2/28/13 6:56 AM Understand people is more important than knowing the processesbit.ly/XWnKGe |
When something impels us to further develop our idea without fear and with an immense power, some people call this something, passion.When there is something that drives us, on a daily basis, to perform a specific set of tasks in companies where we collaborate, we call it motivation.In business, this motivation results from the way how are combined the efforts of individuals, the leader of the working group and of the existing innovation climate.Expectations that each element of a project lays in their work, part of the overall result, should be regularly reviewed and clarified to allow high levels of satisfaction and motivation.
dear Ed.. trumps delivery of anything.. no?
The managers more or less thought this was business development as usual – as they usually do with core projects – and they did not understand the dynamics of such new business development or innovation projects. Their biggest mistake was that they attached people without passion for the specific challenge to the idea – you need people who have their heart and skin in the game when it comes to developing innovation projects, especially if it has some kind of radical or breakthrough potential.”
why partial freedom is no freedom
Their biggest mistake was that they attached people without passion for the specific challenge to the idea – you need people who have their heart and skin in the game when it comes to developing innovation projects, especially if it has some kind of radical or breakthrough potential..
unabashedly devoted. breathtakingly alive.
via perhaps - a sandbox immunity - spaces of permission with nothing to prove
love/stole the picture.. for
Oscar Wilde - most people are other people
3/1/13 6:59 AM
Brazilian schoolgirl threatened with death for Facebook page exposing school problems -uncut.indexoncensorship.org/
3/1/13 7:03 AM
Listen in to our very own @skap5 on @RINPR - talking about economic development in Rhode Islandow.ly/iat7b
2/28/13 6:48 AM
#BREAKING: Labor Dept:The number of Americans seeking unemployment aid fell 22,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 344,000 #CBS4Mornings
3/1/13 7:04 AM STEM Sell: Are Math and Science Really More Important Than Other Subjects? buff.ly/15TDR9z by@alfiekohn #edchat |
Our society is inclined to regard any topic as more compelling if it can be expressed in numerical terms. Notice how rarely we evaluate schools by their impact on students' interest in learning; we focus on precisely specified achievement effects. Issues that inherently seem qualitative in nature -- intrinsic motivation, say, or the meaning of life -- we consign to the ivory tower
written in 2011
Those who confuse excellence with competitiveness are most likely to privilege STEM subjects over others -- and vice versa.
in fact, even algebra teachers should be frowning because the reasons for a politician's (or the Chamber of Commerce's) STEM-centricity carry implications for what's taught within a STEM course, how it's taught, and whether K-12 education is conceived as nothing more than an elaborate, extended exercise in vocational preparation.
So even if we persist in valuing education only in terms of its practical value, that value must go beyond the holy three sanctified by President Obama. To be economically competitive, Americans must be conversant with science and technology (which imply mathematics). But in order to be politically intelligent and make important decisions at the ballot box, we must be equally familiar with history and politics.
yeah.. we can't compete.. when we need each other.
the game is much bigger than some (unprovable dead score)But as important as it is to recognize the practical values of education, to me it seems even more important to recognize its less practical (but equally vital) functions. Education exposes us to ourselves and one another, to people seemingly very unlike ourselves (but not so different after all, if we get to know them), as well as to our own habits of thought. If we cannot achieve this understanding of ourselves, our virtues and shortcomings, we cannot be compassionate and we cannot be thoughtful. We cannot be fully human. What's more, and probably more important, is that we will be denied important sources of pleasure and for this reason we will also be less able to function fully in all our capacities.
Understanding how human beings work -- through literature, music, art and the social sciences such as psychology, anthropology and (dare I say) linguistics -- has no immediate practical value. Except for a few of us, it doesn't translate directly into jobs (though for many more, it certainly translates into getting a job done well). It doesn't make this country more "competitive": it does not, in any direct sense, enable us to "win the future" (though it might enable us to fully appreciate that complex metaphor).
It's the very "impracticality" of the humanities that makes them valuable to human beings and their societies. Education is invaluable not only in its ability to help people and societies get ahead, but equally in helping them develop the perspectives that make them fully human.
still don't resonate with any degree of...getting ahead.
combine this with buckys quote..
and all the bleeding art-ists world wide
3/1/13 7:05 AM
"Instead of the word 'beautiful' as the goal of my work, I like to use the word *emotional*." —David Adjaye
3/2/13 7:03 AM
Be prepared to transform yourself without attempting to transform others to be like you.
do/be more...
manage less
3/1/13 3:06 PM
the internalization of the panoptic gaze and the self-modification of behaviour: micro-level of Foucault's capillaries of power. #TtW13
3/2/13 6:48 AM
@robpatrob yeh, i know. was trying to livetweet a great presentation. in other words we internalize society's power relations & self-modify.
3/2/13 6:55 AM
@bonstewart @robpatrob the key to that tweet, i think, is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
3/2/13 6:58 AM @robpatrob @bonstewart @hjarche twitter is particularly encouraging of specialist terminology, which are, after all, only shorthand |
3/2/13 7:17 AM
@BeckyFisher73 @tompanarese No, really. I did a "time audit" and found that they test 52% of the time. #rechat
3/2/13 7:17 AM
@BeckyFisher73 @tompanarese Plus there are other days "lost" for getting to know one another, etc. #rechat
3/2/13 7:21 AM
Employers often don't want subversive employees and yet "career readiness" is a major goal of our current education system #rechat
3/2/13 7:24 AM
@chadsansing @paulawhite Subversion is often quiet non-compliance. #rechat
3/2/13 7:26 AM
@BeckyFisher73 @tcsamaripa i wld use words like "authentic" & "democratic," as these ARE subversive to the system at-large #rechat
3/2/13 7:34 AM @BeckyFisher73 different historicities. Subversion is embedded in pomo theory and hacking in the internet 3/2/13 7:35 AM @BeckyFisher73 when I use one or the other term I signal which group I want to belong with. 3/2/13 7:46 AM @brainpicker Be forewarned, I am co-opting "Gobsmacking Anachronism" in the near future. Perfect phrase.