5/12/13 7:04 AM One lesson I never expected to learn as a mother. buff.ly/13qoOTQ c @morraam @bostonmamas@miguelina @DeniseRestauri |
No matter how many doors science could open, would I have closed the door on her?
No matter how many doors science could open, would I have closed the door on her?
No matter how many doors science could open, would I have closed the door on her?
No matter how many doors science could open, would I have closed the door on her?
5/9/13 8:47 PM
Two best friends, ages 6 and 7, raise $200,000 to fight rare disease nbcnews.to/10eNTjb via@nbcnightlynews #sochocolatebar
Despite the work involved in being constant caregivers, Jonah's father Rabin Pournazarian said he's grown to appreciate life more since Jonah was born.
Professor Dr. David Weinstein, director of the Glycogen Storage Disease Program at the University of Florida, is working on finding a cure through gene therapy. Because it is so rare, he said, "We're just in the infancy of really trying to treat this."
Funding research for what Weinstein describes as an "orphan disease," something rare that affects a small population, has been challenging.
"It's too small for the NIH [National Institutes of Health] to care about, too small to have a foundation," Weinstein said.
Pernille Ripp (@pernilleripp)
5/11/13 6:50 AM
Learn How to Help YOUR Students Change OUR Worldbit.ly/16oOZ0e
Greg Satell (@Digitaltonto)
5/11/13 6:51 AM
RT @craigalberino: LinkedIn: The Creepiest Social Network - Interactually bit.ly/YMvqfD This IS creepy!
Nilofer Merchant (@nilofer)
5/8/13 12:57 PM
Your backbone will get you further than your wishbone. The future is created when you (and others) act more than dream. Do.
Jennifer Sertl (@JenniferSertl)
5/8/13 12:58 PM
Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire; be the fire and wish for the wind ~ Nassim Taleb (@nntaleb) ♫ youtube.com/watch?v=rxxcew… ♫ #a3r
tonysilbert (@tonysilbert)
5/11/13 7:42 AM
Yeah Cassandra Lin @TEDxProvidence. At the ripe age of 15 has been running a #SocEnt Turn Grease in to Fuel (TGIF) for five yrs! #tedxpvd
Wesley Fryer, Ph.D. (@wfryer)
5/12/13 7:05 AM
I've migrated 11 of my 37 WordPress sites to @site5 so far largely thanks to @Backup_Buddy by@ithemes - What a lifesaving tool! :-)
Eliot Brenner (@eliotmbrenner)
5/7/13 12:20 PM
"Stop thinking about giving to charities and to shift to buying impact." shar.es/j6lgr via@ReachScale
via miller..
Decades of effort to bring the poor into the mainstream where “a healthy and growing labor market” would enable a steady income (and for some, even prosperity) have been shattered as “more Americans experience poverty today than at any time in the 53 years the Census Bureau has published such figures
5/10/13 6:26 AM Standardized tests are neither good nor bad. They're a tool to provide us with information.@deborahgist |
oh my.
5/11/13 6:50 AM
Learn How to Help YOUR Students Change OUR Worldbit.ly/16oOZ0e
ah.. much better - you go on this Saul and Angela...
5/10/13 6:25 AM Open innovation is changing the economics of advertisings.hbr.org/10uSpY7 |
one innovation/narrative is freeing up 100% of humanity..
5/11/13 6:51 AM
RT @craigalberino: LinkedIn: The Creepiest Social Network - Interactually bit.ly/YMvqfD This IS creepy!
5/8/13 12:57 PM
Your backbone will get you further than your wishbone. The future is created when you (and others) act more than dream. Do.
5/8/13 12:58 PM
Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire; be the fire and wish for the wind ~ Nassim Taleb (@nntaleb) ♫ youtube.com/watch?v=rxxcew… ♫ #a3r
5/11/13 7:42 AM
Yeah Cassandra Lin @TEDxProvidence. At the ripe age of 15 has been running a #SocEnt Turn Grease in to Fuel (TGIF) for five yrs! #tedxpvd
5/12/13 7:01 AM Prototyping as children do to create empathy -x.nu/Sxjp2 |
“Here’s my new prototype rule of thumb: your prototype has to be better (better build quality, faster interface, better lighting, whatever) than the finished product is going to be. That’s what people expect anyway–they see your prototype and take off 20% for reality.” – Seth Godin
Understanding the choices that people make and the behaviors that compromise them we can identify the needs of those people and create effective solutions for them.
hmm. this part.. not resonating..
actually sounds like me - and many others.. seeking/wanting to change the world.
listen.. yes.. notice.. yes..
but.. create solutions.. for another...
alongside... with... are dangerous enough.. given the likelihood of a real and/or perceived raised eyebrow.
but..create for another..?
unless that creating.. is simply setting them free in spaces of permission where they have nothing to prove.
where they:
1. are known by someone
2. talk to self daily
5/12/13 7:05 AM
I've migrated 11 of my 37 WordPress sites to @site5 so far largely thanks to @Backup_Buddy by@ithemes - What a lifesaving tool! :-)
5/12/13 7:11 AM There is nothing to defend if there is no argument other than I was told this by someone else. |
ie.. sat guy saying... go AP..
we are so not noticing the world...
just our corner.
the rest is a coveted mystery.
until we go there.
pluralistic ignorance - no?
5/7/13 12:20 PM
"Stop thinking about giving to charities and to shift to buying impact." shar.es/j6lgr via@ReachScale
oh my...
5/12/13 7:19 AM Thx Jennifer RT @JenniferSertl @ReachScale: Changing Business As Usual: 3 Questions 4 Non-profit & For-profit Leaders shar.es/lU1co |
via miller..
miller continues...
"If our field is to address a more fundamental set of issues, our tactics must change, broadening our approach to go beyond a traditional set of activities. Admittedly, this emerging approach lacks some of the theoretical certainty of the dominant view, which sees access and ownership strategies as reliable steps into mainstream opportunity."
"Yet given the reality that access strategies have been helpful but not adequate, we must be intentionally experimental. Only by rigorously questioning and transcending our own cherished assumptions will we progress."
What is lacking: cross sector commitment to engage, evaluate, invest and scale the most innovative and sustainable models. The need for this shift and this commitment is reinforced each time a Clara Miller says, “We plan to invest 100 percent of our endowment, as well as other forms of capital, for mission.” These are some of the models that can make mission sustainable.
Yet, NGO Source simply extends U.S.-centric money rules to the global landscape.
The near term cost is the lost competition of non-profit programs with more sustainable models. IRS rules of money favor less sustainable and scalable models. The much larger cost is the massive loss of innovation that could come from engaging community, philanthropy, non-profit, social enterprise, business and government leaders across global north and south opportunities to invent and scale sustainable solutions.
2. How can we collaborate to scale “best solutions” now while advocating and changing the rules so that data (and sustainable models) are more influential in allocating resources to global, country and community engines of economic development
The knowledge silos and non-profit money rules limit our innovation visions. Simple questions like the difference between social innovation and social entrepreneurship are not well understood. Even organizations who understand the distinctions and know proven innovators who could scale, continue to over-invest in adding new pilots and enterprises and underinvest in scaling these proven winners—begging the question:Where Will All the “Household Names” in Social Enterprise Come From?
wait.. proven innovators..?.
Even organizations who understand the distinctions and know proven innovators who could scale, continue to over-invest in adding new pilots and enterprises and underinvest in scaling these proven winners—begging the question:Where Will All the “Household Names” in Social Enterprise Come From
perhaps.. exactly the point...?
no more household names.
instead ... 7 bill people doing/being/preventing/ solving....
No one has done more to call on leaders to expand their vision of “Progress Out of Poverty” than Yunus. “Whenever I found a problem, I started a business to solve it,” he has said repeatedly. The $30 billion micro-finance markets grew from that “I started a business to solve it” premise and the understanding that poor women are some of the world’s best entrepreneurs.
perfect.. we are starting a business... city as school... to solve for 100 % of humanity..
via (proven?) social entrepreneurs... you th. b. n
3: How can we engage and collaborate with innovators and entrepreneurs in every sphere of influence to leverage the entrepreneurial human spirit?
We see from Mohammed Yunus’ example that successful leaders and models are those capable of tapping the entrepreneurial human spirit. When people who must “innovate to live” (immigrants, for example) engage with leaders who are motivated to share these innovations, the potential is enormous. Social entrepreneurs demonstrate that these stretch goals are achievable and could result in scale and profit.
These leaders are solving complex problems for broad populations by combining community leadership, technology, social marketing, silo busting, policy levers, movement building and partnerships often in ways that standard for-profit organizations have never considered.
An important next step: to invite multiple stakeholders to design and build scaling engines that streamline scale commitments and reduce risks so portfolios of “most innovative” social enterprises can be scaled.
We simply must adopt the best examples and never underestimate what talented entrepreneurs can do, no matter where we find them.
huge David.
from a fellow - mom.. speaking for heart wrenched moms..
and a non-publicized.. so perhaps.. non token and or tarnished youth..
who are now describing youth..
you to whatever th degree you decide