6/10/13 6:35 AM
(Video 1) Fast Company features BPL Co-Founder Dennis Littky as part of their "30-Second MBA", an ongoing video... fb.me/1tDQ9vVQj
6/6/13 5:18 PM
I've already gotten my money's worth from #clmooc. And it hasn't even started yet. #amlearningblog.nwp.org/clmooc/
douglas rushkoff (@rushkoff) 6/10/13 6:36 AM Hero Snowden - Human Intervenes on Machine Logic. Wrote this last night for CNN. Sneak preview:rushkoff.com/blog/2013/6/10… |
Yet it wasn’t just fear keeping people from talking about the growing cyber-surveillance state, but a sense of inevitability. This is just how technology evolves - at least when it’s uncontested. Everyone knows, or should know, that everything we type on our computers or say into our cell phones is being disseminated throughout the datasphere. And most of it is recorded and parsed by big data servers. Why do you think Gmail and Facebook are free? You think they're corporate gifts? We pay with our data.
This is just how everything runs when it's left on "default" setting
Ed Snowden is a hero because he realized that our very humanity was being compromised by the blind implementation of machines in the name of making us safe. Unlike those around him, who were too absorbed in their task to reflect on their actions and pause in their pursuit of digital omniscience, Snowden allowed himself to be “disturbed” by what he was doing. More in the midst of technology than most of us will ever be, Snowden disengaged for long enough to be human, and to consider the impact of what he was helping to build. He pressed pause.
6/10/13 6:37 AM Brilliant! The New Node Is A Talent Cluser fastcompany.com/3012598/how- Clusters follow rules, just like hierarchical structures do such as accountability, reward systems, and measurements.
dang.. great idea.. but that just killed it. for. me.
but from the ability to adapt and move more quickly than competing species
ie... what if there are no competing species...j
6/10/13 7:04 AM Creating Twenty-First Century Life-Enhancing Societies | Spiritual Ecology:spiritualecology.org/article/ |
Arrested personal growth serves industrial “growth.”
Arrested personal growth serves industrial “growth.” By suppressing the nature dimension of human development (through educational systems, social values, advertising, nature-eclipsing vocations and pastimes, city and suburb design, denatured medical and psychological practices, and other means), Industrial Growth Society engenders an immature citizenry unable to imagine a life beyond consumerism and soul-suppressing jobs.
Too many of us lack intimacy with the natural world and with our souls, and consequently we are doing untold damage to both.
6/11/13 6:38 AM 5 Lucky devs will win amazing hardware with Intel Inside & there will be lots of goodies for everyone!bit.ly/13Ua12b #IntelAtiLab
Let’s face it, anyone who has an interest in nextsensing has at least a minor interest in people who have changed the world. One website has a great set of lists of such people, in fields such as politics, technology, entertainment and business. The site admits to a bias toward the Western world, but it invites you to submit your own list or to challenge its selection. It’s a fun site for fans of nextsensing, and its opening lines set the stage for my closing right now. “There are countless people who changed the world, so I figured I’d break them into categories. My criteria is simple, those who have the biggest positive impact.”
6/11/13 6:39 AM .@Leadershipfreak 13 Behaviors that Forge Resilient Organizationsow.ly/2xv8up 13. Extend trust. Extend trust abundantly to those who have earned it. Extend trust conditionally to those who are earning it.
lovely.. until this last one.
wondering if that's not the elephant in the room..
if that's not why we keep on keeping on..
trust to me.. spaces of permission with nothing to prove.
yes. not always easy... or accepted..
but if at the core.. you are not believing/living.. there's never nothing going on..
how is it authentic trust..?
who decides # 13...?
perhaps how/why we've arrived where we are today... no?
we can't say ...authentic, conditional, trust, to any of us..
especially to those who have perhaps never been/swam in a trust relationship, and/or those who can see that elephant, and are just raising us one..
6/11/13 6:44 AM Love Fred Wilson piece on random inbound emails - I deal with them in pretty much the same way. Brevity IS better. ow.ly/2xv8uu 6/11/13 6:48 AM Don't Miss: @RevOptimists on PBS #SocEnt helps kids in slums innovate, improve their local econto.pbs.org/XCugOB #AshokaG8 #GEveryone 6/11/13 6:49 AM Heads up, #NC - this is a way forward. RT @NextCityOrg Metropolitan areas don’t need heroes, but networks bit.ly/14OHRV4 #MetroRev 6/11/13 6:51 AM "This was not the right way:" former neighbor of NSA leaker Edward Snowden. on.wsj.com/12iyAZy(fixed source)
dang - Seib 2 min in on video - public might look at intent - but policy makers won't
6/11/13 6:59 AM @acarvin it is. Idea is that it could pump water while kids play soccer. 6/11/13 6:52 AM Amanda presents her capstone - building a soccer-inspired water pump. #slainstagram.com/p/aa1jjTu0uZ/