2/16/13 1:39 AM The Bridge wp.me/pustL-wD |
2/16/13 4:54 AM
@HelenWalters Congrats on your new gig with TED. Now that's an idea worth spreading!
great example of working your way in spaces - http://redefineschool.com/632/helen-waters/
2/16/13 7:52 AM
RT @DanielPink Does the “school cliff” matter more than the fiscal cliff?danpink.com/2013/01/does-t…
2/16/13 7:53 AM Digital Literacy Education for Teachers? bit.ly/WOq1Sr via @CommonSenseNews oh my.. serious. we need to get serious about play. about curiosity.. not risk aversion. we are masters at risk aversion.. how could we be more secure..? (besides setting people free to learn how to learn.. to regain their curiosity/hunger let's not fool ourselves anymore.. the riskiest thing issuing it safe. ESP when we spend all our resources on it... ESP our greatest resource.. people. we can't wait |