”Alla som ger något hjälper oss” - Sverige - Sydsvenska n-Nyheter Dygnet Runt
Despite what the Internet is describing as his carefully cultivated “Very Serious” persona, Ezra’s niche in reality is not the arcane, but the technocratic. To a technocrat, it’s a waste of time to examine any deep causes at the root of any major social and economic problems. Deep causes are irrelevant, because the status quo of capitalism and semi-functioning, corrupt-as-hell government is essentially just fine. All we need to do is tweak some laws, add some targeted corrective policies, and maybe just look at it a little bit differently, and everything can “go back” to being fine. To a technocrat, there’s nothing properly political about solving problems. As with math homework and the solving of a puzzle, there exist solutions that are objectively right. We require the presence of obscure number-fetishizing “experts” to save us from ourselves.
As a halfway intelligent person, the notion – in theory, at least – is tempting. Why wouldn’t we want smart and ideologically independent people in positions of power to solve the arithmetic problems of poverty and declining wages and flimsy economic fundamentals, to tell us what the answers are so that we don’t have to think and argue about them anymore?
Technocracy denies that actual decisions have to be made. It denies the basic agency of a people in a democratic society to debate – much less decide – what sort of society they would like to have. Technocracy subtly insists that the nature of society is immutable and therefore never part of the discussion.
The Culture That Gave Birth to the Personal Computer — Medium, Long — Medium
https://medium.com/medium- long/e50f65132b55
posted on fb by howard
As John Markoff wrote in What the Dormouse Said, “Personal computers that were designed for and belonged to single individuals would emerge initially in concert with a counterculture that rejected authority and believed the human spirit would triumph over corporate technology.
12/22/13 7:38 AM
Got to the airport, realized I left my ID at home. TSA allowed me to use my Facebook profile instead.
12/23/13 7:45 AM Shocking & shameful. Millions Falsely Treated for Cancer says National Cancer Institute Reportalignlife.com/articles/toxic… |
Perhaps most dramatically, the group says that a number of premalignant conditions, including ductal carcinoma in situ and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, should no longer be called ‘cancer’.”
that NCI is a government-funded agency that tends to favor the conventional cancer diagnosis and treatment model, even though it has been shown to be a failure. But even worse is the inference that untold millions of healthy people have been treated with poison and radiation for conditions they never even had, which likely caused many of them to develop real cancer and even die as a result.
As it turns out, the entire concept of “early diagnosis” itself is fundamentally flawed, since many of the methods used to diagnose fail to differentiate between benign and malignant cancer cells. This means that many people who are falsely diagnosed with cancer will end up developing cancer anyway, as a result of getting treatment for cancers they did not have, a phenomenon that proves the absurdity of the entire model.
“Even in the case of finding the tumor early enough to contain it through surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation, it is well-known that the minority subpopulation of cancer stem cells within these tumors will be enriched and therefore made more malignant through conventional treatment,” explains Sayer Ji forGreenMedInfo.com.
“For instance, radiotherapy radiation wavelengths were only recently found by UCLA Jonnsson Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers to transform breast cancer cells into highly malignant cancer stem-cell like cells, with 30 times higher malignancy post-treatment.”
Cancer is really the body’s attempt to survive, not an outside attack
like fever..
like compulsory Ed..
“Our entire world view of cancer needs to shift from an enemy that ‘attacks’ us and that we must wage war against, tosomething our body does, presumably to survive an increasingly inhospitable, nutrient-deprived, carcinogen- and radiation-saturated environment,” adds Ji.
12/23/13 7:45 AM "Is Standardization Making Us Conform to an Ill Formed Bureaucracy?" @TheKennethYe ~@AnthonyCody ow.ly/s0Yxv #edreform #edpolicy |
same cancer 2nd verse
not granted 1 min more?..
My close friend came here last month and described the flaws inherent with the foundation of our educational bureaucracy, and I'm here today to discuss one of the consequences
Investigate the members of the Common Core work group, and you see a board comprised of members affiliated with the ACT, Collegeboard, Achieve Inc. Perhaps the mere presence of these people does not concern you, but it becomes a glaring conflict of interest. For-profit companies should not have such influence over public education.
Pearson PLC is the largest education company and book publisher in the world. Pearson Ed--the American subsidiary - not only publishes the educational materials for our schools, but also the standards and tests for the CCSS. The company stands to make billions of dollars selling these products to school districts across the United States. The CCSS furthers a process begun in 2002 with the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind
there's billions .. no?
Pearson's Chief Financial Officer, Robin Freestone said in a media statement that in 2013 "We're not going to get a significant boost from Common core" and "that won't come in 2013 and so that headwind will remain in our school business". Not only is it concerning that in fact, their market value hit its high in the past 12 years and has been steadily increasing with Common Core implementation, but it's the implications of this "school business".
Have we forgotten what education is? Education is not a business to be run. It's a process of informing human beings on how to contribute to society. A system formed on the principles of arbitrary testing cannot stand. It's not true education. But let us forget the business and politics for a moment and examine the actual tests.
It's a process of informing human beings on how to contribute to society.
or how about just facilitating that inborn knowledge/desire..
by mostly.. providing city as school.. and getting of their way... no?
We look towards PARCC assessments. Specifically called the "Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers." These nationalized tests that have been paired with Common Core are said to have one goal: "success in college and the workplace". The problems presented on these tests, however, are of justification with no merit, a learning system inherently flawed. These tests are not fair assessments of student's knowledge. If you look towards the mathematics section of the PARCC website, we see that it "calls for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements". As a student who has scored 5s on AP Calculus, AP Statistics, and is preparing to take Calculus 3 at a local college next semester, I can honestly tell you that I cannot answer and justify your First grade Pearson math test question "What is a related Subtraction sentence?"
I know one of these factories personally. It's one that we're trying to compete with. I have been a student of both the American and Chinese systems. We see a technical outperformance by the Chinese in standardized tests. But does this communicate the creativity and inquisitive mindset in our own culture?
As someone who can perform on the tests you throw at us, I am not satisfied. I've taken your tests, aced them, pulled your state averages up, but what I show you on that test is not why I learn. CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.11-12.3e is NOT why I learn. I do not learn to fulfill some SPIs on the board. This is not what fulfills me as a student. I learn to ask questions. To develop opinions. To make a difference. It is with this that I beseech all of you to take a moment to reevaluate what you are doing to our schools. Is it truly in the best interest of the students? Should we be conforming to this ill formed bureaucracy?
Whether it was the TCAPs, ACT, or SAT, high stakes testing has always been present within my education. I have not and will not see the direct implications of Common Core's testing interfere with my learning,
the major sad part... we don't know that...
ie:what might you have done?
I think that standards can be essential to a well-functioning education system
if standard is process of learning to learn (ie:detox), founded on only crowdsourced data..
1. attachment.. everyone known by someone... 30 min a day in gathering of 7
2. authenticity.. talk to self. 3 min.. daily
Students can tell you the precise number of words they need to know to pass an entrance exam, but often times if you ask for a simple opinion, you can expect blank stares.
why are we opting to pay for a piece of paper - when it cost more than money.. it costs time - perhaps our only true value - today ness - to endure the bundle/package deal.. in order to be seen as valid?
hangout out with people.. much more valuable than paper saying you played the game.. no? barefoot movement ness.. cognitive surplus ness..