9/26/13 7:17 AM Now it starts to get interesting - Univ. of Minnesota researchers control a flying robot with the mind bit.ly/1beAjnP via @marigo 9/26/13 5:16 AM iPad = bad choice made for wrong reason, now made worse by dopey adult hysteria -engadget.com/2013/09/26/los… 9/26/13 7:19 AM If you give kids devices capable of doing little more than charging with friend, they'll chat with friends. b@timstahmer @jdeq @dougpete 9/27/13 7:41 AM Crazy realistic drawing Pepsi can: youtu.be/7l-gRG0fJx4 via@YouTube #draw 9/27/13 7:45 AM Mobile storage trucks prove school cell phone bans really aren't doing much @dkrevitthuff.to/19LSLxi 9/28/13 7:39 AM The Great Philanthropy Disruption by @trevor_neilsonhuff.to/16Qt6CP 9/28/13 7:48 AM Incredibly inspirational story by @valleyhack abt @ramonapierson a woman who overcame adversity to be an entrepreneur buswk.co/19cwXtW |