Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
cathy davidson - mooce
8/29/12 6:11 AM
Don't We Need a Yelp! for MOOC's? Bring on the MOOCE! |…
spent a day yesterday immersed in it..
we should get an a on that - and move on. no?
imagine if we decided to not play that game.
here's a step toward better:
Andrea Zellner (@AndreaZellner)
8/29/12 6:11 AM
From @bengrey: Staff Email: Feel free to use social media via @Zite#MSUepet
but i hear clay shirky's daycare center story
and i hear comments on will's aug 29 post - about the game we must play
and i see a fine line - that we need to call into question.
i think it's really the line right now..
culture of trust..
spaces of permission with nothing to prove.
we're wasting so much time on policy, distrust,
and all the while - we're trying to convince ourselves that this is how we play it safe.
we should get an a on that - and move on. no?
imagine if we decided to not play that game.
here's a step toward better:
8/29/12 6:11 AM
From @bengrey: Staff Email: Feel free to use social media via @Zite#MSUepet
but i hear clay shirky's daycare center story
and i hear comments on will's aug 29 post - about the game we must play
and i see a fine line - that we need to call into question.
i think it's really the line right now..
culture of trust..
spaces of permission with nothing to prove.
we're wasting so much time on policy, distrust,
and all the while - we're trying to convince ourselves that this is how we play it safe.
christian long - spaces & games
curious about ways to get into these (seems to be many of them) abandoned spaces..
cost to bring them to code is keeping them unused..
Christian Long (@ChristianLong)
8/29/12 6:14 AM
Detail from abandoned 1890's school bldg in Franklinton that will house a new charter school (which I'm on t
i'm imagining the potential if we admit what we know - that the curriculum (math science et al) that we are mandating via core is not behooving us -
so spending moneys on tricks to get better at proving we can test on it... might be better spent in a more - reality is broken - via J McGonigal - sort of way. where we make school real life, we bring the game to real life, (rather than the core to a game) ...where the funding described below - 10 bill.. instead perhaps - goes to buy/bring to code spaces in a city - as Christian describes above..
then the game, the learning, the life, is in the city.. used by/with/for the people.. seems a win win..
John Ferrara (@PlayfulDesign)
8/29/12 6:10 AM
#seriousgames now a $2-$10 billion dollar industry #ux#gamedesign
cost to bring them to code is keeping them unused..
8/29/12 6:14 AM
Detail from abandoned 1890's school bldg in Franklinton that will house a new charter school (which I'm on t
i'm imagining the potential if we admit what we know - that the curriculum (math science et al) that we are mandating via core is not behooving us -
so spending moneys on tricks to get better at proving we can test on it... might be better spent in a more - reality is broken - via J McGonigal - sort of way. where we make school real life, we bring the game to real life, (rather than the core to a game) ...where the funding described below - 10 bill.. instead perhaps - goes to buy/bring to code spaces in a city - as Christian describes above..
then the game, the learning, the life, is in the city.. used by/with/for the people.. seems a win win..
8/29/12 6:10 AM
#seriousgames now a $2-$10 billion dollar industry #ux#gamedesign
schank, stager, richardson - algebra et al
Yet, we hear argument after argument about the need for more STEM education (pretending we don’t have lots of unemployed science PhDs). Everyone must study chemistry, memorize plant phylla and do lots of trigonometry.
The argument for algebra rests on the transfer from math to other areas of life, something that has never been proven
The defenders of the existing system love mathematics because it is easy to test and there can be test prep courses and state-wide tests and national tests and tests comparing us to other countries, all signifying nothing.
You can live a productive and happy life without knowing anything about macroeconomics or trigonometry but you can’t function very well at all if you can’t make an accurate prediction or describe situations, or diagnose a problem, or evaluate a situation, person or object. The ability to reason from evidence really matters in life, the names of famous scientists and their accomplishments do not.
We can teach people the skills they need if we allow them to choose what interests them and then teach them to predict, evaluate, diagnose, etc., within their area of interest. Teaching algebra and then hoping those skills will transfer to other areas of life is simply fantasy, a fantasy that makes our kids bored and miserable in school.
8/27/12 5:30 PM
The great Roger Schank has a few things to say to school apologist Daniel Willingham about "S.T.E.M." -
dear chris & will - on papertism
will - what matters most - relationship
comment from stager:
Papert used to say that School at best teaches a billionth of a percent of the knowledge in the universe, yet we quibble endlessly about which billionth of a percent is most important - the piece we have always taught.
and so yes.. comments worthy of a post
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
8/28/12 6:48 AM
#Zukunftsdialog Prof. Henning: Wir brauchen eine stärkere Innovationskultur nicht nur für Technik.
we need a stronger culture of innovation not only in tech.
venessa miemis - ebdtv
vulnerability attracts...
7:23 - when you look at people living that default culture - most often a lie
7:58 - engage curiosity - i've seen people not do the thing they are good at because it's easy - and they believe work is hard
via ebd-tv-mccarthys-interview-on-culture-hacking-workplace-innovation/
amber rae - bold academy
san fran... cool
san fran... cool
"What could you accomplish if you had the right environment, the support that you needed and access to mentors to help you along the way?"
bud hunt - pd
via hangout
budtheteacher: you can see plenty of examples of teacher research from our DLC here -
my question
monk51295: wondering if we're freeing up the ownership of pd - by also calling into question the curriculum, the core standards, et al, i never saw that question posed or considered in inquiry by stance
monk51295: which i found odd -
budtheteacher: @tellio - Yes - we have significant conversations when we begin teacher research work about data and "what counts"
budtheteacher: @tellio - here's a piece I wrote about that -
theKSTF: @tellio Not as familiar with qualitative methods an raise questions about generalizability, etc. But as they try out some qual methods and discuss, they shift their views.
tellio: @budtheteacher I really think we need to embrace the idea of a sample of one as valid like the quantifiable self folk do
tellio: Collaboration as a real value in school would absolutely transform schools
tellio: @theKTSF sometimes I think that the so-called generalizeability of quantitative research is a chimera.
theKSTF: Really like this pice by Susan Lytle "better" that addresses collaboration and teacher inquiry
Seth's Blog: As if your life depended on it
Seth's Blog: As if your life depended on it
EricPatrickMarr (@EricPatrickMarr)
8/28/12 6:51 AM
I learned this the hard way. Desperation is a turnoff. RT @ThisIsSethsBlog: As if your life depended on
8/28/12 6:51 AM
I learned this the hard way. Desperation is a turnoff. RT @ThisIsSethsBlog: As if your life depended on
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
lisa kristine - modern slavery
it's all around us.. we just don't see it..
27 million souls enslaved worldwide
8/26/12 5:59 AM
This is intense and saddening, but worth your time: Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery-
be you
8/26/12 6:13 AM "It takes a long time to sound like yourself". - Miles Davis… via@Pinterest c @tedpearlman |
greg satell - disruption
8/26/12 6:20 AM Disruption is relative. Nice post by 8/26/12 6:11 AM RT @Digitaltonto: 5 Super Cool Future 8/26/12 6:06 AM RT @mylesbristowe: "I know why the average lifespan of a CMO is only about 22 months." good points here |
Friday, August 24, 2012
splitting hairs
i agree:
would like to split some more - without spending time on simply splitting hairs.
coming from a crazy corner via Krishnamurti - partial freedom is no freedom.
and coming from a great deal of ignorance.
but i'm not seeing the value of hammering these definitions.
i'm wondering if the prep we keep doing - by hammering the definitions, then doing the pd, et al, is keeping us from what Bowen Lee talks about here (on ttt when the topic was 3rd space) at:
perhaps - our pd is simply in doing. and while we're doing, we're listening deeply to emerging curiosities..
those examples are ideo - no? so pushing self back? which is cool - just am afraid i'm missing something..
also curious why we think we need people to be teaching .. whatever shakespeare, math.. et al..
perhaps if we - again - are less on prep - and teaching - more will be learned/created/explored.
im bad - i'm so bent on this - non-prep - no agenda - facilitating curiosities
so - there is where i'm splitting hairs...
from our experience..that does make a difference, not only in how amazing something can be, but also if it continues.. or if it's finished once the achievement is seen.
and the biggest hair - that we're not getting out of the classroom more, physically and mentally.
seems we go to classrooms more to garner proof of something, then out of love for something..
just my crazy brain spilling...
totally agree with the dangers of this (whatever title is creating it):
spaces of permission with nothing to prove... so that you become your own start up - your own driver..
the way we get people getting to their own 10,000 and/or happiness
These are hairs we're splitting, but they're important ones. - via Ewan about half way through comments - here
would like to split some more - without spending time on simply splitting hairs.
coming from a crazy corner via Krishnamurti - partial freedom is no freedom.
and coming from a great deal of ignorance.
but i'm not seeing the value of hammering these definitions.
i'm wondering if the prep we keep doing - by hammering the definitions, then doing the pd, et al, is keeping us from what Bowen Lee talks about here (on ttt when the topic was 3rd space) at:
22:09 - that was wehre the familiarity stoppedare we missing the vulnerability in context that Mary Catherine Bateson describes, because we are so busy prepping for everything.
22:51 - the most profound thing
23:30 - learning more than teaching
24:00 - what was unfamiliar to me - were the jewels i brought home
32:25 - adjusting to this level of uncertainty
perhaps - our pd is simply in doing. and while we're doing, we're listening deeply to emerging curiosities..
Wiggins and mCtighe state "Although teaching for understanding is a vital aim in schooling, it is just one of the many. There are cases when 'understanding' is neither feasible nor desirable. The developmental level of students will determine the extent to which conceptualization is appropriate; at other times, it will make in-depth understanding a lesser or tangential goal
hmm. not following.. unless we are agreeing that curriculum is our driver.
In Design Thinking, the teacher avoids asking a question at all, and comes up with what we call a generative topic (from David Perkins' work), a curiosity-mongering statement that opens up an area of study, doesn't narrow it down. The questions that come from this investigation are the ones that students will go on to look at in more detail, come with ideas around solving or presenting.
would love to know more about this:
A large part of our work with educators is working on how to develop higher order questioning skills in students. So many Design Thinking projects we observe elsewhere at the moment are based around relatively lower order questions, or on just school/community improvement. Design Thinking can be so much more than this, but it takes the marriage between Design Thinking as a creative industries process and the best educational research we can find. It's hard to find people teaching Shakespeare, religious studies or mathematics through the process, the very things we're seeing educators through our work begin to achieve. Core to raising that ambition is raising the quality of questioning in both teachers and students, something that remains untouched in most schools.
those examples are ideo - no? so pushing self back? which is cool - just am afraid i'm missing something..
also curious why we think we need people to be teaching .. whatever shakespeare, math.. et al..
perhaps if we - again - are less on prep - and teaching - more will be learned/created/explored.
im bad - i'm so bent on this - non-prep - no agenda - facilitating curiosities
so - there is where i'm splitting hairs...
from our experience..that does make a difference, not only in how amazing something can be, but also if it continues.. or if it's finished once the achievement is seen.
and the biggest hair - that we're not getting out of the classroom more, physically and mentally.
seems we go to classrooms more to garner proof of something, then out of love for something..
just my crazy brain spilling...
totally agree with the dangers of this (whatever title is creating it):
UbD almost tries to give students the impression they have choice, responsibility for their learning, real things to create in order to learn, but in fact, it fails to respect the choices learners make, as tangents are a) less likely to appear (the immersion phease of research at the beginning is narrower by design) and b) less likely to be given time and resource by the teacher when they do appear (such tangents are off the goal that the teacher has already set in mind).
spaces of permission with nothing to prove... so that you become your own start up - your own driver..
the way we get people getting to their own 10,000 and/or happiness
networked individualism
toward a perhaps invisible intention economy of community
doing more, might blur the labels, the accolades
might ground us more on the reason for doing/sharing
Gary Stager, Ph.D. (@garystager)
8/24/12 6:33 AM
"Disciplines are not lists, they are networks" Paulo Blickstein
doing more, might blur the labels, the accolades
might ground us more on the reason for doing/sharing
8/24/12 6:33 AM
"Disciplines are not lists, they are networks" Paulo Blickstein
8/24/12 6:30 AM The key to quantified self is not personalized data but shareable data - solving this will be highly disruptive 8/24/12 6:05 AM If they designed a classroom, would it be a room? #design |
dr david d timony - talent
8/23/12 4:12 PM
@George_Haines "You have no talent"
Talent is a label given by people who do not know the amount of practice that has been performed in order to develop observed skills. It is amicroinequity. It is an insult. It says, “You have skills that in my judgment, you did not earn.” Isn’t it a much greater ‘gift’ to have worked hard at developing a demonstrable skill? The owners of these skills are, as are most, unreliable in reporting their own levels of interest and effort. When asked if they practice, they under-report. When inquired about their interest, they are blasé. Isaac Stern, when interviewed by Ellen Langer about his practice habits says that he practices sometimes while ‘watching television programs’ and laughs. Musicians are notorious for under- and over-reporting their practice (depending on who they are trying to impress).
Interest at an early age makes practice seem a pleasure and is thus underreported in history. That is to say, if you had more interest and it was valued and supported more voraciously in early years, you may have had better outcomes.
People want to believe in some inexplicable means by which someone acquired tremendous skill. They hate it when the answer is interest and practice.
couch surfing
8/24/12 6:08 AM Startups, would you couchsurf Kansas City just to get Google Fiber? | love this project, so cool |
david orr - what is ed for
More of the same kind of education will only compound our problems. This is not an argument for ignorance, but rather a statement that the worth of education must now be measured against the standards of decency and human survival – the issues now looming so large before us in the decade of the 1990s and beyond. It is not education that will save us, but education of a certain kind.
Francis Bacon’s ..Galileo’s ..Descartes’ ....Together these three laid the foundations for modern education, foundations now enshrined in myths we have come to accept without question.
All things considered, it is possible that we are becoming more ignorant of the things we must know to live well and sustainably on the Earth.
The plain fact is that the planet does not need more "successful" people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every shape and form. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these needs have little to do with success as our culture has defined it.
Ron Miller, editor of Holistic Review:
"Our culture does not nourish that which is best or noblest in the human spirit. It does not cultivate vision, imagination, or aesthetic or spiritual sensitivity. It does not encourage gentleness, generosity, caring, or compassion. Increasingly in the late 20th Century, the economic-technocratic-statist worldview has become a monstrous destroyer of what is loving and life-affirming in the human soul."
A second principle comes from the Greek concept of paideia. The goal of education is not mastery of subject matter, but of one’s person.
Fourth, we cannot say that we know something until we understand the effects of this knowledge on real people and their communities.praxis
Students hear about global responsibility while being educated in institutions that often invest their financial weight in the most irresponsible things. The lessons being taught are those of hypocrisy and ultimately despair. Students learn, without anyone ever saying it, that they are helpless to overcome the frightening gap between ideals and reality.
8/24/12 6:36 AM
Mind successfully blown. Thank you, @chrislehmann
8/21/12 1:35 PM
Why is the most popular TEDTalk of all time about education?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
yong zhao - w steve
chat - saying they are changed educators since heaing Yong at iste
making paradigm worse by trying to fix it
personalized and strength based learning system
make things that matter to themvia jackie: learning-on-the-edge/
@jackiegerstein | 11:38 AM |
New Models for Education: Maker Faire and the Young Makers Program oba |
learning/portfolio management system - wanting to reach 1000 schools |

University of Oregon (http://zhaolea
Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author, and speaker. His works focus on the implications of globalization and technology on education. He has designed schools that cultivate global competence, developed computer games for language learning, and founded research and development institutions to explore innovative education models. He has published over 100 articles and 20 books, including Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization a
He currently serves as the Presidential Chair and Associate Dean for Global Education in the College of Education, University of Oregon, where he is also Weinman Professor of Technology and Professor in the Department of Educational Measurement, Policy, and Leadership.
gina bianchini
mightybell -
cool.. you can pull in a hangout - for video conf (haven't figured out how yet)
and it looks like once you are signed up.. anywhere on line you join in, it logs that as one of your spaces.. looks like too, then the notes, et al from that session are linked to the logo for the space..
trailings... love it.
and love Gina's transparency and desire to have this be in perpetual beta.
thanks Steve
Gina Bianchini
Mightybell (htt p://www.mightyb
Gina Bianchini is the founder of Mightybell. She is also the co-founder and former CEO of Ning, an online platform for creating your own social network for anything. Previously, Gina was the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Harmonic Communications. She has also worked as a Director of Business Development and Investor Relations at CKS Group and as a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs.
cool.. you can pull in a hangout - for video conf (haven't figured out how yet)
and it looks like once you are signed up.. anywhere on line you join in, it logs that as one of your spaces.. looks like too, then the notes, et al from that session are linked to the logo for the space..
trailings... love it.
and love Gina's transparency and desire to have this be in perpetual beta.
- this is software (does that mean a space? - my question) not content..
thanks Steve

Mightybell (htt
Gina Bianchini is the founder of Mightybell. She is also the co-founder and former CEO of Ning, an online platform for creating your own social network for anything. Previously, Gina was the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Harmonic Communications. She has also worked as a Director of Business Development and Investor Relations at CKS Group and as a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
classroom as idea factory
Bernd Nurnberger (@CoCreatr)
8/21/12 4:56 PM
Equipment and processes #opendesign, for #procreativity flow. via @ideavist@jordiguell cc @monk51295 #edreform
Sam Chaltain (@samchaltain)
8/21/12 8:24 PM
via @brainpicker, How Children Learn: Portraits of Classrooms Around the World
and mind:
Maria Popova (@brainpicker)
8/21/12 4:20 PM
Creative legend George Lois on understanding how to think and cultivating a mind that produces ideas
Graham Brown-Martin (@GrahamBM)
8/24/12 6:05 AM
If they designed a classroom, would it be a room? #design
8/21/12 4:56 PM
Equipment and processes #opendesign, for #procreativity flow. via @ideavist@jordiguell cc @monk51295 #edreform
8/21/12 8:24 PM
via @brainpicker, How Children Learn: Portraits of Classrooms Around the World
and mind:
8/21/12 4:20 PM
Creative legend George Lois on understanding how to think and cultivating a mind that produces ideas
8/24/12 6:05 AM
If they designed a classroom, would it be a room? #design
ed zed omega
Audrey Watters (@audreywatters)
8/21/12 9:07 PM
Reinventing Education for the Disaffected With Ed Zed Omega…via @wired
oh my... a treasure chest.. love what these guys are up to..
8/21/12 9:07 PM
Reinventing Education for the Disaffected With Ed Zed Omega…via @wired
oh my... a treasure chest.. love what these guys are up to..
jabiz raisdana - community
8/22/12 6:13 AM
Mention a band, share music and find two new people @prbasta @sducharme Love it.#buildcommunity
simple. no?
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
karen cator on
notes doc
how do we power up the learning environment
best posible trajectory
on their own learning trajectory
big back drop: teaching. learning. assessment..
what if it's more about learning.. and not the other two.. at least not the way we define the other two today
learn more about learning..maybe we don't decide what it is we need to learn?
standards are creating shared resources...true - but if they are the wrong resources.. meaning.. it needs to be per choice.
tech gives kids personal experience with the content..gosh - true - but why must we not question the content
google hangout is blocked at us dept of ed.. holy cow
jorge barba & fried - how to celebrate/support innovation
8/21/12 9:20 AM
New blog post: How does your company celebrate #innovation? | Game-Changer
via Fried:
For example, from May through October, we switch to a four-day workweek. And not 40 hours crammed into four days, but 32 hours comfortably fit into four days. We don’t work the same amount of time, we work less.
the benefits of a six-month schedule with three-day weekends are obvious. But there’s one surprising effect of the changed schedule: better work gets done in four days than in five.
When there’s less time to work, you waste less time. When you have a compressed workweek, you tend to focus on what’s important. Constraining time encourages quality time.
In the spirit of continual change, this summer we tried something new. We decided to give everyone the month of June to work on whatever they wanted. It wasn’t vacation, but it was vacation from whatever work was already scheduled. We invited everyone to shelve their nonessential work and to use the time to explore their own ideas.People worked independently or joined up with other employees on team projects. The only rule was: explore, see if there are ways to make our existing products better, or come up with a new product idea, create a new business model, or do whatever is of most interest…
Celebrate the process, not the outcome.
funny - as we're working to incorporate labs/sandboxes/20% time within public ed.
isn't that what learning is? a sandbox?
how did we get to the point that we are leery of experimenting - most of all in our school years?
well - it's created adults that think what Jason is doing with his company, and google, and 3m, et al, is not normal. or at best - is something we can only do part time. and at great risk.
godin - the only the risky is playing it safe.
which translates to - not playing/experimenting..
denial defense defeat
perhaps we all do it. no?
perhaps the more academically minded do it more. no?
defense.. because of our fear of being wrong.
great resources everywhere - but in particular:
Chris Argyris:
Kathryn Schulz:
jake barton - what matters
8/21/12 6:25 AM
Your only competitive advantages are your personal relationships in local communities and the reputation you earn with real customers.
maybe not even competitive advantage - but quality of life... no?
8/21/12 6:07 AM
To Change Your
Perhaps rather than going to your circle of cheerleaders go to someone who you think will disagree, someone who may be reluctant, someone who may argue, and then see how your change holds up.
Perhaps your change can meet someone else's change and together you can change something really big.
8/21/12 6:04 AM
"Why We Cheat" "This is not the behavior of students who seek to relentlessly out-compete their classmates." @alfiekohn
8/21/12 9:15 AM
"We are seeing a movement in education that continues to erode the public trust."
when efficiency matters most .. and we've gotten good at being efficient,
unfortunately - we often lose what we were seeking in the first place.
via kids - if high scores are all that matters - helping each other get there matter to them.
we call that cheating.. but really - who's cheating who.. aren't we cheating each other out of a life that matters..?
8/21/12 6:00 AM
"Why does it take a crisis for us to collaborate together on common goals?" @Jake_Barton on what makes cities tick
imagine if we didn't wait for crisis
re-imagine public participation
what matters most..
let's do that.. no?
jabiz raisdana - salieri
8/21/12 6:15 AM
I suffer from Salieri Syndrome- suffering from an unnameable pain where one's musical talent is not equal to one's love of music.
john spencer - ed policy & apps
8/21/12 6:29 AM
I wish people would get as excited about changing educational policy as they do about new apps#edpolicy #edchat
imagine two.. two.. two mints in one..
: )
be app
venessa miemis - ell
cool jets via video-unfolding-the-story-of-the-emerging-leader-labs-a-reflection-by-ben-brownell/
the biggest leap we can take is back into our connected selves.we're in it. we're infinite. together.
Monday, August 20, 2012
james bach visits the be you house
the lovely man just visited us again..
started to video - got this much
on rhizomes and the energy of prototyping (aka quitting often)
and then this much till flip died
on the start of his talk
then the flip was full - .. so took some notes
some sage advice.. [the following is me typing his words]
when i teach - i’m offering a buffet - and then you get to see if there’s something you like..
but i am still watching - to see if nothing interests you - then - i change the menu
27 yr olds - needed help - when they found out what they can do.. people supported them
james’ mission - help others discover that they are smarter than they think they are
he taught the people that worked on the curious mars rover
as the mentor that knows the person - (ie: parent) you might think of things a person should know.. and then create experiences to learn about that..
ie: how to forgive, how to negotiate, …
i love teaching because when i’m teaching i’m not taking anyone’s power.. i’m giving power..
ie: leave for whatever reason
best advice to a 15 yr old:
a great secret that no one well tell you - esp in schools
(and i’m not going to ask - what are you going to be)
whatever you’re doing right now..
nothing you do now and for the next 5 yrs at least is in any way going to hurt you for the rest of your life..
unless, lose a limb, commit a felony, get someone pregnant, get addicted to a drug..
other than that.. nothing that can happen or that you do that is any way screwing up your future.
if you feel lazy - guess what - as youngest man at apple computer - i felt that until i was hired there.
relax. you’re not wasting time.
nobody expects anybody from you.. so you can’t be a failure..
jerry weinberg - not responsible for your actions until you’re 30
20’s experiment
30’s figured out how to do it but kinks
40’s ok, now things are clicking
i can’t imagine a 15,16, or 17 yr old worrying about their future
stop the emotional torture.. you have been in hiding - like anne frank - it’s going to take a while to feel like you can come out.
don’t take anything too seriously about your progress right now.
toxic - feel like you aren’t learning anything unless you take a test about it - at 11
so glad to be in my 40’s.. not obsessed with sex.. so at 15 - if you do any little thing, i’m impressed
you are all paved over right now.
we’re growing you through the asphalt (everett) -
we have a lot of patience around here, because we used to be you
his son doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder - support from his dad:
i will support you until my dying death - you’re living a life that is creative
you’re complaining about something that you did and you were forgiven for
just keep forgiving them, have them forgive themselves..
biographies are hugely powerful..
einsteins dog helped him calm down and be einstein
started to video - got this much
on rhizomes and the energy of prototyping (aka quitting often)
and then this much till flip died
on the start of his talk
then the flip was full - .. so took some notes
some sage advice.. [the following is me typing his words]
when i teach - i’m offering a buffet - and then you get to see if there’s something you like..
but i am still watching - to see if nothing interests you - then - i change the menu
27 yr olds - needed help - when they found out what they can do.. people supported them
james’ mission - help others discover that they are smarter than they think they are
he taught the people that worked on the curious mars rover
as the mentor that knows the person - (ie: parent) you might think of things a person should know.. and then create experiences to learn about that..
ie: how to forgive, how to negotiate, …
i love teaching because when i’m teaching i’m not taking anyone’s power.. i’m giving power..
ie: leave for whatever reason
best advice to a 15 yr old:
a great secret that no one well tell you - esp in schools
(and i’m not going to ask - what are you going to be)
whatever you’re doing right now..
nothing you do now and for the next 5 yrs at least is in any way going to hurt you for the rest of your life..
unless, lose a limb, commit a felony, get someone pregnant, get addicted to a drug..
other than that.. nothing that can happen or that you do that is any way screwing up your future.
if you feel lazy - guess what - as youngest man at apple computer - i felt that until i was hired there.
relax. you’re not wasting time.
nobody expects anybody from you.. so you can’t be a failure..
jerry weinberg - not responsible for your actions until you’re 30
20’s experiment
30’s figured out how to do it but kinks
40’s ok, now things are clicking
i can’t imagine a 15,16, or 17 yr old worrying about their future
stop the emotional torture.. you have been in hiding - like anne frank - it’s going to take a while to feel like you can come out.
don’t take anything too seriously about your progress right now.
toxic - feel like you aren’t learning anything unless you take a test about it - at 11
so glad to be in my 40’s.. not obsessed with sex.. so at 15 - if you do any little thing, i’m impressed
you are all paved over right now.
we’re growing you through the asphalt (everett) -
we have a lot of patience around here, because we used to be you
his son doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder - support from his dad:
i will support you until my dying death - you’re living a life that is creative
you’re complaining about something that you did and you were forgiven for
just keep forgiving them, have them forgive themselves..
biographies are hugely powerful..
einsteins dog helped him calm down and be einstein
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