10/8/13 7:37 AM "..why can’t one have both—the invigorating energy and the civic, intelligent humanism?" Great piece from David Byrne creativetimereports.org/2013/ |
of making an ongoing creative life—whether as a writer, an artist, a filmmaker or a musician—is difficult unless one gets a foothold on the ladder, as I was lucky enough to do. I say “lucky” because I have no illusions that talent is enough; there are plenty of talented folks out there who never get the break they deserve.
The city is a body and a mind—a physical structure as well as a repository of ideas and information. Knowledge and creativity are resources. If the physical (and financial) parts are functional, then the flow of ideas, creativity and information are facilitated.
Does culture have a role to play? If we look at the city as it is now, then we would have to say that it looks a lot like the divided city that presumptive mayor Bill De Blasio has been harping about: most of Manhattan and many parts of Brooklyn are virtual walled communities, pleasure domes for the rich (which, full disclosure, includes me and some of the Creative Time team), and aside from those of us who managed years ago to find our niche and some means of income, there is no room for fresh creative types. Middle-class people can barely afford to live here anymore, so forget about emerging artists, musicians, actors, dancers, writers, journalists and small business people. Bit by bit, the resources that keep the city vibrant are being eliminated.
misbehaving banks fail and talented kids became less interested in leaping into the cesspool of finance, in New York there has been no public rejection of the culture that led to the financial crisis. Instead, there has been tacit encouragement of the banking industry’s actions from figures like Mayor Bloomberg. The nation’s largest financial institutions are almost all still around, still “too big to fail” and as powerful as ever. One might hope that enlightened bankers might emulate the Medicis and fund culture-makers—both emerging artists and those still in school—as a way of ensuring a continued talent pool that would invent stuff and fill the world with ideas and inspiration, but other than buying blue-chip art for their walls and donating to some institutions what is, for them, small change, they don’t seem to be very much interested in replenishing the talent pool.
One would expect that the 1 percent would have a vested interest in keeping the civic body healthy at least—that they’d want green parks, museums and symphony halls for themselves and their friends, if not everyone. Those indeed are institutions to which they habitually contribute. But it’s like funding your own clubhouse. It doesn’t exactly do much for the rest of us or for the general health of the city. At least, we might sigh, they do that, as they don’t pay taxes—that we know.
This real estate situation—a topic New Yorkers love to complain about over dinner—doesn’t help the future health of the city. If young, emerging talent of all types can’t find a foothold in this city, then it will be a city closer to Hong Kong or Abu Dhabi than to the rich fertile place it has historically been. Those places might have museums, but they don’t have culture. Ugh. If New York goes there—more than it already has—I’m leaving.
But where will I go? Join the expat hipsters upstate in Hudson?
how about Loveland and Detroit for a year...?
We're organizing first ever gathering of new cities in Saudi Arabia. Take a look #CityQuestKAEC -http://t.co/ewS1j9f1dS
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/newcitiesfound/status/ 388243509871796225
10/10/13 6:59 AM "music instruc not only improves kids' comm skills, attention, memory but may even close academic gap btwn rich/poor" m.theatlantic.com/health/ |
all these.. brilliant minds doing 5yr research here, 10yrs there...
why are they missing their assumed sample sets controlling environment..
not only that.. but perpetuating it by the statement of their findings..
every sentence/paragraph/story to end with... and they did well on the test.. graduated..
got better at classroom skills..
oh my.
save us you lost generation you...
good bye cycle.. via the millennials...
yes to nancys original tweet/quote..
closing gap because we ll find assumed poor have what we need... crave...no?imagine if we watch process unfold in 1 year.. by first returning turtles shells
could make an impact on academic trajectory
yes.. and that is our unquestioned goal ..success outcome...
for 100% of humanity.
what about stepping away from the research goggles .. and noticing where the most soul wrenching music comes from..
perhaps their souls reject the nature of schools .. because schools/researchers are rejecting the nature of soul/souls ... no?
10/11/13 7:27 AM
Growing health care and social security costs are crowding out federal capacity to support cities.@bruce_katz #legacy2013
10/11/13 7:25 AM
"a quantum leap in poverty growth over a single decade" @bruce_katz#legacy2013
10/11/13 7:30 AM
Katz: Everybody's waiting for next Steve Jobs, Bill Gates. This is the post-hero economy.#legacy2013
10/11/13 7:27 AM Make ideas worth stealing.@hirshberg #BIF9 |
ie unworthy
10/11/13 7:33 AM
Urban ghosts: The worst urban decay is found not in big cities but in small ones - @TheEconomist -economist.com/news/britain/2…