12/30/13 7:50 AM
Can amateur science make a comeback given the proliferation of security rules and red tape?
12/30/13 7:50 AM
So, erm, this got funded :)…
12/30/13 7:50 AM "I wanted to give some deserving kids an opportunity to reach as high as they can go” |
who's not deserving..
let's fix that.
we can.
kudos to this guy.. but let's do equity..
12/30/13 7:52 AM
What #school reformers can learn from Pope
spaces of permission w/nothing to prove - no judgment
12/30/13 6:32 AM "Merely Posting Objectives, and other Pointless Ideas" by@grantwiggins Post it and they will learn doesn't work! |
Think about any long meeting. We have an agenda not only to remind us of what we must accomplish but what action items should follow. Why is that useful to provide a written agenda at the start – and, importantly, keep referring to? Because we easily lose track of time or focus unwisely on less important matters than the goals require.
In other words, an ongoing reminder of larger purpose (and a double-check on whether current talk is on-task and a good use of our time) is always wise, given human propensity to get lost in the moment
agenda/curiosity... begs to emerge from within each person....
Alas, having hundreds of times asked students in class Why are you doing and learning this? I cay say that the results are not pretty. I dunno is the most common. (Older kids sometimes sullenly retort: I dunno; go ask the teacher.) And this is often in schools where there are posters on the wall or objectives on the board.
or research way back when... standing outside AP classrooms...
most couldn't tell you what just went on...
So, while the intent of the poster policy makes sense, there is little or no benefit to merely requiring the posting. That gets it all backward, as the agenda analogy suggests. The posting is a means; the end is understanding of the meaning of the work and a way to stay on track. So, merely requiring the posting shows that the policy is really not for the learners at all but for the satisfaction of supervisors to make us all think that focused learning is happening (by osmosis?).
So, merely requiring the posting shows that the policy is really not for the learners at all but for the satisfaction of supervisors to make us all think that focused learning is happening (by osmosis?).
But, Grant: even you suggest that teachers post Essential Questions!
That’s just 1 way to keep goals in view. I’m fine with posting it, but posting it isn’t the point. A reason for highlighting Essential Questions is to help students keep the broader goals and value of the immediate learning in view, to connect specifics to bigger ideas and issues which are easily lost in more specific lessons.
That’s just 1 way to keep goals in view. I’m fine with posting it, but posting it isn’t the point. A reason for highlighting Essential Questions is to help students keep the broader goals and value of the immediate learning in view, to connect specifics to bigger ideas and issues which are easily lost in more specific lessons. So, in a unit on the writer’s craft, it makes sense for the teacher – and, eventually on their own, the students – to continually refer back to the Essential Question – whether it be on a poster, in one’s notes, or on a Google Doc: How do good authors hook and hold the attention of the reader? When the EQ is prominent, by whatever means – various Turn and Talk prompts, an exit slip, after each specific reading is considered, etc. – the available document is helpful.
oh my.
one’s notes, or on a Google Doc: How do good authors hook and hold the attention of the reader
Like an agenda, the EQ is there to remind all of us to self-assess, make inquiries, and take notes on the priority question as we engage in discrete and easily tunnel-vision-inducing activities.
time to let go of the (assumed) priority question ... no..?
The student has to be helped to understand the importance of what is written and referred to, in other words, not merely see it as a label for the activities. And that’s just what a good EQ does: it provides a larger perspective and a binding focus to the otherwise unconnected ‘content’.
oh my..
so answer to author question... mandate it.. make it illegal to not recite back and/or appear to be engaged...
And that’s just what a good EQ does: it provides a larger perspective and a binding focus to the otherwise unconnected ‘content’.
unless the eq is unconnected itself... ie:not written ... asked ... by learner
.@moehlert one of my resolutions at this turn of the year is 2 hoard ideas less, so much more 2 say on this. hard 2 express all in tweets :)
Original Tweet: jerrymichalski/status/ 418036242282852352
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.@moehlert u bet :). 1) Consumerization means simplification, making clunky easier; 2) C means making everything like selling Cheerios
Original Tweet: jerrymichalski/status/ 418035543570513921
Original Tweet:
12/31/13 8:11 AM
Looking back and forward at my New Year predictions for 2013/12/31/malagasy-genius- seeking-happiness-off-the- grid/
is there really grandiose.. ness? when we look to our souls..
Fave tweet of 2013: MT @mollycrabapple Avoid burnout by creating things meant to be read in 20 years, not eclipsed by controversy in 20 hrs.
Original Tweet: maudnewton/status/ 418070485742530561
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The Priority Boxes on the iconic screens of #TimesSquare #NYC #NYE #peaceboxes
Original Tweet: PeaceBoxes/status/ 418085294827917313
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When the copyright industries don't get the laws they want, they've turned to "voluntary" agreements in 2013.
Original Tweet: status/418085597383626752
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