4/1/13 6:47 AM
Want to Build Resilience? Kill the Complexity by @andrew_zolli via @JenniferSertlblogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/09/wan…
Confronting this ambiguity, the pilots appear to have reverted to rote training procedures that likely made the situation worse: they banked into a climb designed to avoid further danger, which also slowed the plane's airspeed and sent it into a stall.
(Pilot 1) Damn it, we're going to crash... This can't be happening!
(Pilot 2) But what's happening?
The reasons are rooted partly in the pernicious nature of complexity, and partly in the way that human beings psychologically respond to risk
We rightfully add safety systems to things like planes and oil rigs, and hedge the bets of major banks, in an effort to encourage them to run safely yet ever-more efficiently. Each of these safety features, however, also increases the complexity of the whole. Add enough of them, and soon these otherwise beneficial features become potential sources of risk themselves, as the number of possible interactions — both anticipated and unanticipated — between various components becomes incomprehensibly large.
Variations of such "complexity risk" contributed to JP Morgan's recent multibillion-dollar hedging fiasco, as well as to the challenge of rebooting the US economy in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. (Some of the derivatives contracts that banks had previously signed with each other were up to a million pages long, rendering them incomprehensible. Untangling the resulting counterparty risk — determining who was on the hook to whom — was rendered all but impossible. This in turn made hoarding money, not lending it, the sanest thing for the banks to do after the crash.)
Organizations also have a measure of risk homeostasis, expressed through their culture.
People who are naturally more risk-averse or more risk tolerant than the culture of their organizations find themselves pressured, often covertly, to "get in line" or "get packing."
People who are naturally more risk-averse or more risk tolerant than the culture of their organizations find themselves pressured, often covertly, to "get in line" or "get packing."
This was well in evidence at BP, for example, long before their devastating spill in the Gulf — the company actually had a major accident somewhere in the world roughly every other year for a decade prior to the Deep Water Horizon catastrophe. During that period, fines and admonitions from governments came to be seen by BP's executive management as the cost of growth in the high-stakes world of energy extraction — and this acceptance sent a powerful signal through the rank-and-file. According to former employees at the company, BP's lower-level managers would instead focus excessively on things like the dangers of not having a lid on a cup of coffee, rather than the risk and expense of capping a well with inferior material.
oh my..
3/28/13 7:10 AM
Nice, uncomplicated hour-long Present Shock interview on Philly NPR yesterdaywhyy.org/cms/radiotimes…
3/31/13 7:28 AM
Social Business Design: Opportunity Mindset +ConversationLab Unlearning Tea House Sequence: 1. Smallest… plus.google.com/
3/31/13 7:23 AM
Every story has N > 1 sides. And more often, N >> 1. RT @janchip risd.cc/121gYxF via@anxiaostudio
3/31/13 7:22 AM
How we see ourselves, is how we be ourselves; the permission we give to others to change how we see, changes how we be.
3/30/13 8:06 AM
Video Of The Week: You Are What You Tweetavc.com/a_vc/2013/03/v…
used to be wanted to document the experience
now documenting becomes the experience
so much to learn about our obsession with documenting, how to not let it be the focus
3/27/13 1:44 PM
Research discovers risk aversion in Gen Y – is there an entrepreneurship generation?read.bi/10dLDGr (via @NewEnglandVC)
3/31/13 7:31 AM Bayesian Strategy p.ost.im/p/dxp4uV Because failing "fast and cheap" is getting to be too slow and expensive |
truth, planning has never been about strategy, but control and control has always been an illusion
3/31/13 7:22 AM
Why Our Numbers Are Always Wrong | Digital Tontodigitaltonto.com/2012/why-our-
3/30/13 7:46 AM Our brains are meant to see in pictures s.hbr.org/110LQzz@billfranksga #dataviz |
is the key to the value proposition of data visualization. It could be that you are struggling to convey information without being aware that there is a visual that can have the same type of impact as a map. Or there may be connections among all that data that you'd never make without a visualization. Until you see the visual for the first time, however, you won't appreciate the value it offers
One of the best features of modern visualization tools is that they permit interactivity with the underlying data. In other words, a visual isn't static. You can click on various parts of a visual to drill into different views of your data on the fly. While many business intelligence tools have enabled drill down reports for years, they typically contain only common visuals and also typically constrain users to predetermined paths. Visualization tools today don't apply many limits on what users can do, which opens up a lot more options for analyzing data.
rabbit holes.. allure
3/30/13 7:46 AM We are BORN curious. We are BORN evidence-based learners. These MUST be the two core human attributes driving ed in our classrooms. #edchat |
or in the city.. often.. spinach is all that's seen in the classroom.. no?
3/30/13 7:47 AM
Education that denies our children their curiosity, and their need to poke the universe ... is not education worthy of our children. #edchat
3/31/13 7:22 AM
This photo of my parents dancing together someplace in Italy, well it just took my breath away.instagram.com/p/XhfroDkIIP/
3/31/13 7:21 AM
“@NickKristof: Fascinating essay: Poor Pakistanis more opposed to extremist violence than middle class Pakistanis dawn.com/2013/03/18/the…”
3/31/13 7:21 AM
Must read!! Why Rich Don't Give 2 Charity: Wealthiest Americans give 1.3% of income; poorest 3.2%. ow.ly/jzkjx via @GailPerrync
3/31/13 7:49 AM
Here is the first syllabus from the collection of OCL docs.google.com/document/d/
Calculator: Must perform basic math functions (Not a cell phone)
really.. why?
author must have read the book about not smiling till October.. - i got scared.
4/1/13 6:45 AM What Does a Tablet Do to the Child’s Mind? zite.to/10pD0Yb An important conversation.#parenting |
A report published last week by the Millennium Cohort Study, a long-term study group in Britain that has been following 19,000 children born in 2000 and 2001, found that those who watched more than three hours of television, videos or DVDs a day had a higher chance of conduct problems, emotional symptoms and relationship problems by the time they were 7 than children who did not. The study, of a sample of 11,000 children, found that children who played video games — often age-appropriate games — for the same amount of time did not show any signs of negative behavioral changes by the same age.
Which brings us back to the dinner table with my niece and nephew. While they sat happily staring into those shiny screens, they were not engaged in any type of conversatio
how do we know.. not engaged in any type of Convo?
“Conversations with each other are the way children learn to have conversations with themselves, and learn how to be alone,” said Sherry Turkle, a professor of science, technology and society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and author of the book “Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other.” “Learning about solitude and being alone is the bedrock of early development, and you don’t want your kids to miss out on that because you’re pacifying them with a device.”
so what if 1) they are conversing w someone other than self
2) they are conversing with self.. bypassing using friends as a potential means of how to converse with self
And they need to be able to think independently of a device. “They need to be able to explore their imagination. To be able to gather themselves and know who they are. So someday they can form a relationship with another person without a panic of being alone,” she said. “If you don’t teach your children to be alone, they’ll only know how to be lonely.”
3/28/13 2:58 AM
@ReachScale (@sandymaxey) looking at your work with @CSRwire and corporations I think you'd appreciate this post best profitisgood.co.uk/social- enterpr…
3/31/13 7:11 AM
Hi @RichardPatey Thx 4 post. Definition discussion is long. Distinctions are more useful and you can help decisions. profitisgood.co.uk/social- enterpr…
3/31/13 8:33 AM
Hi @ReachScale I agree distinction is better than definitions but I just don't see anything distinct about #socent & #impinv
3/31/13 8:47 AM
@RichardPatey @ReachScale #impinv #socent is really just business as usual PLUS explicit intentions on driving measurable externalities
3/31/13 8:52 AM
Disagree We track 64 innovation/scale distinctions MT @SocialWealth @RichardPatey #socentjust business as usual PLUS lower externalities
3/31/13 9:59 PM
@ReachScale I honor your disagreement, but disagree that #impinv #socent defines itself by tracking ~64 distinctions from biz @RichardPatey
4/1/13 6:46 AM
“@FastCoCreate: Is the MFA the new MBA?fastcompany.com/node/300754
scared we are missing the essence.. which will drag us on 5 more, 10 more years. how to make passion, purpose, happy in a classroom. wish we could realize the importance of giving up control.. trusting.
i hope i'm missing something here:
how can someone who taught the world about intrinsic motivation, now be a part of an effort to teach teachers how to sell things to kids. tricking them into learning is not intrinsic.
and at a price. $50 bucks
3/30/13 12:47 AM @aspaul I’ve lost count of how many I’ve randomly seen in NYC. love her.. amuse. muse. use. us. u. |