9/25/13 7:04 AM
School district pays to monitor student social media for "violence, drug use, bullying, truancy & suicidal threats". cnn.com/2013/09/14/us/…
9/25/13 7:14 AM
Pressured Parents Phenomenon: a "visceral anxiety" triggered by competition between children:theatlantic.com/education/
9/24/13 6:05 AM 80+ Presentations from Genius Hr to #Mlearning to #Edtechow.ly/p9Ojb Check out the #RSCON4 presenter interviews #Edchat |
9/25/13 6:54 AM
Schools Matter: Children should not be allowed to behave like chil...schoolsmatter.info/2013/09/
is this for real? what?
9/25/13 6:54 AM
Schools Matter: The missing coreschoolsmatter.info/2013/09/
9/25/13 6:55 AM Join @Will_Shortz awesome puzzle tournament in Pleasantville Friday! $45 to play or $5 to watch the masters battle! pffl.org/Xword_2013.html |
crazy.. should be the other way around perhaps..?
9/25/13 6:56 AM
Love this. On writing: 'Write with the door closed. Re-write with the door open.' Stephen King#refections #connected #audience
9/25/13 6:58 AM
It's amazing what can be done if you just sit for five minutes being still and focusing on one single problem/challenge/idea.
9/25/13 6:58 AM
Story of my life right now: "Make space for your future." Amen.fb.me/QSIbV3rN
9/25/13 6:59 AM
Detaining human rights activists, blocking visas for lawyers... What do UK US govts want kept secret about their #drone wars? #everything
9/25/13 7:00 AM "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." Joseph Chilton Pearcepic.twitter.com/7NyqSOJDY1 |
9/25/13 7:00 AM
Fantastic line-up for Seven on Seven London to be announced 10/1; trust us, buy discounted early-bird tkts today. rhizome.org/sevenonseven
9/25/13 7:03 AM
We're currently reflecting on some random words that "are well researched and will have a significant impact on education". #slf13 #keynote
9/25/13 7:04 AM
Today's digest - Humanity Defeated Again in Pakistaneepurl.com/FSihX
9/25/13 7:03 AM
Is this @courosa's pic in a @WIRED article? Sweet!bit.ly/1flZvuj
9/25/13 7:10 AM
It's just an app. It's not going to redefine how we look at the world and we won't pay for it.
unless. it's not just an app.. but a link.. hypertext .. to personal fabrication..
and.. it's free via public Ed...
9/25/13 7:12 AM
That's the default position that startups need to overcome. The key is simplicity. The enemy, complexity and BS.
9/25/13 7:16 AM
But an app for frozen, mail-ordered sandwiches? Wow! CERTAINLY worth $3M investment!valleywag.gawker.com/startup-
9/25/13 7:18 AM Looks like one of my childhood fantasies - the jetpack - may soon be availablebit.ly/19z2Ler
9/25/13 7:12 AM
There's a lot of talk about prototyping - here's how to actually do itfastcocreate.com/3018109/how-
9/25/13 7:13 AM
When you encounter an outlier, consider whether it is an exception or an extreme, says@Folletto - theinsightlabs.org/research/
9/25/13 4:06 AM
Clearing Gottfrid Svarthom (Anakata) is an important victory. Thanks to all who helped, especially @ioerror for testifying as an expert.
9/25/13 7:15 AM
#Playwright Tarell McCraney named 2013 #MacFellow. Explores African American experience, evokes shared humanity bit.ly/18bcMyg
9/25/13 7:11 AM
What Michael Jordan Can Teach Us About Big Data, Strategy And Innovationp.ost.im/dtnPvj
9/24/13 6:03 AM
CAKE reminds us: "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." -- Leviticus 19:19cakemusic.com
Cooking over open fire is equivalent of smoking many, many cigarettes a day. Greg Spencer, @paradigmproject. #awareness #2030now
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/UMWomen/
Best post I've read in a very long time. Thank you @ariannahuff // Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume? http://t.co/1x6yaocOLg
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
#itlchat see @garystager and @smartinez (me) discuss Invent To Learn and Making the Case for Making in the Classroom http://t.co/er9rvdswqm
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/smartinez/
The key is the idea that people's behavior is altered to serve their interest in a system - @itsDanielSuarez #MLTalks
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/medialab/
Miss any of the #2030Now Social Good Summit? Watch all of the speakers here http://t.co/ozpyQdi5DZ via @socialgood
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/HansLak/