5/9/13 6:22 AM
The Teacher's Guide To Using Badges In Your Classroom @classbadges via@Edudemic #edchat
Video games award badges, too, in a very similar way to the Scouts and the military. But why? Video games are fun to play, so why provide extra incentive for playing games? It is because every video game loses its excitement over time. People lose interest even in the most popular games and eventually walk away. So how do game designers keep people playing once the game has been solved? By building in challenges that provide you with a reward for completing them. They are called achievements. If you play a video game through to the end you will earn anywhere between 200 to 500 points, but if you keep playing all the way through and complete every challenge you will earn 1,000 points. Those extra achievement points are specifically designed to keep you playing the game over and over
oh my...
Those extra achievement points are specifically designed to keep you playing the game over and over
yeah.. like school.
and for what reason...
why do we want people to repeat that specific thing.. via outside motivation..?
huge question.
will it ever get us to disruptive sustainability/thrivability?
isn't that what we would want for our own kids...?
them getting themselves out of bed everyday.. to do the thing they can't not do?
not to simply get more pts..or get a badge to display...
badges would have been super to start for school.. maybe 50-100 yrs ago.
today.. perhaps we know too much to keep perpetuating extrinsic motivation..?
Some achievements are really random, though. Why should you get an achievement for giving a high five to a robot hiding in an alley? Because it’s funny and unexpected. It encourages the player to keep looking, to keep trying, but most importantly, to keep playing the game and to communicate with others when they find an achievement. It keeps people engaged in the game, and it keeps them engaged in the community of gamers who like to talk about their success.
yeah. oh my.
again.. this glitters.. if you have a room full.. not per choice.
but if it's my kid.. I want more.. I want them chasing their daily dreams.. not a badge (even one specific to their daily dreams)
that messes with their genius/art. compromises their grit
Win a game of table tennis with your left hand and then win the next game with you right hand in Kinect Sports. Yep, I did that one. It was easy, but I never would have tried it until I found out it was worth 15 points. Play all 80 songs in a row without pausing the game on Rock Band 2. It is called “The Bladder of Steel” Award, and it is named appropriately. It takes about six hours to finish and you CANNOT PAUSE THE GAME OR FAIL A SINGLE SONG. It was worth 25 points. Why would I spend six hours trying to earn a small handful of points? Because it was one of the hardest achievements to get, and no one I knew had that achievement. It was worth every minute of it
all true.. but perhaps true... because or research focus is on people drenched in the system... that takes 7hrs of your day in trade for a stamp of approval..
might we look at people not buying into that system?
and I annoyingly reiterate..
if you are fully awake.. listening deeply to:
the system
your kid
extrinsic motivation would not be your first choice (perhaps)
guessing it would be your... I don't know what else to do... choice
Students WANT specific goals in class to push them to try harder. It gives students direction instead of just telling them to “go learn on your own and report back to me”
please oh please.. tell me who does that.. without an underlying agenda.
if we really meant it.. if we really trusted people to go learn on their own.. if we fully supported that (which means leaning in to know the person, to daily facilitate their authentic curiosities), without an agenda and/or a compulsory report back..
we'd be blown away.
the games would be spending money to figure out how to play like us.
like a 2 yr old, even some lucky 5 yr olds
doesnt anyone want to try this?
give it go.. in a city. as the day..?
The teacher sets precise targets which are important to the class, and the students earn a reward for hitting that target.
fail one..
go ahead and knock yourself out setting targets (I did for 20 yrs)
but they can't be compulsory
(and as long as we live in the world of the diploma.. or the prettier.. kinder badge... we won't see breathtaking.. we won't get to meet 7bill geniuses.. we won't benefit -as a community... from their art.
What do they earn? A badge
fail two..
I want my kid to wake up... every day... alive... free to do/be their art....
as if they were 5 again...
if we had 7bill people as serious about walking.. talking... as a young child... dang..
perhaps health, budget, environment, et al... would look completely different.
i actually - hope i'm totally wrong on all this. it's obvious feet are planted - investments are spent -
i totally wish this could work - because it has the momentum/popularity/et al..
but i don't believe it has the disruptive sustainability...
same song 2nd verse english accent... ness
posted on dave hanleys google plus page
5/8/13 6:08 AM
People who succeed on Kickstarter have lots of social capital,looking to trade it for capital HT @TimHarford