3/23/13 3:38 PM
"Despite widespread anxiety about poverty, unemployment, and extreme concentration of wealth, no alternative growth model has emerged."
Please don't mistake me for a cynic or a fatalist. If I sound pessimistic, it's because I'm uncompromising in my optimism.
3/23/13 3:21 PM
I'm really looking forward to the Social Progress Imperative and it's Index. This is fantastic and necessary.social-progress.org/about-us/
3/23/13 1:59 PM It's precisely the opposite. “@PestiEsti: It's called a mid-life crisis, @umairh. Our generation didn't invent them.” 3/23/13 1:41 PM Ha. #sotrue “@Jason_Hartley: @umairh despair is the cellulite of our lives, people are embarrassed to talk about it.” |
precisely... as with adolescence as well
3/23/13 11:43 AM Why Finland doesn't need tough external teacher evaluation? There is strict quality control at entry to high standard teacher ed programs. |
sorry - but wrong.. and that will send us in a spin...
want to point a critical difference that distinguishes Globaloria from GlassLab: students in Globaloria not only play games, they also figure out how design and program educational games; plus, they are being assessed on both playing games and making their games.
true - but even with the lovely globaloria - let's not assume - let's not go in with an agenda.. no matter how small. spinach or rock.. ness
educational web games.. made by anyone.. doesn't go beyond spinach.
3/23/13 6:56 AM
#GunsKillPeople MAP: Thousands Killed Since Newtown zite.to/YkxITB #uniteblue #timetoact#wedemandavote
3/23/13 6:57 AM
This is disgusting. Florida forcing severely disabled students to take FCAT. washingtonpost.com/blogs/
3/23/13 7:03 AM The 7 Greatest Ideas in Historyp.ost.im/p/evs5Pn |
That was until 1931, when 25 year-old Kurt Gödel killed it for good with hisincompleteness theorems.
He created an incredibly innovative method called Gödel numbering to prove that all systems are either incomplete or inconsistent. No matter how they are constructed, they will eventually end up with a statement that is both true and not true by the rules of the system.
It’s a seemingly small idea that has enormous consequences. It means that every logical system will fail and every computer program will crash, it’s just a matter of time. You can never fix the system, because systems themselves are necessarily broken.
Gödel isn’t very well known, but he was clearly a genius of historic proportions. He is interesting in another light as well, the amazing story of the friendship he struck up withEinstein. You can read more about it in Palle Yourgrau’s excellent book, A World Without Time
In 1665, the great plague swept through Great Britain, eventually wiping out over 100,000 people, including 20% of London’s population. As a safety measure, Cambridge university closed its doors in order to prevent further spread of the disease. It remained shut for two years
One of the students, 23 year-old Isaac Newton returned having filled notebooks with the ideas that would eventually be published as Principia Mathematica. In it, he laid out the principles of his laws of motion, gravity and calculus. In two short years, he laid out the basic structures which formed the basis for modern science and engineering.
Centuries later, other men have built on the foundation that Newton created. The buildings we live and work in as well as the bridges that we cross, owe a large debt to that extended summer vacation and stand as a testament to the power of one man’s mind.
extended summer vacation - listen in - lean in - to that.. imagine
3/22/13 6:31 AM Make Toronto the startup capital of the worldow.ly/1TPEzt |
To truly be a global leader in digital technology, innovation needs to become a significant part of the city’s identity—how the world sees it and how it sees itself.
3/21/13 6:33 AM Good grief. Another decade of this contentious dynamic. @richardflorida responds to Joel Kotkin.thebea.st/16LitUj |
When skilled people cluster, they become more productive. Their ideas mate, combining and recombining to generate the innovations that power growth.
3/23/13 6:51 AM RT @petervan: Born Global: 5 Great Cities for the Young & Ambitious /by @PMcManusfeedly.com/k/WLJjre |
All eyes on China. Retail and ecommerce has one of the largest market in China, with a growing middle class excited about consumption
excited about consumption?
They put out some of the wildest ideas and defended them– and those are exactly the types of people I know I want to work with. Even Startup Genome as ranked them as one of the best cities in Asia for entrepreneurship due to it’s citizen’s high appetite for risk, strong work ethic and ability to overcome challenges faced by new companies. In a couple of years it will undoubtedly turn into a Silicon Valley outside of the US, with fierce competition but unsurpassed technological innovation.
3/23/13 6:56 AM My view to global educational race: How international standardized tests are becoming global a curriculum standard pasisahlberg.com/pisa-timss- |
In my book “Finnish Lessons: What can the world learn from educational change in Finland?” (2011) I highlighted early trends of American and Finnish students’ performance in reading, mathematics and science literacy. Findings were rather interesting. The U.S. students’ performance trend in PISA 2000 to 2006 was declining, similarly to all other countries that were infected by GERM (global educational reform movement that promotes competition, choice, testing and privatization) in the 1990s. At the same time Finland’s scores in all areas were improving. Overall, as many people in the U.S. well know, American students have been left behind by most other OECD countries, at least according to the PISA test.All that is said above invites two important questions. First, how is it possible that different international studies that compare education systems by having a particular look at students’ learning outcomes lead to such different results? Who is right? What do these studies really tell us? Second, are these studies in the end really able to inform policy-makers and guide education reforms in coherent ways so that teachers and students would have better opportunities to succeed? Do they help politicians to understand the nature of human learning?Well, TIMSS and PISA are technically different studies, although they both build on similar measurement methodology. Simplified distinction of these two studies is that where TIMSS tests students’ mastery of what have been taught from the curricula, PISA assesses how students can use those knowledge and skills that they were taught in new situations. These both are student assessment studies. Pearson’s “The Learning Curve” index is different kind that consists of different indicators and is therefore a composite index. The problem with any study that relies on composite index is that it is open to designer manipulation. “Global Economic Competitiveness Index” and “The Best Country in the World” are good examples, just like “The Learning Curve.”One may also conclude that these international standardized tests are becoming global curriculum standards. Indeed, OECD has observed that its PISA test is already playing an important role in national policy making and education reforms in many countries. Schools, teachers and students are now prepared in advance to take these tests. Learning materials are adjusted to fit to the style of these assessments. Life in many schools around the world is becoming split into important academic study that these tests measure, and other ‘not-so-important’ study that these measurements don’t cover. This is kind of a GERM in large scale.