9/4/13 6:09 AM
Just edited Wikipedia for the first time using the new interface. That's a pretty stellar improvement.
9/4/13 6:12 AM
I just bought: 'Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential' v @thelist@CompellingPeeps amazon.com/dp/1594631018/…
9/4/13 6:15 AM
So true! RT “@TheAtlanticHLTH: How sleep deprivation makes us appear unattractive and sadtheatlantic.com/health/
9/4/13 6:19 AM Gerson's Wash. Post article is 1 every parent should read. Pathos & gratitude. "The long letting go" of our children bit.ly/14iWxSq |
i'm learning how empty the quiet can be.