Wednesday, August 15, 2012

mike wagner - strange

fitting - grazie

6:31- i broke her routine
strangeness well worked can bring us together
7:51 - every one of us is really a dim bulb
says - i'm going to ignore predictability, and i'm going to save myself for moments of craziness
what we really respond to - is that difference
your brain must be shocked into attention

3m makes 55,000 products, by ticking their employees off, they have forced rotations, - probably won't work
how to get the craziness to show up?
steve jobs put the bathrooms in the middle - have to walk to go - but puts people in spaces together

we live in a world where it's easy for us to make our own echo chambers
step up - meet some strange people

grazie to and via
Annalie Killian (@maverickwoman)
8/15/12 6:12 AM
AWESOME TEDx talk @bigwags Positive power of being strange & linking our strangeness to solve wicked challenges