12/6/12 6:45 AM “@pammoran: Linda Darling- Hammond's research on the world's - minus the US - best assessment practices tinyurl.com/c9o2fzd #edchat” |
oh my guys...
we are crazy to think we're not doing a graver disservice by hiding who owns the learning with cool innovations and friendly verbiage. it's not about how we do things. it's about where the doing is initiated. ie: the curiosity within each person. it doesn't matter if you tell me you're not going to test me... when the entire world can't finish an accolade without stating where the institution, country, person, finished in regard to (school)math scores. we all grok the raised eyebrow.
why is finlands suicide rate so high? why aren't people taking heed to Yongs findings. do we really want to be better at (school) math that 90% of the world doesn't use..? or do we want to be better at being alive..? finding the thing we can't not do..?
I thought assessment meant to sit beside..
why are all these smart people not seeing the irony..?
1suicide every 40 seconds globally.
best assessment practice.. sit beside. .. in spaces of permission with nothing to prove...
12/6/12 6:37 AM Who owns captured lectures? -campustechnology.com/ |
interesting comment..
you knpw.. this only gets difficult.. it'sonly a problem.. if we keep thinking we need to be owning things.. esp when no one can really own anything..no?
12/6/12 6:37 AM
"If you're not failing, you're not being innovative enough." The Power of Failurenyti.ms/11bPRA2 #failfaire
more than the typical on sharing failings.. like that.
12/6/12 6:42 AM
"“The first international conference on Internet Science” April 10-11, 2013. bit.ly/VlWRF9via @diigo
so intrigued with how we do gatherings.. who's together in a space, and why...
12/6/12 6:40 AM
RT: @GOOD: Here are six ways to build a better (and longer-lasting) urban garden: bit.ly/TIC8xZ cc@RoseHammerBurt
12/6/12 6:44 AM
The power to achieve a dream often comes from facing our most wrenching sadness.
i thought it was key that you questioned how much we are messing with informal learning, the more the formal institution tries to help it happen. [like us going into 3rd world countries and leaving them more helpless than when we first arrived on the scene]
our work has been based on a "connected adjacency" mentality, where we were both in and out of the district/system. but we - as a people - are so mindless/numb about the irony of measuring things that can't be measured - we assign measurement - as a first move. esp if we are of any knowledgeable/academic standing.
so hard to accept simplicity the more we think we know.
its certainly a very messy area and the more people expect of it and invest in it , the more fraught it will become i guess