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to know.. to know about ness
Wow, unbelievable. Thanks for sharing Mark. http://t.co/vpOaNjFC9u
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
A @kickstarter project that I supported: http://t.co/9EMEJpbPlW (best resource ever... now if we could only get this for skateboarding)
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/tonyhawk/
Best tip for lifelong learning: be like a child. Be curious. Always let new things pique your interest. - Klaus Schwab @wef @davos #WEFCal
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
Exactly. RT @BaronGreen_Back: Accredited bloggers? Lol. These old people are struggling and failing to understand new media.
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
10/15/13 7:14 AM
@CabreraAngel: "Education is a funny thing, because it's both a public good and a private good ..."#connect-e
2 convos..
10/15/13 7:15 AM
Curate or Be Curated: The Coming Age of the Curation Economy huff.to/19HQZfW via@HuffPostTech #curation #edtecsn #ce13
10/15/13 7:16 AM
The heat from friction as power changes hands - @jowyang explores dark side of collaborative economy bit.ly/1buznI3
10/15/13 7:20 AM
10 Burning Questions About Innovations in Learning blogs.edweek.org/edweek/on_
2 convos.
10/15/13 7:21 AM
Participating in the One Wyoming 1 on 1 Mentoring Initiative steering committee meeting. (at@DennysDiner) 4sq.com/17rjpLi
imagine one world.. 1to1 mentoring.. because now we can
10/15/13 7:21 AM
Innovative platform is connecting 200,000 @mamaglobal moms in South Africa to maternal and child-health information: trib.al/rpg2XD6
10/15/13 7:22 AM #MIT study finds that ghrelin, produced during stressful situations, primes the brain for PTSDmitne.ws/1buAPKv |
MIT neuroscientists have now discovered that ghrelin’s role goes far beyond controlling hunger. The researchers found that ghrelin released during chronic stress makes the brain more vulnerable to traumatic events, suggesting that it may predispose people to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Drugs that reduce ghrelin levels, originally developed to try to combat obesity, could help protect people who are at high risk for PTSD, such as soldiers serving in war, says Ki Goosens, an assistant professor of brain and cognitive sciences at MIT, and senior author of a paper describing the findings in the Oct. 15 online edition of Molecular Psychiatry.
Drugs that reduce ghrelin levels, originally developed to try to combat obesity, could help protect people who are at high risk for PTSD, such as soldiers serving in war, says Ki Goosens, an assistant professor of brain and cognitive sciences at MIT, and senior author of a paper describing the findings in the Oct. 15 online edition of Molecular Psychiatry.
“Perhaps we could give people who are going to be deployed into an active combat zone a ghrelin vaccine before they go, so they will have a lower incidence of PTSD. That’s exciting because right now there’s nothing given to people to prevent PTSD,” says Goosens, who is also a member of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research.
what if we just stop the fighting
Stress is a useful response to dangerous situations because it provokes action to escape or fight back. However, when stress is chronic, it can produce anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.
have I been living this for 45 yrs?
please forgive the ridiculousnp ness of comparing my stress to war et al stress..
In the new paper, Goosens and her colleagues found that the release of the growth hormone in the amygdala is controlled by ghrelin, which is produced primarily in the stomach and travels throughout the body, including the brain.
Ghrelin levels are elevated by chronic stress. In humans, this might be produced by factors such as unemployment, bullying, or loss of a family member. Ghrelin stimulates the secretion of growth hormone from the brain; the effects of growth hormone from the pituitary gland in organs such as the liver and bones have been extensively studied. However, the role of growth hormone in the brain, particularly the amygdala, is not well known.
Ghrelin levels are elevated by chronic stress. In humans, this might be produced by factors such as unemployment, bullying, or loss of a family member. Ghrelin stimulates the secretion of growth hormone from the brain; the effects of growth hormone from the pituitary gland in organs such as the liver and bones have been extensively studied. However, the role of growth hormone in the brain, particularly the amygdala, is not well known.
what if .. we remove the battle... unhealthy stress..
and trust the body... what if we spend our time knowing... listening now... rather than knowing about.
ESP when.. as per history... our studies aren't sound
what if we weren't made to dissect ourselves (ie Ed ) but rather to listen to ourselves.
be ourselves.
we keep trying to figure out ways to fix ourselves..
we need to fix.... get rid of... stop manufacturing... the problems... we ve created
if no war.. et al... we wouldn't need false tracks/meds....
stop spending all our time learning about.. us. (details that we wouldn't need if we tacitly. grokkingly knew us/people)
trust matters
start spending our time listening.. to us..
nclb for 100% of humanity
“When you have people with a history of stress who encounter a traumatic event, they are more likely to develop PTSD because that history of stress has altered something about their biology. They have an excessively strong memory of the traumatic event, and that is one of the things that drives their PTSD symptoms,” Goosens says.
then you gather together... sing ...... your song ness