8/21/12 6:25 AM
Your only competitive advantages are your personal relationships in local communities and the reputation you earn with real customers.
maybe not even competitive advantage - but quality of life... no?
8/21/12 6:07 AM
To Change Your Changeflpbd.it/gtWMe
Perhaps rather than going to your circle of cheerleaders go to someone who you think will disagree, someone who may be reluctant, someone who may argue, and then see how your change holds up.
Perhaps your change can meet someone else's change and together you can change something really big.
8/21/12 6:04 AM
"Why We Cheat" "This is not the behavior of students who seek to relentlessly out-compete their classmates." @alfiekohn bit.ly/
8/21/12 9:15 AM
"We are seeing a movement in education that continues to erode the public trust."huff.to/PtRipk
when efficiency matters most .. and we've gotten good at being efficient,
unfortunately - we often lose what we were seeking in the first place.
via kids - if high scores are all that matters - helping each other get there matter to them.
we call that cheating.. but really - who's cheating who.. aren't we cheating each other out of a life that matters..?
8/21/12 6:00 AM
"Why does it take a crisis for us to collaborate together on common goals?" @Jake_Barton on what makes cities tick j.mp/PaDWLD
imagine if we didn't wait for crisis
re-imagine public participation
what matters most..
let's do that.. no?