the city...
otherwise.. too slow
- Robert W. Block, MD, FAAP, is immediate past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
- Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., is the Julius B. Richmond FAMRI Professor of Child Health and Development at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Harvard Graduate School of Education; Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital; and Director of the university-wide Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
- James M. Perrin, M.D., the AAP’s president-elect, associate chair of MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston, founded and directed the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Child & Adolescent Health Research and Policy.
- Andrew S. Garner, M.D., Ph.D., of Cleveland, Ohio, and co-author of the Pediatrics articles, and chair of Early Brain and Child Development Leadership Work Group..
12/19/13 7:01 AM
A big story in politics today: undocumented youth and allies in New Jersey v. @GovChristie on #DREAMAct:on.fb.me/1klJvsh
12/19/13 7:04 AM On the influence of impact sourcing -> Harnessing Power of Networks to Help Businesses and Improve Lives in Africa - buff.ly/JB6dyL 12/19/13 7:04 AM Vladimir Putin Says He Will Pardon Jailed Oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovskybuzzfeed.com/maxseddon/vlad… 12/19/13 7:04 AM Attraction to you can be magnetic, says @TomTerwilliger , and shows you how-ow.ly/rUAkP 12/19/13 7:19 AM Is American Culture to Blame for Failing Schools?, via @nytimesnyti.ms/1fFT9Tr 12/19/13 7:40 AM “Play is the highest form of research.” ~Albert Einsteinhttp://www.upworthy.com/watch- http://www.hatchfund.org/ fitting with first tweet - on reading/writing/arithmetic... no? http://www.fastcompany.com/ great gaphic by dave gray http://www.ianmack.com/videos/ love. http://www. go beth.. http://www.chrismercogliano.com/selling-adhd/ Unfortunately the reporter appears to accept the basic tenets of the ADHD construct at face value and stops well short of questioning whether the medical-industrial complex has manufactured the disease as well as the drugs it sells to “treat” it. |