Pat Farenga's Blog |
11/16/13 2:47 AM
Russell Brand cancels all his South Africa gigs after being banned from entering
Common Core Standards: Ten Colossal Errors by Anthony Cody
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11/16/13 6:41 AM Keeping Teens ‘Private’ on Facebook Won’t Protect Them… |
One of the most crucial aspects of coming of age is learning how to navigate public life. The teenage years are precisely when people transition from being a child to being an adult. There is no magic serum that teens can drink on their 18th birthday to immediately mature and understand the world around them. Instead, adolescents must be exposed to — and allowed to participate in — public life while surrounded by adults who can help them navigate complex situations with grace. They must learn to be a part of society, and to do so, they must be allowed to participate.
and too... what if public Ed is perpetuating the teen yrs thinking.. that created the 13-17 yr olds ban in the first place..?
11/16/13 6:42 AM
eyes on the street or creepy surveillance?…
The media coverage focuses on how the posts that they are monitoring are public, suggesting that this excuses their actions because “no privacy is violated.” We should all know by now that this is a terrible justification. Just because teens’ content is publicly accessible does not mean that it is intended for universal audiences nor does it mean that the onlooker understands what they see. (Alice Marwick and I discuss youth privacy dynamics in detail in “Social Privacy in Networked Publics”.) But I want to caution against jumping to the opposite conclusion because these cases aren’t as simple as they might seem.
What became clear in this incident – and many others that I tracked – is that there are plenty of youth crying out for help online on a daily basis. Youth who could really benefit from the fact that their material is visible and someone is paying attention
Urban theorist Jane Jacobs used to argue that the safest societies are those where there are “eyes on the street.” What she meant by this was that healthy communities looked out for each other, were attentive to when others were hurting, and were generally present when things went haywire. How do we create eyes on the digital street
jane and this guy and colin ward et al.. no?
How do we do so in a way that’s not creepy? When is proactive monitoring valuable for making a difference in teens’ lives? How do we make sure that these same tools aren’t abused for more malicious purposes?
when the only agenda is to listen... not to judge/decide appropriateness ..
of course.. would be best if every person met f to f with a small group 7ish..
that's not happening right now.. but that's our fault... nt youths'
let's not close down the only doors/windows we ve left open.
or even re enter and allow them.. if we are going in with an inhumane agenda...
if we have enough money resources interest ... to surveill... we certainly have enough to actually listen
What matters is who is doing the looking and for what purposes. When the looking is done by police, the frame is punitive. But when the looking is done by caring, concerned, compassionate people – even authority figures like social workers – the outcome can be quite different. However well-intended, law enforcement’s role is to uphold the law and people perceive their presence as oppressive even when they’re trying to help. And, sadly, when law enforcement is involved, it’s all too likely that someone will find something wrong. And then we end up with the kinds of surveillance that punishes.
yeah. that.
If there’s infrastructure put into place for people to look out for youth who are in deep trouble, I’m all for it. But the intention behind the looking matters the most. When you’re looking for kids who are in trouble in order to help them, you look for cries for help that are public. If you’re looking to punish, you’ll misinterpret content, take what’s intended to be private and publicly punish, and otherwise abuse youth in a new way.
and otherwise abuse youth in a new way.
and otherwise abuse youth in a new way.
see war on kids.. soling.. for the old/ongoing way....
11/16/13 6:43 AM Wow. The wing markings of this fruit fly feature "drawings" of ants in order to protect the fly from predators |
protection is all around is...
perhaps we just keep getting in the way....
Accepted: 13 year old Trilingual Pioneer in Global Education - World as Classroom- LITERALLY
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