12/10/12 5:44 AM
Innovation to Save Lives: A Student’s Story, Part II - Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by NC State grad student ...ow.ly/2tF61V
imagine we set every brilliant soul free - to do their art.
12/11/12 6:47 AM
Latest from @Richard_Florida: It's all about flow - city density drives productivitybit.ly/X5jkaO
in a city... a dense city..
with an app - to ground the chaos of simply facilitating curiosities. help people find their people. to do what matters...
12/11/12 7:05 AM "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." ~ Albert Einstein |
let's get smarter.. right now.. no?
setting people free.. to be... curious
12/11/12 7:00 AM
RT @C4LPT: The Big Debate – Berlin Educa - ban diplomas and degrees!bit.ly/RsIJy9
http://dianeravitch.net/2012/12/11/joshua-starr-stop-the-insanity/ - 3 yr moratorium on standardized tests...
Joshua Starr is the superintendent of Montgomery County’s public school system, the 17th largest district in the nation. He says that the “country needs a three-year moratorium on standardized testing and needs to ‘stop the insanity’ of evaluating teachers according to student test scores because it is based on ‘bad science.’He also said that the best education reform the country has had is actually health-care reform.”
12/10/12 6:29 AM Yes, UK 3-5 yrs ahead of US in #socialenterprise ecosystem @dise_uk Encouraging news 4 #socent sector!@ReachScale #coops #CIC |
12/11/12 6:10 AM
Some Colleges Discount Tuition for Siblingstrib.al/VqQMjrT
12/9/12 11:28 PM
The Myth of Artistic Inspiration keithsawyer.wordpress.com/
12/10/12 6:27 AM Mathematics is interesting, if you don't agree you can $%£!.... the philosophy behind a museum opening in NYCow.ly/fXXgo |