4/9/13 6:42 AM
Without the artificial construct of the classroom, how many children would be diagnosed with ADHD?
4/9/13 6:42 AM
Without the artificial construct of the classroom, how many children would be diagnosed with ADHD?
4/9/13 6:42 AM
Without the artificial construct of the classroom, how many children would be diagnosed with ADHD?
: )
4/7/13 11:10 AM The Turner Report: A warning to those who want to become teachers rturner229.blogspot.com/2013/ |
Young teachers from across the United States have told me they no longer have the ability to properly manage classrooms, not because of lack of training, not because of lack of ability, not because of lack of desire, but because of upper administration decisions to reduce statistics on classroom referrals and in-school and out-of-school suspensions. As any classroom teacher can tell you, when the students know there will be no repercussions for their actions, there will be no change in their behavior. When there is no change in their behavior, other students will have a more difficult time learning.
oh my.
Whether it is was because they could not maintain control over their classrooms or because they did not have sufficient command over their subject matter, they soon found it wise to find another line of work.
4/8/13 10:34 AM
RT @edutopia: Beautiful video via @ashokaus: "Line One Page One" bit.ly/12oTcQf <-- nbsp="" span="">#YearatMH#startempathy #edreform-->
4/9/13 6:27 AM
Skilled foreign workers are a fact of Canadian life, whether people like it or not. All of Canada is immigrant, for crying out loud!
4/9/13 6:29 AM
Want to Transform 'Tough' Urban Schools? Swap Security Guards For Art Teachersbit.ly/17lLp5L
4/9/13 6:41 AM
"Change begets and accelerates change. We need a new leadership which enables this" Bill Drayton encourages the room at @SocIntLeague lunch
4/9/13 6:41 AM
Drayton: The intrapreneurs are pioneers. How do we work together, without walls, to make change? #SocInt
4/8/13 6:27 AM
"Q: How do we tip a system? A: build a team of teams" Drayton speaks through essential components of #framework change at @AshokaUK lunch.
4/9/13 6:42 AM
Congrats. But why should we trust Elsevier to preserve #mendeley's openness instincts? RT @mrgunn: We haven't turned evil...
4/9/13 6:42 AM
@academicdave Completely agree. Shocked that Mendeley folks don't realize how angry Elsevier makes OA-minded scholars.
4/9/13 6:41 AM
.@academicdave @zephoria The only way Mendeley is going to make money for Elsevier is if it is "bundled" to institutions. More rip-off.
4/8/13 6:24 AM For Scientists, an Exploding World of Pseudo-Academiaow.ly/1ULTp0 |
Jeffrey Beall, a research librarian at the University of Colorado in Denver, has developedhis own blacklist of what he calls “predatory open-access journals.” There were 20 publishers on his list in 2010, and now there are more than 300. He estimates that there are as many as 4,000 predatory journals today, at least 25 percent of the total number of open-access journals.
Some professors listed on the Web sites of journals on Beall’s list, and the associated conferences, say they made a big mistake getting involved with the journals and cannot seem to escape them.
eerily sounds like public Ed