Tim Berners-Lee: “Vigilância prejudica confiança das pessoas na web” http://t.co/BaxTaksL6i
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
So @alaa was summoned by prosecutor. He said fine, I'll turn myself in. Instead, they arrest him, beat up his wife @manal.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zeynep/
What is frightening...is people are justfying what is happening to the @Alaa h others & saying the law must be followed. #Egypt #عبث
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mahazja/
"Slow torture": Finland’s mould-ridden schools causing breathing difficulties for kids, 250k kids and staff affectedhttp://t.co/56psUFRw8P
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/pasi_
A reflection on labs and the stamina to have real impact -> A Lab of Labs (via @Pocket) -http://t.co/w4oJEA6wcU #systemic
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/Igniter/
11/28/13 5:40 PM Black Friday and Cyber Monday - Free Invent To Learn eBook -eepurl.com/JwzhP
\RT @hanelly: "All this technology is making us antisocial" http://t.co/aHfZNavIZ8” (great, great picture)
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/glassbeed/
We find that it's pretty difficult to engage in critical reflection when we're in a “selling” and “persuasion” mode—that is, the mode we're often in when we go to social innovation conferences, meet funders, and reach out to potential partners and colleagues.
posted on twitter by michael lewkoski
Abominable RT @RyanNewYork: 48% of American public school kids live in poverty http://t.co/C9M4dl70Zw
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
11/29/13 6:35 AM
Inspiration is defined by its impermanence --@JasonSilva
11/29/13 6:57 AM
Customer Profile japanese style #vpcanvasinstagram.com/p/hTQ_93kj3Q/
11/29/13 6:58 AM
RT: @miabuelasabia: La paz de la mente no es la ausencia de conflictos de la vida, sino la capacidad de enfrentarse a ellos.
11/29/13 7:00 AM
@NickKristof news organizations mostly need to listen more and more widely. Interaction will get you audience
11/29/13 7:00 AM
Google Lat Long: Tour Builder: Tell your stories with Google Earth google-latlong.blogspot.com/
11/29/13 7:01 AM For ThxGiving: Experts say need 2find new narrative that creates confidence 2take more radical steps@GuardianSustBiz theguardian.com/sustainable- |
ok.. got it.. a new/old narrative... for 7 billion people.
exponentially sustainable. doable. urgent.
11/29/13 7:14 AM Rise Above the Mark - Premiere Trailer #abed #ableg #edtech #bced #onted #edreform #edchatjoebower.org/2013/11/rise-a…