Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what i think i need now

my students and i have gotten to experience a lot of cool activities and interactions this year.

we have felt the responsibility of scaling that out... so we 
1) crafted a model to do just that 
2) with new standards to drive it
3) a beta tool to validate it

what i think i need now (from an expert tutor) is more efficiency with what we are doing in order to scale and to help us keep the focus on things that matter.

1) we need to be more efficient with our time, making sure we're doing what matters
  •  rework (fried) the day so that at the end of the day we are pleased
  • act as guardians of validity - continually asking.. is this the best we and do.. are we missing some info here?...
2) we need to model more efficient time use for specific things we think matter
  • we have piped in a twitter feed to our ning site... piping takes time.. to keep adding twitter names..etc .. i know there's got to be a more efficient way to do that
  • email is sucking time from me right now... there's got to be a better way to focus my channels of communication
  • we need to start logging these innovations/enhancements in a way that can scale to professional development and pre-teacher training
3) we need to remove roadblocks
  • twitter and skype were blocked most days in our district.. one reason we never got past a twitter feed... into more of the great ways people like @teachpaperless are using twitter in the classroom... one reason we never spent as much time as we could have with expert individual tutors
  • i believe we need to remove global barriers such as: standardized tests on content; limited web access; limited tools for access; time constraints of a typical school structure

i desperately need an expert tutor...
the pay is nill.. the pay back is potentially mind blowing.