Tuesday, June 22, 2010


post via @willrich45  

May just be me, but in 20 years, I want to be reading that story about my kids, about their passions being fulfilled in ways that can earn them a living solving problems and helping to make the world a better place. And I want my kids’ schools to help them do that, not teach them to know the dates of the Second Continental Congress (which is what Tucker was looking up on Wikipedia last night because he knows it’s going to be “on the test.” Sigh.)

reliability vs validity - via roger martin's design of business:
p. 45:
Because it is so well suited to satisfying the organization demand for proof, reliability almost always trumps validity. But it is all too often a hollow victory. When the future takes a different course than the path the data predicted for it, all the proofs in the world are unavailing.
p. 77
time to boldly stare down the capital markets..