you have to know them..
2/22/13 7:45 AM
At last, a humble economist - Russ Roberts: when asked to measure things we can't measure, we should admit ignorance
When Nobel prize winners argue that the stimulus should have been $2 trillion while other equally illustrious economists argue it should have been zero and both have studies to back up their claims, one has to wonder how much science there really is in economic
Perhaps our profession should admit that some of the questions people want us to answer simply cannot be answered. One of those questions is whether $820 billion of additional federal spending using borrowed money is a good idea or not. I think it’s a bad idea. But my reasons for thinking so are based on logic and philosophy not fancy statistical analysis.
2/22/13 7:55 AM
Sorry, Clay, we're thinking much too narrowly abt MOOCs as disruptive force - is it really just-in-time mini-courses?
2/22/13 7:48 AM
Lovely. RT @presentationzen: On the power of speech & telling your own story. 5-min must-see Ignite
2/22/13 7:54 AM This Grant Wiggins piece describes what I wish my district could understand in their misinterpretation of GRR: |
use. The acid test comes when we provide a text or a problem and simply say, with no advice about which strategy to use, figure this out. (Here and here are some helpful resources on genuine Gradual Release).or perhaps it's for them to find the problem...?
unless you back off completely, on a daily basis, in scrimmages as well as games, to see whether or not students draw appropriately from the repertoire in a timely and effective fashion in challenges that demand it, you really have no idea what they can do on their own.or perhaps. unless we focus on individual curiosity... let education truly be a bringing out... we really have no idea what any of us can do.. we're missing breathtaking.. and killing ourselves in the process
counter-intuitive to say: please teach less and help less, in order that performance might become more successful over time. Our instincts as teachers cause us to over-help rather than under-help. But our kids deserve to become autonomous learners
perhaps this doesn't work with a mandated content..?
Greetings Creative Learners!
What do we have for you today? Week 2 follow-up. Week 3 planning. And a bit of fun logistics.
Week 2 - Microphone check … 1 … 2 … Can you hear us?
Unfortunately, during the start of session 2 most of you couldn't hear us, and we are sorry about that. But fortunately you can hear us now. The video of session 2 is online in our youtube channel. Keep an eye on the channel for future videos as well. And here is a HUGE THANK YOU for being such a great community - and for understanding that sometimes things go wrong (even, or especially, at MIT).
Fun Logistics - Meet yourselves! (And be reminded, how awesome you are)
We invited you to introduce yourselves by video. And many of you responded. It's hard to pick highlights, but here are two videos to get you started: Mike breaks it down into stop-motion breakbeat fireworks. And Adriano (who also made the awesome Google Map of participants) talks about wanting to become a spiral. The full gallery is online now, and it's not too late to still submit a link to your own video.
- Link: Gallery
- Link: Submit your video
Some of you are having awesome conversations in your email groups. Others have formed vibrant G+ communities. But there are also some groups that never really took off. Don't worry about it. Just have a look at the spreadsheet below and find a new team to join. There are hundreds of groups all over the world, and they are waiting to hear from you. And there is always the mothership G+ community (with almost 10,000 people and still growing).
Week 3 - Live Session Constructionism and Making / 25 Feb
Set your alarm clocks to Monday, Feb 25, 10AM (US Eastern). Or just sign-up for the G+ event and let Google do the rest for you. Please note that we are back to Monday, our regular session time. And we have two wonderful guests again: Leah Buechley is an Associate Professor at the Media Lab and Dale Dougherty is one of the leaders of the Maker movement.
- Link: Event session 3
In preparation, please read the suggested readings and share your reflections in your groups or on the larger G+ community. Last week we tried Google Moderator to collection questions for the panel. It worked really well, but only few of the questions could be answered during the panel. This week, we'd like to try the G+ community. We will still pick some questions for the panel, but hopefully this way, there will also be interesting conversations in the community beforehand.
- Readings: See readings and questions below
- Link: Submit your question for the panel
Here is a short video in which Ricarose explains this week's activity. Watch it to the very end. It will make you smile! Then go ahead and create an Scratch project about things you like to do, and share it using the links below. If you are new to Scratch, first follow the steps listed under New to Scratch?
- Activity Details: See below
Well done!
Keep up the good work everyone. We're well underway, but the fun is only just starting. And we are here for you if you need us!
The Machine (aka Oliver) and the Learning Creative Learning team
Things I Like To Do Activity
1) Create a Scratch project about things you like to do.
2) Share your project on the Scratch website.
3) Add the project to the LCL: What We Like To Do gallery
New to Scratch?
1) For an overview, watch the Scratch Intro Video on the Scratch home page.
2) Follow the steps for Getting Started with Scratch. You can access helpful resources on the Support page, including Scratch in multiple languages.
3) Download and install the Scratch software.
4) Sign up for a Scratch account so you can share and download projects.
* What ideas in the readings interested or resonated with you?
* How could you apply these ideas to help others learn in your own work, family, or community?
Readings in Preparation for Session 3:
* Seymour Papert (1980): Mindstorms (Chapter 1: Computers and Computer Cultures)
* Seymour Papert (1994): The Children’s Machine (Chapter 7: Instructionism versus Constructionism)
* Dale Dougherty: The Maker Mindset and Learning by Making
* Dale Dougherty (2011): The Heart of Maker Faire (video)
* Leah Buechley (2012): NSF Cyberlearning Summit Talk on Art, Craft, and Electronics (video)
* Mitchel Resnick et al. (2009): Scratch: Programming for All. Communications of the ACM.
Additional Resources
* Leah Buechley, High-Low Tech, research group website
* The Maker Education Initiative website
* Mitchel Resnick (2012). Let’s Teach Kids to Code (TED Talk video).* Seymour Papert (1980). Mindstorms (Introduction: Computers for Children, Chapter 2: Mathophobia: The Fear of Learning, Chapter 3: Turtle Geometry: A Mathematics Made for Learning).
2/21/13 6:34 AM
It only seems fair. From Spain, a bike made from old cars@springwise
#reuse #redesign #remanufacture…
2/21/13 6:33 AM 6 Ways To Motivate Students Using Achievements: It's not easy to motivate students. But by leveraging the powe... |
The next chart shows progress on the school’s two behavioral goals for uniforms and homework completion. What stands out here is that the chart doesn’t use student names. Rather, to protect students’ privacy, it uses numbers to identify each student
this is one of the ways we are actually encouraging student ownership.
figuring out our stealth code of privacy