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The 10 Most Walkable Cities In America http://t.co/7S3vyJct3S
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TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluation s, and Educationa l Data - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?Pat Farenga's Blog |
Posted: 08 Nov 2013 07:38 AM PST
Here's some interesting homeschooling and related news from this week to consider.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/ RT @glassbeed: Saskatchewan man creates a 3D printer that will sell for around $100:http://t.co/iVATOV91NE @shareski @courosa Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/courosa/ 11/8/13 5:56 AM Stop what you are doing. Watch this [VIDEO]: The Avalanche that Hasn't Happened ht.ly/qBT1Hvia @gsiemens 11/8/13 5:50 AM Jazz musicians can teach surgeons how to improvise theconversation.com/jazz-
Almost any discipline involves unspoken ways of doing. When I learnt to operate I spent endless hours tying knots with one hand, practising with a piece of string over the back of a chair until I could do it in my sleep.
Musicians practice scales until they become automatic. Once these skills have become second nature you can draw on them without having to think. But that also makes them almost impossible to describe to other people.
The problem, of course, is that standardized test data are simply metrics for social conditions that we pretend are measures of learning and teaching.
It is a particularly nasty game, but it seems few are going to stop playing any time soon. “Achievement gap”* has now ascended to the point of being classified as a subset of Tourette syndrome among politicians and education reformers.
Thus, if we are bound and determined to persist in our fetish for test scores and remain committed to raising test scores (instead of actually alleviating inequity or providing all children with wonderful and rich school days that would end in learning and happiness), guess what?
We need to do something different than what we have been doing for thirty-plus years!
First, end the standards-testing rat race.
Second, end childhood poverty.
In Walden, Henry David Thoreau offered two warnings that should guide how we approach technology: “We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate,” and, “We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us
Many would-be educational innovators treat technology as an end-all and be-all, making no effort to figure out how to integrate it into the classroom,
into the classroom.. oh my.
During those years also, state standards changed three times, and concurrent with those changes, we adopted new textbooks and sat through hours and hours of in-service, handed over more and more class time to test-prep, and implemented SAT courses during the school day (ones for which students received credit toward graduation) that required huge investments in hardware and software, which mostly never worked (my home state of SC has a history of so-called low SAT scores so our 1990s approach to addressing that was to encourage more students to take the SAT).
All of this is to say: If you have ever taught in public schools during the past three decades you know that the comment quoted at the beginning is patently false. In fact, if you have taught in public schools during the past three decades you know that CC cannot be separated from highs-stakes testing.
unless cc is learning how to learn via attachment and authenticity..
because like you Paul said in tech?.. everything is changes.. the only thing that remains...
are you usefully ignorant... do you know what to do when you don't know what to do
aka... can you improv...
11/8/13 6:27 AM God's betting that we'll have the guts to be who He made us to be, rather than acting like someone He doesn't know.
Study looks at public perceptions of suitable place for wearable tech http://t.co/WOTf825Dkv @georgiatech #edtechchat
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hmm. interesting. i don't know..
spinach and rock? or real..
Sad statistic :The United States has More People in Jail than High School Teachers and Engineers...http://t.co/Iu2owvlQ2g
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/ilainie/
@zeynep See WEF's work on the value, for example, of collected health data to us all balancing privacy.
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@jeffjarvis There is a balance to be struck but vacuuming up the internet is so far off the balance... They'll just get overwhelmed.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zeynep/
Saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom~Isaac Asimov http://t.co/xwmh9lGwDl
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@jeffjarvis It took a randomized trial to figure it out. Problem is data is so easy to gather and looks so powerful.. People become blinded.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zeynep/
@jeffjarvis The hormone replacement therapy (where they got the whole connection wrong: it increased cancer) was based on a lot of data.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zeynep/
@jeffjarvis Even in health. A randomized trial may give info masked by correlation analysis of big data. But big data cheaper--so danger.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zeynep/
posted by jennifer sertl on fb
Time for another learning loop . . .
11/8/13 6:35 AM PAY ATTENTION: Five ways the world is doing better than you think m.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-… 11/8/13 6:34 AM Two of my favourite Tove Jansson picture books.pic.twitter.com/NhzdQTDWhd 11/8/13 6:37 AM Putting together slides on (post-)scarcity & history of subsistence for tomorrow's#FSCONS talk.