12/4/12 6:48 AM For a million little truths, you need million scientists - the quest for a unifying theory of the brain by@scicurious |
why any labeling is hard.. form/ shape is a death of sorts
Saying that emotion is in the amygdala, or that decision-making is the prefrontal cortex, is at best a shorthand, and a misleading one at that
oh my.
grokking tacit.
how to.. it's happening in the poorest of places..they call it survival.perhaps we learn from them .. rather than keep on trying to help them.. often unknowingly...out of their breathtaking brilliance ..into our analyzed and definable falsery of plastic
perhaps we start learning.. rather than helping
cc carol
cc carol
perhaps it's less about helping the assumed poor, and more about detoxing the assumed rich... as rich learn from poor [who grok things via survival] - they give up riches (what's keeping them from being free) and we get hans rosling's and lisa gansky's balancing out - via mesh... but most of all - via choice
from amy...
Having worked and studied in that field, I am not so sure that's true. Sure, we're finding interesting things from focusing on the minutiae, but I think the larger picture of understanding what causes brain pathology may not be solved by a neuroscientist, or even millions of them. For the reasons you state, Monika, trying to fit everything into a neat little box. The exciting developments come from the junctions of disciplines -- from the freedom to explore -- and from open minds in the NIH and other funding agencies.
There was a man, Hans Selye, who studied the biological effects of stress. He found that uniformly, when exposed to chronic stress, certain endocrine glands in the bodies of rodents and humans would shrink, and this had to happen before disease would set in. The brain, you see, is an endocrine gland. Stress, as it turns out, blocks memory formation, and also kills neurons in the hippocampus -- the part of the brain we believe is responsible for storing memories.
So, it seems to me that we might have already had our Neuroscience Newton, only we chose to ignore him, because we were so busy focusing on the tiny bits, and perpetuating the system of stress that keeps us from understanding (and I mean that on a cellular level). There are other Nobel Prize winning scientists, not neuroscientists, who likely found the key, or at least important pieces of it, I think.
"El mundo cambia contu ejemplo, no con tu opinion." -- "The world changes with your example, not your opinion."
from amy on timelines...
Random thinking -- thinking about the stress of it -- the thing that impairs my learning -- what is the stress of this?
It's the deadline.
And initially families that pull their kids out of school are stressed out, but as you see, that changes pretty quickly.
When they make the realization... there are no deadlines, unless they choose them.
12/4/12 6:49 AM
#Copenhagen named IBM Smarter City:… @IBMSmartCities @cphpost@missdesignsays @copenhagenize #Europe #climate
and the reunion begin... noam, greg, kosta, ... et al..
wrote ashish and frank
wrote ashish and frank
via diane ravitch.. and goes with Chris brogan
12/3/12 6:13 AM
..outskirts of Appalachia - latest Lexington, KY startups and emerging companies in Google via StartupDigest
12/4/12 6:48 AM
Va tests:ESOL kids get prtfolio option 4 reading not 4 science, SS, writing. Sped/504's get prtfolio 4 sci/SS/writingnot 4 reading #gofigure