Friday, February 1, 2013

dale stephens - learn anything

Dale J. Stephens is changing the notion that college is the only path to success and the only way to become educated. In his 'Learn Anything' course, Dale will show you how to…
Duration: 3 days from 10AM - 5PM

i don't know if i want to stay - i only have 2 qtrs left - but it's sucking my soul right now

i got stuck in the feeling that if i want to learn something - i have to take a class

man Dale - this is blowing me away.. seems you have thought of everything..
so clear, feels very much like we are in the room with you.

the chat options
1) off-topic
2) on-topic
3) questions

interspersing convo with reading questions/comments...

very relaxed - not canned..

question - how do you do this if you don't know ..
unschooling - how to figure out what you don't know


at school - 2/3 of work is taken away..
they tell you what to do and grade you..

most learning comes from picking your own things, getting/doing your own feedback.
afternoon session...
dale - i made sure i learned all the things everyone else was learning - because i thought i needed it for college.
but i found that to not be true.. what i really needed - was to know myself.
being outside of school - i learned to defend myself - being a misfit and a dropout.

day 2 - 
college - it's a nice way to live, [place to stay, they cook your meals, tell you topics to write your papers on and grade them], but it's not going to get you ready for life.
my 6 word memoir:
was quiet enough to hear it. #dalelive
one that really resonated: never not good enough to quit
who makes the code makes the rules via @lxpk #dalelive
Alex Peake

someone can help you start - but you will always be teaching yourself programming

day 3 -

michael statton - learn capital
chase jarvis - co-founder creative live

Chase - degree does not equal educated - how to de-measure.. do we need to assess anything
has never been asked for his degree or gpa

 - dang.. didn't catch guy next to Dale's name.. but he said - it ain't what you got but how you freak it