Friday, December 31, 2010
dr tae
Dr. Tae — Building A New Culture Of Teaching And Learning from Dr. Tae on Vimeo.
unis = depersonalization 101
secondary ed = disinterest 101
over 90% of middle school science teachers have never taken a science course outside of highschool
at unis - profs hired for research not teaching
at secondary - teachers certified but not qualified (means the certification we have now doesn't work - if so - we need to start highering based on real competency) - sounds like same thing for what we do in school
the most effective thing we can do is hire and honor good teachers
great science class - mythbusters... if you want to figure out if something is true - you have to experiment
the structure of school
school yr divided, grades, etc
better - skateboarding
if you're learning something new it doesn't make any sense to set a determined amount of time to learn it
can't really force learning.. but that's what schools do
it would be great to not give incentives to cheat - like grades
i don't know how i would cheat at skateboarding
need: change culture - to places where learning actually happens
work outside the classroom
distributed teaching - distributed computing - using a lot of relatively slow computers at the right time
if everybody did some type of teaching, it might be better than have a few really good teachers
1) wikipedia
2) camps
3) online lectures
none are prof teachers.. just spending a little time sharing what they know
no reason to be selfish with knowledge.. if you share it - you don't lose any of it
teaching and learning doesn't only happen in schools.
it's about making teaching and learning cultural habits
share what you know
dr tae dot org
physics of skateboarding dot com
imformation is beautiful
do we have any idea this is how we play things out?
john hagel lll
videos on his fb site:
business with passion
1) what is success - she has a new definition
nancy anderson - her book: work with passion, ow to do what you love for a living
2) business incubators
mike gunion?
national business incubator association
80% from incubators still successful after 5 years
80% not in incubators not successful after 5 years
3) push vs pull
john hagel
push has served us well, but in today's volatility those predictions and forecasts become more challenging, instead build platforms of connections where you can draw out resources where and when you need them.
integrating passion and profession - 6th proposition
the questing disposition
how do workers respond to unexpected challenges
if not passionate:
1) ignore it
2) hide it
3) get back to assigned work.. challenge is a distraction
if passionate:
1) wow - that's really interesting, how would i handle that, challenging me to go beyond what i've experienced, who would i reach out to to try to figure this out
2) don't wait for the challenges to come to you, constantly seeking them out to test yourself
the relationship between passion and connection
in regard to your profession
1) how often you go to conferences
2) how often you partake in social media
3) how often do you go to lunch w/someone outside your company but related to your work
people who say they are passionate are actually twice as connected as people who are not passionate
test levels of passion in the workforce
united states last year:
20% of work force are passionate, 80% are not
level of passion is inversely related to the size of the company
integrating passion and business - 5th proposition
dilbert paradox - top priorities - if talent is top, how do you explain popularity of dilbert and the office which graphically demo the sculptifying effect of business environment on talent
so - what are you doing about talent
if you are developing their talent better than anyone else - why would they ever leave
as to "what training programs" - training programs less and less relevant, it's not about training but about constructing and designing the work environment so that you maximize talent on the job on a day-to-day basis
most today (esp schools) are not designed for talent development
they are designed for efficiency of operations and predictability
if you are interested in talent - rethink all operations, business strategies, and it platforms
4th proposition
move from knowledge stock to knowledge flow
from this post: challenge and opportunity for women...
knowledge flows- not large databases flowing through cyberspace.
The knowledge that has greatest value in times of rapid change is tacit knowledge, the knowledge that we all have in our heads that is tied to certain contexts, often quite new, and that we have great difficulty expressing to ourselves, much less anyone else. This knowledge is usually experienced holistically rather than reducible to abstract categories and isolated modules. For all of these reasons, this knowledge does not flow very well at all. In the words of my esteemed collaborator, JSB, this knowledge is remarkably sticky.
break from videos to reflect on this incredible post i read today.. a gold mine of insight worthy of the ending of a super year:
this post: passion and wisdom - a must read - really
make thrivability, rather than sustainability, our reality.
Both are long-term quests,... in stark contrast to our prevailing push mindsets,...of.... short-term predictability.
...both passion and wisdom are not predictable – that is in fact their great strength, they are continually coming up with new ways to create more value. The tragedy...this makes both ... deeply suspect ... and..more needed than ever.
really - go read it.. here it is again
continuing on with videos from his fb site
institutional innovation
the power of pull
passion of workers as a shift index
when we're talking about passion at work, we're not talking about happiness, quite often passionate people at work are often the most frustrated... but the most passionate people are the most connected people - this is key to participating in knowledge flows
mastering serendipity
target conferences in areas that are well beyond your expertise, because that causes deep immersion in the issues and questions that these people are addresses and often finds unexpected encounters that extend way beyond current comfort zone
choices of where you locate (physical and virtual) - but all are very crowded - so what actions can you take to attract and lead people to you to make those encounters,
experimentations with social media: best way to attract is to present yourself holistically, integrate personal/professional etc.
reasons for not doing sm - risk and waste of time
problem is we often focus on the risks, we need to be much more articulate about the rewards
shaping serendipity
the google approach only works when you know what you're looking for
but when you don't know - how can you increase the likelihood of these unexpected encounters
serendipity is not just pure luck, we can shape the places we go and the people we connect with
cross connections are huge to this as well - [seeing fractals, analogies]
in edgy areas where these innovations are happening, these people are telling stories to each other
your passion as your profession
if you have passion at the core - i'm not worried
what i'm worried about are these people that are so very competent they are getting bored - john seely brown
the experience curve often gets you into ruts - key role of an institution, how do we take these deeply competent people and put them in environments that bring in life and passion
not a free agent theory - but an incredible infrastructure for the firm/institution
energizing people in the core - whole new game if the workers become the front line, on the edge
bringing the core to the edge
often bringing the edge into the core ends up smothering the edge
better yet - get the core out into the edges
a new kind of valley of death - if you can reverse and bring the core to the edge, for that to work, board of directors need to realize there's a certain level of unpredictability - you move from scalable efficiencies to some kind of random improvisations
the deeper the core competencies can deal with the on the fly edge
life on the edge is more interesting if you have core competencies
the edge is risky, those in charge need to have the mindset to stick through the hard/shaky times
scalable efficiency to scalable learning
almost everything you learn in business scale relies on scalable efficiencies and that curve is now a diminishing returns curve
what if this new learning structure says scalable efficiency is not the gain
how do you get scalable ways of new ways to learn things...
no longer is it organization and routine, but how do i break out of my rut, how do i see things differently
actualizing new ideas as fast as you can, rather than digger deeper on the same path
we're not running faster and faster to stay in the same place, we're running faster and faster and falling farther behind, no wonder we're all stressed
big shifts are creating big changes
the past were punctuated shifts
change the underlying architecture
public policy shift and tech potential are moving on to new heights
push for absolute performance if done right leads to innovation, if done wrong kills
when in times of uncertainty, tend to look inward to reliability, we lose sight of these longer term opportunities/trends
big changes are here
why the big shift
1) infrastructural transformation - something we've never seen before, no longer an s curve, now an exponential - digital infrastructure driven by moore's law, no more plateaus (stability) in the curve, people having a hard time figuring out how to play off these
maybe the notion of organizational routines might not be right anymore - because of micro and macro disruptions
kevin werbach interviews john in 2009
dang - no sound
business with passion
1) what is success - she has a new definition
nancy anderson - her book: work with passion, ow to do what you love for a living
2) business incubators
mike gunion?
national business incubator association
80% from incubators still successful after 5 years
80% not in incubators not successful after 5 years
3) push vs pull
john hagel
push has served us well, but in today's volatility those predictions and forecasts become more challenging, instead build platforms of connections where you can draw out resources where and when you need them.
integrating passion and profession - 6th proposition
the questing disposition
how do workers respond to unexpected challenges
if not passionate:
1) ignore it
2) hide it
3) get back to assigned work.. challenge is a distraction
if passionate:
1) wow - that's really interesting, how would i handle that, challenging me to go beyond what i've experienced, who would i reach out to to try to figure this out
2) don't wait for the challenges to come to you, constantly seeking them out to test yourself
the relationship between passion and connection
in regard to your profession
1) how often you go to conferences
2) how often you partake in social media
3) how often do you go to lunch w/someone outside your company but related to your work
people who say they are passionate are actually twice as connected as people who are not passionate
test levels of passion in the workforce
united states last year:
20% of work force are passionate, 80% are not
level of passion is inversely related to the size of the company
integrating passion and business - 5th proposition
dilbert paradox - top priorities - if talent is top, how do you explain popularity of dilbert and the office which graphically demo the sculptifying effect of business environment on talent
so - what are you doing about talent
if you are developing their talent better than anyone else - why would they ever leave
as to "what training programs" - training programs less and less relevant, it's not about training but about constructing and designing the work environment so that you maximize talent on the job on a day-to-day basis
most today (esp schools) are not designed for talent development
they are designed for efficiency of operations and predictability
if you are interested in talent - rethink all operations, business strategies, and it platforms
4th proposition
move from knowledge stock to knowledge flow
from this post: challenge and opportunity for women...
knowledge flows- not large databases flowing through cyberspace.
The knowledge that has greatest value in times of rapid change is tacit knowledge, the knowledge that we all have in our heads that is tied to certain contexts, often quite new, and that we have great difficulty expressing to ourselves, much less anyone else. This knowledge is usually experienced holistically rather than reducible to abstract categories and isolated modules. For all of these reasons, this knowledge does not flow very well at all. In the words of my esteemed collaborator, JSB, this knowledge is remarkably sticky.
break from videos to reflect on this incredible post i read today.. a gold mine of insight worthy of the ending of a super year:
this post: passion and wisdom - a must read - really
make thrivability, rather than sustainability, our reality.
Both are long-term quests,... in stark contrast to our prevailing push mindsets,...of.... short-term predictability.
...both passion and wisdom are not predictable – that is in fact their great strength, they are continually coming up with new ways to create more value. The tragedy...this makes both ... deeply suspect ... and..more needed than ever.
really - go read it.. here it is again
continuing on with videos from his fb site
institutional innovation
the power of pull
passion of workers as a shift index
when we're talking about passion at work, we're not talking about happiness, quite often passionate people at work are often the most frustrated... but the most passionate people are the most connected people - this is key to participating in knowledge flows
mastering serendipity
target conferences in areas that are well beyond your expertise, because that causes deep immersion in the issues and questions that these people are addresses and often finds unexpected encounters that extend way beyond current comfort zone
choices of where you locate (physical and virtual) - but all are very crowded - so what actions can you take to attract and lead people to you to make those encounters,
experimentations with social media: best way to attract is to present yourself holistically, integrate personal/professional etc.
reasons for not doing sm - risk and waste of time
problem is we often focus on the risks, we need to be much more articulate about the rewards
shaping serendipity
the google approach only works when you know what you're looking for
but when you don't know - how can you increase the likelihood of these unexpected encounters
serendipity is not just pure luck, we can shape the places we go and the people we connect with
cross connections are huge to this as well - [seeing fractals, analogies]
in edgy areas where these innovations are happening, these people are telling stories to each other
your passion as your profession
if you have passion at the core - i'm not worried
what i'm worried about are these people that are so very competent they are getting bored - john seely brown
the experience curve often gets you into ruts - key role of an institution, how do we take these deeply competent people and put them in environments that bring in life and passion
not a free agent theory - but an incredible infrastructure for the firm/institution
energizing people in the core - whole new game if the workers become the front line, on the edge
bringing the core to the edge
often bringing the edge into the core ends up smothering the edge
better yet - get the core out into the edges
a new kind of valley of death - if you can reverse and bring the core to the edge, for that to work, board of directors need to realize there's a certain level of unpredictability - you move from scalable efficiencies to some kind of random improvisations
the deeper the core competencies can deal with the on the fly edge
life on the edge is more interesting if you have core competencies
the edge is risky, those in charge need to have the mindset to stick through the hard/shaky times
scalable efficiency to scalable learning
almost everything you learn in business scale relies on scalable efficiencies and that curve is now a diminishing returns curve
what if this new learning structure says scalable efficiency is not the gain
how do you get scalable ways of new ways to learn things...
no longer is it organization and routine, but how do i break out of my rut, how do i see things differently
actualizing new ideas as fast as you can, rather than digger deeper on the same path
we're not running faster and faster to stay in the same place, we're running faster and faster and falling farther behind, no wonder we're all stressed
big shifts are creating big changes
the past were punctuated shifts
change the underlying architecture
public policy shift and tech potential are moving on to new heights
push for absolute performance if done right leads to innovation, if done wrong kills
when in times of uncertainty, tend to look inward to reliability, we lose sight of these longer term opportunities/trends
big changes are here
why the big shift
1) infrastructural transformation - something we've never seen before, no longer an s curve, now an exponential - digital infrastructure driven by moore's law, no more plateaus (stability) in the curve, people having a hard time figuring out how to play off these
maybe the notion of organizational routines might not be right anymore - because of micro and macro disruptions
kevin werbach interviews john in 2009
dang - no sound
Thursday, December 30, 2010
cameron sinclair
speaking in seatle oct 21 2010
12 uni's global working with tribal groups
focus - talk to people, integrate renewable systems,
generational sustainability and storytelling
i don't work with foundations i work with dot.coms
how to incorporate silly marketing dollars to do something that helps the world
let's not just keep talking/writing about things.. let's do them.
more on involving kids.. afghani and skateboarding
mostly there - fighting sports and male dominated
skateboarding is unique - if you skateboard down a street - you own a street - as in you are safe
let's start owning streets bit by bit..
give me a skateboard and i'll show you what to do.
giving away half a mill dollars in sports of social change
39:41 - homeless worldcup
a great idea doesn't have to wait a generation to get things done
design is the ultimate sustainable resource
looking into agriculture for humanity - i guess denver has a branch.
his 2006 ted
interview on the story
find him at @casinclair
12 uni's global working with tribal groups
focus - talk to people, integrate renewable systems,
generational sustainability and storytelling
i don't work with foundations i work with dot.coms
how to incorporate silly marketing dollars to do something that helps the world
let's not just keep talking/writing about things.. let's do them.
more on involving kids.. afghani and skateboarding
mostly there - fighting sports and male dominated
skateboarding is unique - if you skateboard down a street - you own a street - as in you are safe
let's start owning streets bit by bit..
give me a skateboard and i'll show you what to do.
giving away half a mill dollars in sports of social change
39:41 - homeless worldcup
a great idea doesn't have to wait a generation to get things done
design is the ultimate sustainable resource
looking into agriculture for humanity - i guess denver has a branch.
his 2006 ted
interview on the story
find him at @casinclair
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
they are alive. ongoing. constantly evolving.
so who decides what is being learned?
if it's not the learner, won't the learning be compromised?
and if there were some way for someone to decide what's being learned, wouldn't that something be continually being tweaked/morphed as it lives in an open world?
i get the efficiency piece. but i believe we're missing more by being efficient. we're missing the essence of learning. we're missing the essence of mathematical thinking... of logic... of beauty.
more than anything else though.. we're missing the essence of community. we're missing each other.
from this article Kenneth quotes Parker Palmer:
Authentic teaching and learning requires a live encounter with the unexpected, an element of suspense and surprise, an evocation of that which we did not know until it happened. If these elements are not present, we may be training or indoctrinating students, but we are not educating them.
and George Siemens just tweeted this (i was purposefully eavesdropping, but didn't check context - apologies if i'm messing with his words)
is school of one personalized learning by design or personalized info gathering by design.
i could be completely wrong. i know so little. about many things... but about school of one.
i love how they seem to be using the computer more like a computer. and i love that they see the need for personalization.
is there no way to let the learner learn in a more organic and holistic way?
in school of one - who decides the skills needed to learn? and when?
Living things are systems that tend to respond to changes in their environment, and inside themselves, in such a way as to promote their own continuation.
Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
they are alive. ongoing. constantly evolving.
so who decides what is being learned?
if it's not the learner, won't the learning be compromised?
and if there were some way for someone to decide what's being learned, wouldn't that something be continually being tweaked/morphed as it lives in an open world?
i get the efficiency piece. but i believe we're missing more by being efficient. we're missing the essence of learning. we're missing the essence of mathematical thinking... of logic... of beauty.
more than anything else though.. we're missing the essence of community. we're missing each other.
from this article Kenneth quotes Parker Palmer:
Authentic teaching and learning requires a live encounter with the unexpected, an element of suspense and surprise, an evocation of that which we did not know until it happened. If these elements are not present, we may be training or indoctrinating students, but we are not educating them.
As long as "effectiveness" is the ultimate standard by which we judge our actions, we will act only towards the ends we are sure we can achieve.
and George Siemens just tweeted this (i was purposefully eavesdropping, but didn't check context - apologies if i'm messing with his words)
Knowledge exists in connections. Learning is growing/pruning those connections.
is school of one personalized learning by design or personalized info gathering by design.
i could be completely wrong. i know so little. about many things... but about school of one.
i love how they seem to be using the computer more like a computer. and i love that they see the need for personalization.
is there no way to let the learner learn in a more organic and holistic way?
in school of one - who decides the skills needed to learn? and when?
Living things are systems that tend to respond to changes in their environment, and inside themselves, in such a way as to promote their own continuation.
Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
lab connections
i've been spending time with homeless people, homeschoolers, my own kids, ... watching videos and documentaries, reading books, articles/posts (esp from here), touching base with Feynman, again..
it's helped. a lot. my mind seems clear. focused. i like it.
Lyndy encouraged me to do something like this as a portal for parents/community seeking a connection to the lab. and to clean up this as a stand alone addressing many questions people might have.
that process alone cleared my mind.
and then i had the privilege of watching schooling the world again, only this time with some dear friends. the discussion after was so confirming. so refreshing. doing what matters matters.
add in Bruce Nussbaum's article in ideo (there's ideo again)
Jacqueline emailing this:
people seek dignity not dependence. choice not charity.
Dignity is allowing someone to be able to live their own lives, to be able to provide for themselves. we have learned that charity has takes away that. when you give to the poor, they learn to wait for you, so the day you don't come, they are doomed.
George tweeting this:

so i wrote this and this.
thank you peoples.
soul peace..
it's helped. a lot. my mind seems clear. focused. i like it.
Lyndy encouraged me to do something like this as a portal for parents/community seeking a connection to the lab. and to clean up this as a stand alone addressing many questions people might have.
that process alone cleared my mind.
and then i had the privilege of watching schooling the world again, only this time with some dear friends. the discussion after was so confirming. so refreshing. doing what matters matters.
add in Bruce Nussbaum's article in ideo (there's ideo again)
Jacqueline emailing this:
people seek dignity not dependence. choice not charity.
Dignity is allowing someone to be able to live their own lives, to be able to provide for themselves. we have learned that charity has takes away that. when you give to the poor, they learn to wait for you, so the day you don't come, they are doomed.
George tweeting this:

so i wrote this and this.
thank you peoples.
soul peace..
ideo patterns
spaces fostering individualism
Many of the most successful communities are created when people are empowered to take ownership and have a voice.
spaces mimicking the web fluidity
many companies and individual initiatives are recognizing that the way to capture an audience “in real life” is to create constantly evolving and participatory spaces that do not yield to the limitations of the traditional-built environment.
pop up retail, zipcars, etc
2. Think guerrilla hurdle property laws and bureaucracy. creatively weave a path through the obstacles.
3. Borrow from others leverage systems that are already in place, rather than compete with them.
4. Trust people allow freedom for users to create and share their own experiences.
5. Go lightly simple, rapid effort, and have the ability to adapt to changing conditions over time.
taboo social taboos into innovations
Social taboos suppress discussion of many details about life: Discomfort with these topics compromises our health and short-circuits our quality of life by keeping important information in the dark.
know me nudge me
Every product needs a story, as does every brand. The product's origin. The creators' ideals. Or a unique experience. These stories provide value.
Consumers are looking to share narratives as a way to express their knowledge, identity, status, and connections. As the DNA of viral marketing, these stories help people connect more deeply with a brand, a product, and others around them.
how to build 24/7 relationships using new media
Customer service is often driven reactively, relegated to a cost center and considered a negative touchpoint. Despised by customers and riddled with clichés, it’s a broken system that reflects poorly on an organization’s underlying structure, culture, and brand values.
1. Don't invade, connect Build continuity without invading their space.
2. Transform monologue to dialogue Host a dialogue that gets both sides talking in order to create a continuous loop: listen, respond, act.
3. Create redundancy multiple points of entry.4. Outside in/inside out Open up access to what’s going on behind the scenes. Make it human by making it authentic.
5. Leverage existing platforms Don’t invent, integrate. Systems are already in place so that you can communicate via tools consumers already use
to be continued from here
Many of the most successful communities are created when people are empowered to take ownership and have a voice.
spaces mimicking the web fluidity
many companies and individual initiatives are recognizing that the way to capture an audience “in real life” is to create constantly evolving and participatory spaces that do not yield to the limitations of the traditional-built environment.
pop up retail, zipcars, etc
Lessons For Taking Action
1. Get physical unveiling new campaigns or by simply reminding the public of your presence.2. Think guerrilla hurdle property laws and bureaucracy. creatively weave a path through the obstacles.
3. Borrow from others leverage systems that are already in place, rather than compete with them.
4. Trust people allow freedom for users to create and share their own experiences.
5. Go lightly simple, rapid effort, and have the ability to adapt to changing conditions over time.
taboo social taboos into innovations
Social taboos suppress discussion of many details about life: Discomfort with these topics compromises our health and short-circuits our quality of life by keeping important information in the dark.
know me nudge me
Every product needs a story, as does every brand. The product's origin. The creators' ideals. Or a unique experience. These stories provide value.
Consumers are looking to share narratives as a way to express their knowledge, identity, status, and connections. As the DNA of viral marketing, these stories help people connect more deeply with a brand, a product, and others around them.
how to build 24/7 relationships using new media
Customer service is often driven reactively, relegated to a cost center and considered a negative touchpoint. Despised by customers and riddled with clichés, it’s a broken system that reflects poorly on an organization’s underlying structure, culture, and brand values.
1. Don't invade, connect Build continuity without invading their space.
2. Transform monologue to dialogue Host a dialogue that gets both sides talking in order to create a continuous loop: listen, respond, act.
3. Create redundancy multiple points of entry.4. Outside in/inside out Open up access to what’s going on behind the scenes. Make it human by making it authentic.
5. Leverage existing platforms Don’t invent, integrate. Systems are already in place so that you can communicate via tools consumers already use
to be continued from here
scott stratten
video on his book - unmarketing - is perfect for advice educators
don't be hypocritical.. don't market in ways you hate to be marketed
people do business with people they like they trust and they know
people trying to find other ways to interrupt you..
more people registered for the no interrupt data base than to vote in the last 3 yrs combined..
listen to that
marketers are very self-serving.. need to look at customers.. humans function off validation
engage/listen, build a relationship
easiest thing to fix right now.. listen.
stop marketing.. and really listen
go where they are talking.. you can't to the thing anymore.. i don't like twitter i don't like facebook, well your market does, over 400 mill on facebook, go where they are, show up and listen and engage, you can do that right now..
don't be hypocritical.. don't market in ways you hate to be marketed
people do business with people they like they trust and they know
people trying to find other ways to interrupt you..
more people registered for the no interrupt data base than to vote in the last 3 yrs combined..
listen to that
marketers are very self-serving.. need to look at customers.. humans function off validation
engage/listen, build a relationship
easiest thing to fix right now.. listen.
stop marketing.. and really listen
go where they are talking.. you can't to the thing anymore.. i don't like twitter i don't like facebook, well your market does, over 400 mill on facebook, go where they are, show up and listen and engage, you can do that right now..
jason fried
the writing lessons begin..
from 2009
from 2007 write for the reader
from 2009
- think about what you really need to say
- write it in place
- figure remove what’s non-essential
- pare it dow
- make sure you’re getting to the point without using terms that require additional explanation
- rewrite - without looking
- compare with the original - see if you’re missing anything important
- wrap it up.
from 2007 write for the reader
Monday, December 27, 2010
fluid spaces
great ideas from this post at ideo - on how to be sustainable by your openness to being manipulated.
esp like and think we need to tap into more of this:
We’ve grown accustomed to the Internet as ... rapid adaptability and user responsiveness. ... increasing desire to enable that same flexibility and speed of responsiveness in the physical public space of our cities.
However... there are rigid constraints in urban real estate with limitations from property laws, city ordinances, and the length of time, effort, and capital it takes to rent, purchase, or modify property. Despite this, many companies and individual initiatives are recognizing that the way to capture an audience “in real life” is to create constantly evolving and participatory spaces that do not yield to the limitations of the traditional-built environment.
esp like and think we need to tap into more of this:
We’ve grown accustomed to the Internet as ... rapid adaptability and user responsiveness. ... increasing desire to enable that same flexibility and speed of responsiveness in the physical public space of our cities.
However... there are rigid constraints in urban real estate with limitations from property laws, city ordinances, and the length of time, effort, and capital it takes to rent, purchase, or modify property. Despite this, many companies and individual initiatives are recognizing that the way to capture an audience “in real life” is to create constantly evolving and participatory spaces that do not yield to the limitations of the traditional-built environment.
ideo - dr stephanie pace marshall
read the full conversation here
How can design both enter into and perturb a new conversation about education so the system becomes disturbed enough to begin living into their desired future now?'
Design enables us to reclaim spaces and behaviors that may not have been accessible before and redefine who and how we now want to be.
It makes our covenants visible, and it illuminates our beliefs and values.
Sometimes there are moments in human history that seem to beckon awakenings. They perturb us to reevaluate our beliefs, assumptions, and reigning cultural stories. They challenge us to synthesize and integrate seemingly disparate forms of knowledge into new relationships, new patterns, and new theories.
It is a time when reality embraces possibility.
my favs from -behind their ideas:
1. A collaborative partnership between diverse stakeholders -- education, science, research, technology, innovation, business, and government.
3. Multi-dimensional admission criteria for identifying STEM talent and potential beyond a standardized test score
9. Commitment to treat each student as if he or she is capable of significantly influencing life on the planet.
if we call it a school, ...spend most of time explaining what we were not instead of what we were. ..would be telling people what we didn't do rather than what we did do.
---laboratory for imagination and inquiry' stimulates questions that enable us to have the conversations we want to have.
reading further - on being fluid... changeable... like the web
thank you Lyndy
How can design both enter into and perturb a new conversation about education so the system becomes disturbed enough to begin living into their desired future now?'
Design enables us to reclaim spaces and behaviors that may not have been accessible before and redefine who and how we now want to be.
It makes our covenants visible, and it illuminates our beliefs and values.
Sometimes there are moments in human history that seem to beckon awakenings. They perturb us to reevaluate our beliefs, assumptions, and reigning cultural stories. They challenge us to synthesize and integrate seemingly disparate forms of knowledge into new relationships, new patterns, and new theories.
It is a time when reality embraces possibility.
my favs from -behind their ideas:
1. A collaborative partnership between diverse stakeholders -- education, science, research, technology, innovation, business, and government.
3. Multi-dimensional admission criteria for identifying STEM talent and potential beyond a standardized test score
9. Commitment to treat each student as if he or she is capable of significantly influencing life on the planet.
if we call it a school, ...spend most of time explaining what we were not instead of what we were. ..would be telling people what we didn't do rather than what we did do.
---laboratory for imagination and inquiry' stimulates questions that enable us to have the conversations we want to have.
reading further - on being fluid... changeable... like the web
thank you Lyndy
NASA connections
another mom - Laura - sent me this article in the Coloradoan.
So i emailed Bill Cohill, our new city manager - referenced in the article.
-i've also sent this info to the lovely Laurie Maves who i recently met at the teaser for Muse's Market, and who does such things as this. i couldn't stop thinking of her when i saw the site.
So i emailed Bill Cohill, our new city manager - referenced in the article.
Bill, welcome to Loveland.
We've just crafted this proposal (note footnote #29) for an ongoing InnovationLab with this purpose in mind.
I just watched Rita King (who i recently met at BIF 6 in Providence RI) giver her TEDxNASA talk. I've written to Rita in regard to her talk - especially noting the reference.
I've connected with Ron Garan via Jacqueline Novogratz' Acumen site. Ron is taking her book, the Blue Sweater into space. The Blue Sweater has been a big influence in all that we are doing in the lab.
If you are so inclined.. I would love to chat about this.
warm regards.
We've just crafted this proposal (note footnote #29) for an ongoing InnovationLab with this purpose in mind.
I just watched Rita King (who i recently met at BIF 6 in Providence RI) giver her TEDxNASA talk. I've written to Rita in regard to her talk - especially noting the reference.
I've connected with Ron Garan via Jacqueline Novogratz' Acumen site. Ron is taking her book, the Blue Sweater into space. The Blue Sweater has been a big influence in all that we are doing in the lab.
If you are so inclined.. I would love to chat about this.
warm regards.
-i've also sent this info to the lovely Laurie Maves who i recently met at the teaser for Muse's Market, and who does such things as this. i couldn't stop thinking of her when i saw the site.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
richard feynman
i haven't watched this in like 2 years.
i love richard feynman.
i have a limited intelligence - so i kept pretty focused
we used to translate everything we read..
his father translated everything in all different languages... when you finished, you know nothing about the bird, but only what different cultures call them
he (his dad) knew the difference between
knowing the name of something
and knowing something.. he always left conversations open for noticing,... no pressure, just lovely interesting discussion
algebra - a series of steps where you could get the answer if you didn't understand what you were trying to do.
trig for the practical man.. soon forgot it again, because i didn't understand it very well.
disrespect for things that are respectable..
his father was in the uniform business.. so he knew the difference between a man with the uniform off and the uniform on.. it's the same man..
no photon bag in an atom
he sent me to all the unis to find out things and i never did find out.. could never explain things to my dad
what i did immorally is not to remember the reason i said that i was doing it.. so that when the reason changed, not the single thought came to mind that that meant i had to reconsider why i was doing it... i simply didn't think
he wanted to play more than look at use.. when in this relaxed function... working things out poured freely - after that is when he won the noble prize
i don't like honors... i notice others use my work... i don't need anything else...
i've already got the prize:
honors is uniforms... it bothers me
when i got into the aritstar - what i found out is what they did in their meetings was sit around and decide who else gets to become one of them, who is illustrious enough
purpose was mostly to decide who could have this honor.. he doesn't like honors
to figure life out.. imagine - we are in a big chess game but we don't know the rules..
so you try to figure out what the rules are..
the thing that doesn't fit is the thing that is most interesting, the part that doesn't fit..
laws sometimes look positive.. they keep learning until something doesn't work - then we figure it out
unlike the chess game - were rules become more difficult as we go along
but not in physics - they become simpler..
if we expand out experience into wilder and wilder regions of experience, every once in a while we have these integrations in which everything is pulled together in a unification (fractal) which turns out to be simpler than it looked before.
if you are interested the ultimate character of the physical/real/complete world.. at the present time - our only way to understand that is through mathematical reasoning.. (and we're missing it - let's go wolfram's computer based)
if we're talking about physics... then not knowing mathematics is a severe limitation
need to get a qualitative idea of how the problem works before i can get a quantitative one
that rough understanding can be defined... later
in science - we're stuck in seeing what the consequences are.. have a theory that you can't work out the consequences of
i've invented a myth for myself - i'm actively irresponsible - i take the view - let george do it...
i'm selfish - i want to do my physics...
the best way to teach is to have no philosophy.. to be chaotic and confusing... use every possible way of doing it..
how do you direct them to become interested..
1) by force - works for some
but after many years - feynman says - i don't know how to do it.. (hook everyone at the same time or even just one)
they follow the forms,,... but they haven't got anywhere - yet.
we get experts on everything that sound scientific.. they're not scientific.. they sit at the typewriter and make up stuff as if it's science.. but hasn't been tested yet.
there's all kinds of myths and psuedo sciences all over.
i may be quite wrong.. but i don't think i'm wrong
see i have the advantage of having found out how hard it is to get to really know something... how careful you have to be about checking yours experiments, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself.
i know what it means to know something..
i see how they get their info
i have a great suspicion that they don't know.. they haven't done the checks,... the care..
and they intimidate people by it..
i think so.. i don't know the world very well.. but that's what i think
people say.. are you looking for the ultimate law of physics and i say - no i'm not, i'm just looking to find out more about the world..if it turns out there's something that explains everything, so be it
nature is going to come out the way she is
therefore - when we go to investigate it - we shouldn't pre-decide what it is we're trying to do except try to find out more about it
if you say, why do you find out more about it.. if it's to find some answer to answer some deep philosophical question.. you may be wrong.. you may never be able to find out
....those are mysteries i want to investigate without knowing the answer to them..
how do you find out if something is true..
once you start doubting like you're supposed to start
as soon as you do that you start sliding down an edge that is difficult
i can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing..
i love richard feynman.
i have a limited intelligence - so i kept pretty focused
we used to translate everything we read..
his father translated everything in all different languages... when you finished, you know nothing about the bird, but only what different cultures call them
he (his dad) knew the difference between
knowing the name of something
and knowing something.. he always left conversations open for noticing,... no pressure, just lovely interesting discussion
algebra - a series of steps where you could get the answer if you didn't understand what you were trying to do.
trig for the practical man.. soon forgot it again, because i didn't understand it very well.
disrespect for things that are respectable..
his father was in the uniform business.. so he knew the difference between a man with the uniform off and the uniform on.. it's the same man..
no photon bag in an atom
he sent me to all the unis to find out things and i never did find out.. could never explain things to my dad
what i did immorally is not to remember the reason i said that i was doing it.. so that when the reason changed, not the single thought came to mind that that meant i had to reconsider why i was doing it... i simply didn't think
he wanted to play more than look at use.. when in this relaxed function... working things out poured freely - after that is when he won the noble prize
i don't like honors... i notice others use my work... i don't need anything else...
i've already got the prize:
1) the pleasure of finding things out
2) the kick in the discovery
3) the observation others use it
honors is uniforms... it bothers me
when i got into the aritstar - what i found out is what they did in their meetings was sit around and decide who else gets to become one of them, who is illustrious enough
purpose was mostly to decide who could have this honor.. he doesn't like honors
to figure life out.. imagine - we are in a big chess game but we don't know the rules..
so you try to figure out what the rules are..
the thing that doesn't fit is the thing that is most interesting, the part that doesn't fit..
laws sometimes look positive.. they keep learning until something doesn't work - then we figure it out
unlike the chess game - were rules become more difficult as we go along
but not in physics - they become simpler..
if we expand out experience into wilder and wilder regions of experience, every once in a while we have these integrations in which everything is pulled together in a unification (fractal) which turns out to be simpler than it looked before.
if you are interested the ultimate character of the physical/real/complete world.. at the present time - our only way to understand that is through mathematical reasoning.. (and we're missing it - let's go wolfram's computer based)
if we're talking about physics... then not knowing mathematics is a severe limitation
need to get a qualitative idea of how the problem works before i can get a quantitative one
that rough understanding can be defined... later
in science - we're stuck in seeing what the consequences are.. have a theory that you can't work out the consequences of
i've invented a myth for myself - i'm actively irresponsible - i take the view - let george do it...
i'm selfish - i want to do my physics...
the best way to teach is to have no philosophy.. to be chaotic and confusing... use every possible way of doing it..
how do you direct them to become interested..
1) by force - works for some
but after many years - feynman says - i don't know how to do it.. (hook everyone at the same time or even just one)
they follow the forms,,... but they haven't got anywhere - yet.
we get experts on everything that sound scientific.. they're not scientific.. they sit at the typewriter and make up stuff as if it's science.. but hasn't been tested yet.
there's all kinds of myths and psuedo sciences all over.
i may be quite wrong.. but i don't think i'm wrong
see i have the advantage of having found out how hard it is to get to really know something... how careful you have to be about checking yours experiments, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself.
i know what it means to know something..
i see how they get their info
i have a great suspicion that they don't know.. they haven't done the checks,... the care..
and they intimidate people by it..
i think so.. i don't know the world very well.. but that's what i think
people say.. are you looking for the ultimate law of physics and i say - no i'm not, i'm just looking to find out more about the world..if it turns out there's something that explains everything, so be it
nature is going to come out the way she is
therefore - when we go to investigate it - we shouldn't pre-decide what it is we're trying to do except try to find out more about it
if you say, why do you find out more about it.. if it's to find some answer to answer some deep philosophical question.. you may be wrong.. you may never be able to find out
....those are mysteries i want to investigate without knowing the answer to them..
how do you find out if something is true..
once you start doubting like you're supposed to start
as soon as you do that you start sliding down an edge that is difficult
it's a very fundamental part of my soul to ask
i can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing..
much more interesting to live in doubt than answers that are wrong
i don't have to know an answer
i don't feel frightened by not knowing things___________________________
Friday, December 24, 2010
rita king
creative flow in groups
check out 3:40 - make
and check out this -about our loveland
often on the internet what is missing is a feeling of serendipity - a lot of the places we locate show who we already are
we need to marry great engineering with great creativity
Rita's site:
also check this via Ron Garan
creative flow in groups
check out 3:40 - make
and check out this -about our loveland
often on the internet what is missing is a feeling of serendipity - a lot of the places we locate show who we already are
we need to marry great engineering with great creativity
Rita's site:
also check this via Ron Garan
nonacademic skills
recognized as keys to success:
we focused on eligibility not readiness
top three traits” predicting post-high school success:
1) student’s conscientiousness, as measured by such traits as dependability, perseverance through tasks, and work ethic.
2) agreeableness, including teamwork, and emotional stability
3) variations on extroversion and openness to new experiences
high schools often do not teach students how to identify their own learning needs and find the resources and support they need.
coverage of “deeper learning” that will prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world is supported in part by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, at
we focused on eligibility not readiness
top three traits” predicting post-high school success:
1) student’s conscientiousness, as measured by such traits as dependability, perseverance through tasks, and work ethic.
2) agreeableness, including teamwork, and emotional stability
3) variations on extroversion and openness to new experiences
high schools often do not teach students how to identify their own learning needs and find the resources and support they need.
coverage of “deeper learning” that will prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world is supported in part by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, at
Thursday, December 23, 2010
laurie maves
what an incredible connection to this amazing lady.. met at the teaser for the Muse's Market.. (see a couple posts below)
she's going to have her work in the MET someday.. no doubt.
she's going to have her work in the MET someday.. no doubt.
personal board
@paulawhite Darren, did you see this earlier? RE Would be interesting to ask kids to set up their own "board." @dkuropatwa
exactly - how many of them do that already... not as well as they could.. but better than most of us..
exactly - how many of them do that already... not as well as they could.. but better than most of us..
the stick doesn't need therapy.. it's just stuck, it needs a nudge
what want would disappear if you knew you could have it
till you get that you actually can't have it.. it's hard to sort out what you really want.
they think they don't know what to do - but that's not true - they're scared to listen - that's different
if it's not a yes.. it's a no for now
the still voice from within doesn't think you suck and doesn't think life sucks
ME from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
so happy to be so sad
SO HAPPY TO BE SO SAD from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
chris lehmann
the problem w/highschool.. we tell kids they have to do stuff
kids not wanting to go to school
why learn stuff - because told we had to
it doesn't have to be this way..
grant wiggins
purpose of hs - that kids don't suck quite so much at the things they are bad at.
at the end of the day school should be about metacognition
pbl isn't just giving kids instructions on how to do something - don't give out a recipe
the why is powerful
Joe Bower: If everyone is doing the same project, then some one isn't learning.
pammoran: what if we had an outcome that kids would leave each teacher with a sustained love of learning? how would that change the game? for teachers? for young people?
not just teaching kids how to learn - but how to live
pammoran: just saw today a study from William and Mary- torrence test of of creativity- "scores" have dropped from 1990-2008- among K-6th graders... test prep
oe Bower: "My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status." Sir Ken Robinson
pammoran: William and Mary study as reported in WSJ
biggest change - really have to work on your listening skills (teacher)
sla is a magnet school - interviews - don't take top grades and test scores.. look for kids that need their model
ben wilkoff - how do you do this in elementary school, elem teacher always knows more than kid, one question: what do you think
don't care how much you know.. but what do you think... we don't know that... (nice)
citizens vs. workers is kinda like wisdom vs. knowledge.
not about changing the curriculum but about ownership of the curriculum
teachers crafting curriculum in such a way that allows kids to their own decision making process
one of hardest things in 9th grade - teach kids to stop figuring out the game of school
DrTimony: I often find that when I give my undergrads and grads opportunities to create their own, relevant, project instead of what's in the syllabus, they are stymied.
Gordon D: Do you think you can work with M. Rhee's new initiative?
Chris said the conversation is about labor - and that's not the convo - it's not about bullying
dlaufenberg: common rubric
can't want one thing for students and another for teachers....
pd can't be lecturing on how to do inquiry
Joe Bower: I've come to see how delicate the climate for progressive education truly is. The potential for improvement can live and die with the principal.
Here's the Educon 2.3 website happens Jan 28-30 in Philadelphia
one secret to sla - they built it together.. not riding on one person...
the system they built is available for others
Moderator (Kyle Pace): This is Chris' school:
don't know if great teachers and great admin are it.. need a vision and an idea
great means something different. you need people to be in the right place for themselves..
this is where the unions need to get on board... and see change.. transfers are
Joe Bower: Progressive education is undermined by teachers who will talk all day about whether kids should be able to chew gum or wear hats, but won't ever engage in a conversation about pedagogy.
why would any school hire a teacher that wasn't interviewed by parents and students and peers...
if union could say - we will give up seniority and transfers for a great hiring committee
instead of a demo lesson, sla emails their parent guide... it ends up being the cheat sheet for the whole interview..
also ask them to create a unit plan that fits the vision of sla
nykat4: demo lessons don't show deep curric thinkers - shows can perform on spot
at sla - hiring is consensus
do you see sla becoming a franchise school?
Ann: I love that SLA is a district school
what would you do diff than new tech - we have more processes..
latest dream of a new school: middle high, kids are streamed, make everything built around math, logic, conrad wolfram, - ok - i'm really liking chris.. bravo man
Moderator (Kyle Pace):
Moderator (Shelly Terrell (@shellterrell)): That's Wolfram's blog with the TED Talk embedded
@gcouros - George Couros: Here is my question Chris. This is a great school that seems to be built from the ground up. How do you do these same things in a school that is already established, already has its teachers in place, and needs change. How has SLA impacted the different practices in other schools in your district?
if everybody talks about the ways in which we do things - talking the same language..
excellent -
you have great people,
yes - but we don't let people be great...
you can't hide at sla
sla is a hard place to teach, requires a complete paradigm shift.. can't rely on the things that work for them in the past
the kids are doing the butt kicking
trying to push kids to go to funky schools.. because some that have gone to traditional are struggling a bit.. they are doing ok - but struggling with traditional ways
big thing to tackle next year - front load essential questions... so that kids will organically come back to them..
every kid has an iep at sla
high tech high has own grad school of ed..
very similar
in kids' interviews - looking at - do you really need to be here..
quoted umair haque... love it.
we have to consider our footprint at all times
we just need to do...
the problem w/highschool.. we tell kids they have to do stuff
kids not wanting to go to school
why learn stuff - because told we had to
it doesn't have to be this way..
grant wiggins
purpose of hs - that kids don't suck quite so much at the things they are bad at.
at the end of the day school should be about metacognition
pbl isn't just giving kids instructions on how to do something - don't give out a recipe
the why is powerful
Joe Bower: If everyone is doing the same project, then some one isn't learning.
pammoran: what if we had an outcome that kids would leave each teacher with a sustained love of learning? how would that change the game? for teachers? for young people?
not just teaching kids how to learn - but how to live
pammoran: just saw today a study from William and Mary- torrence test of of creativity- "scores" have dropped from 1990-2008- among K-6th graders... test prep
oe Bower: "My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status." Sir Ken Robinson
pammoran: William and Mary study as reported in WSJ
biggest change - really have to work on your listening skills (teacher)
sla is a magnet school - interviews - don't take top grades and test scores.. look for kids that need their model
ben wilkoff - how do you do this in elementary school, elem teacher always knows more than kid, one question: what do you think
don't care how much you know.. but what do you think... we don't know that... (nice)
citizens vs. workers is kinda like wisdom vs. knowledge.
not about changing the curriculum but about ownership of the curriculum
teachers crafting curriculum in such a way that allows kids to their own decision making process
one of hardest things in 9th grade - teach kids to stop figuring out the game of school
DrTimony: I often find that when I give my undergrads and grads opportunities to create their own, relevant, project instead of what's in the syllabus, they are stymied.
Gordon D: Do you think you can work with M. Rhee's new initiative?
Chris said the conversation is about labor - and that's not the convo - it's not about bullying
dlaufenberg: common rubric
can't want one thing for students and another for teachers....
pd can't be lecturing on how to do inquiry
Joe Bower: I've come to see how delicate the climate for progressive education truly is. The potential for improvement can live and die with the principal.
Here's the Educon 2.3 website happens Jan 28-30 in Philadelphia
one secret to sla - they built it together.. not riding on one person...
the system they built is available for others
Moderator (Kyle Pace): This is Chris' school:
don't know if great teachers and great admin are it.. need a vision and an idea
great means something different. you need people to be in the right place for themselves..
this is where the unions need to get on board... and see change.. transfers are
Joe Bower: Progressive education is undermined by teachers who will talk all day about whether kids should be able to chew gum or wear hats, but won't ever engage in a conversation about pedagogy.
why would any school hire a teacher that wasn't interviewed by parents and students and peers...
if union could say - we will give up seniority and transfers for a great hiring committee
instead of a demo lesson, sla emails their parent guide... it ends up being the cheat sheet for the whole interview..
also ask them to create a unit plan that fits the vision of sla
nykat4: demo lessons don't show deep curric thinkers - shows can perform on spot
at sla - hiring is consensus
do you see sla becoming a franchise school?
Ann: I love that SLA is a district school
what would you do diff than new tech - we have more processes..
latest dream of a new school: middle high, kids are streamed, make everything built around math, logic, conrad wolfram, - ok - i'm really liking chris.. bravo man
Moderator (Kyle Pace):
Moderator (Shelly Terrell (@shellterrell)): That's Wolfram's blog with the TED Talk embedded
@gcouros - George Couros: Here is my question Chris. This is a great school that seems to be built from the ground up. How do you do these same things in a school that is already established, already has its teachers in place, and needs change. How has SLA impacted the different practices in other schools in your district?
if everybody talks about the ways in which we do things - talking the same language..
excellent -
you have great people,
yes - but we don't let people be great...
you can't hide at sla
sla is a hard place to teach, requires a complete paradigm shift.. can't rely on the things that work for them in the past
the kids are doing the butt kicking
trying to push kids to go to funky schools.. because some that have gone to traditional are struggling a bit.. they are doing ok - but struggling with traditional ways
big thing to tackle next year - front load essential questions... so that kids will organically come back to them..
every kid has an iep at sla
high tech high has own grad school of ed..
very similar
in kids' interviews - looking at - do you really need to be here..
quoted umair haque... love it.
we have to consider our footprint at all times
we just need to do...
greg ching
i had the pleasure of meeting Greg at the teaser for the Muse's Market.
Greg is part of Feed Denver.. and shared this incredible project.. gardens on cement.
this is for Hans.. something he/we are hoping to do in the lab..
Greg is part of Feed Denver.. and shared this incredible project.. gardens on cement.
this is for Hans.. something he/we are hoping to do in the lab..
gever tulley
Gever Tulley: The Tinkering School Philosophy and Mainstream Schools from Ewan McIntosh on Vimeo.
the tinkering school advice-
do less teaching.. and let students take more responsibility for own learning.
1) self directed projects... discovery days... taking apart an existing device - exploration
2) design thinking - come up with a theme, etc
3) allow them to do those projects
ewan macintosh
The Seven Spaces of Technology in School Environments from Ewan McIntosh on Vimeo.
1) secret spaces
- one person to one person
- space for getting off task - see ideas you wouldn't have explored
- the third teacher - make peace w/fidgeting - swivel chairs, niches
- gever tulley - tinkering school
- community as designer - stanford's dschool
- make space manipulatable on a just-in-time basis
- [more on fluid spaces here via ideo]
- blog, flickr, tap into group spaces
- twitter wall - live update
- school can be the community's best neighbor- design space so it's used by everyone in community always
- allows people to be something they are not
- play occurs in more than playgrounds
- theory is made practice - gever tulley - tinkering school
- instead of one focal point at front of class, a million focal points
- how could real time data actually improve the space
- gullane primary school - producing their own energy - can only happen if we have that data input at every point of our school day
- teds
- imagine a lecture not taking place in a classroom
- dschool - all furniture on wheels - encourage listening, but 3 focal points, collaboration during listening is encouraged - to whisper during a lecture, lecture is almost discouraged, and can come from anyone, merely spaces where you can talk to groups
from Ewan's post: learning spaces. virtual spaces. physical spaces.
Stephen Heppel
more here.
read, watch this again and again.
read more of what Ewan is up to.
his presentation for global ed conf
Monday, December 20, 2010
dave cormier
i usually wear from all the lists...
this one is good - as one would expect from @davecormier
this one is good - as one would expect from @davecormier
seth godin
great interview (from jan2010) of Seth on Linchpin
by Jun Loayza
________________________________________Sunday, December 19, 2010
larry lessig
digital tech - people produce for the love of
remix is a literacy for this generation
legalize what it is to be young again
artist and creators embrace the idea - choose -
artist choice
kids are different than us
we made mixed tape, they remixed music
we watched tv, they make tv
tech has made them different
we can't kill the instinct of tech we can only criminalize it
we can't drive out kids from using it we can only drive it underground
we can't make our kids passive again, we can just make them pirates
we live life constantly against the law
our kids live life knowing they live it against the law
that is extraordinarily curropting
Saturday, December 18, 2010
kim sheinberg
i absolutely love this talk
live and not live... i could listen again and again. Kim says so much in such a short time.
i'd squandered the time talking about this idea instead of getting to know this guy
what a waste it is to go into a room with an agenda
actively seek out people you would actively avoid
factual stories... or true stories..
live and not live... i could listen again and again. Kim says so much in such a short time.
i'd squandered the time talking about this idea instead of getting to know this guy
what a waste it is to go into a room with an agenda
actively seek out people you would actively avoid
factual stories... or true stories..
jason fried
his oct 2010 TEDxMidwest:
10 years research asking where do you get work done, 3 types of answers:
place: the porch, the deck, the kitchen, the coffeeshop, the library
moving thing: the plane, train, car, commute
time: early in the am or late at night
hardly anyone said at the office
esp with creative people.. they need long stretches of uninterrupted time
even though the work day is 8 hours.. when's the last time you had 1 hour to yourself at the office
that's why people choose to do work at home.. or go to all those other places
short bursts of time to get things done - like sleep
work and sleep are very related - phase/stage based (sleep has 5)
in order to get to the deep ones - you can't get interrupted, otherwise you start all over at phase 1 or 2
you don't go to sleep, you go toward sleep
you don't expect people to sleep well if interrupted, same should be true for work
what's different about work interruptions
turns out - voluntary distractions (tv/walk/etc) are not the main problem
but involuntary ones are:
facebook, twitter, youtube are not involuntary distractions (moder day smoke breaks) - those aren't the real problems
the real problems... the m&m's
the managers and the meetings
all the places people do get things done - you don't find m&m's
managers job - to interrupt people... they don't do the work, so they have to make sure others do the work - which is an interruption (wow - too true for teachers in a classroom - me included)
meetings called by managers - they aren't spontaneous mtgs by employees.. what are the changes all 10 or so employees are ready to stop
meetings aren't work, they are places you go talk about things you're supposed to do later
they cost a lot... and they procreate.. a 1 hour mtg with 10 people is a 10 hr meeting
suggestions for remedy:
1) no talk thursdays - or afternoon first thurs of month (a tremendous amount of work will get done) - giving someone 4 hours of uninterrupted time is incredibly valuable
2) switching from active communication (mtgs, etc) with more passive models (emails, im, etc) - yes emails are distracting but per your own schedule..
3) if there is a mtg coming up - cancel it.. don't move it.. just forget about it and you'll find out you'll be just fine.
10 years research asking where do you get work done, 3 types of answers:
place: the porch, the deck, the kitchen, the coffeeshop, the library
moving thing: the plane, train, car, commute
time: early in the am or late at night
hardly anyone said at the office
esp with creative people.. they need long stretches of uninterrupted time
even though the work day is 8 hours.. when's the last time you had 1 hour to yourself at the office
that's why people choose to do work at home.. or go to all those other places
short bursts of time to get things done - like sleep
work and sleep are very related - phase/stage based (sleep has 5)
in order to get to the deep ones - you can't get interrupted, otherwise you start all over at phase 1 or 2
you don't go to sleep, you go toward sleep
you don't expect people to sleep well if interrupted, same should be true for work
what's different about work interruptions
turns out - voluntary distractions (tv/walk/etc) are not the main problem
but involuntary ones are:
facebook, twitter, youtube are not involuntary distractions (moder day smoke breaks) - those aren't the real problems
the real problems... the m&m's
the managers and the meetings
all the places people do get things done - you don't find m&m's
managers job - to interrupt people... they don't do the work, so they have to make sure others do the work - which is an interruption (wow - too true for teachers in a classroom - me included)
meetings called by managers - they aren't spontaneous mtgs by employees.. what are the changes all 10 or so employees are ready to stop
meetings aren't work, they are places you go talk about things you're supposed to do later
they cost a lot... and they procreate.. a 1 hour mtg with 10 people is a 10 hr meeting
suggestions for remedy:
1) no talk thursdays - or afternoon first thurs of month (a tremendous amount of work will get done) - giving someone 4 hours of uninterrupted time is incredibly valuable
2) switching from active communication (mtgs, etc) with more passive models (emails, im, etc) - yes emails are distracting but per your own schedule..
3) if there is a mtg coming up - cancel it.. don't move it.. just forget about it and you'll find out you'll be just fine.
anya kamenetz
her latest talk - i think:
cost out of control
quality - conservative model of ed is disrupted because knowledge is changing so fast
not a map - but a compass
major benes to society:
see earlier talk - really wish i could find this video - link is now broken..
consortium of community colleges - Judy Baker
other resources mit, ted talks
open teaching - change the roll of the teacher
George Siemens - 2400 people learning together
Peer 2 Peer - taught by volunteers
umwblogs at uni of mary washington.. post assignments to web so at the end of school have something you can take with you and show employer
need to be proactive and independent to own your own learning
pln - assemble resources, books, blogs, classes, people,
present self to community
take on tasks at elbows as experts
give back
it's all about community.. very traditional
university = guild
essential is the relationship among the people - not the content
college = group
beehas? for artists
michael mccarthy
kezia kamenetz
great post: how do you know what you want
esp love
it's embracing ignorance that sparks curiosity and real passion
that at the end of the day.. we all want to do good
esp love
it's embracing ignorance that sparks curiosity and real passion
that at the end of the day.. we all want to do good
angela maiers & amy sandvold
recording here (The Passion Driven Classroom: A Framework for Teaching and Learning by Angela Maiers and Amy Sandvold)
Moderator (Peggy George): (Blog post for today’s presentation with links to participate in the growing conversation
Moderator (Peggy George): (The Habitudes wikispace for compilation of links shared in today’s presentation)
had plan a and plan b - even before kindergarten - haley
what are you fighting for...
Moderator (Peggy George): (Slideshare Presentations by Angela Maiers)
engagement is fleeting, passion is lifelong
the notion of emptiness generates passion - hunger is the driving force - vicki cobb
passion is seriously hard work.. it's the face that is left after the fun is gone
what are you willing to be disciplined for.. stand up for. .. fight for
Moderator (Peggy George):
p. 76 heart mapping
diff between being interested in a topic and being willing to know a topic deeply
indexing creativity.. adults have had so much pushed on them they have forgotten what they could stick with day in and day out
if we are answering why.. let's change that up..
Kim T AZ:
Patrick Woessner:
Moderator (Peggy George):
kids need to learn at a young age that it is their responsibility to share their passion
big indicator.. angela shares her kids school pics - who's faces change each year.. couldn't show this years.
we can't not guys..
bravo ladies.. and grazie.
my question (for myself as well):
____________________________________________ (The Passion Driven Classroom: A Framework for Teaching and Learning by Angela Maiers and Amy Sandvold)
Moderator (Peggy George): (Blog post for today’s presentation with links to participate in the growing conversation
Moderator (Peggy George): (The Habitudes wikispace for compilation of links shared in today’s presentation)
had plan a and plan b - even before kindergarten - haley
what are you fighting for...
Moderator (Peggy George): (Slideshare Presentations by Angela Maiers)
engagement is fleeting, passion is lifelong
the notion of emptiness generates passion - hunger is the driving force - vicki cobb
passion is seriously hard work.. it's the face that is left after the fun is gone
what are you willing to be disciplined for.. stand up for. .. fight for
Moderator (Peggy George):
p. 76 heart mapping
diff between being interested in a topic and being willing to know a topic deeply
indexing creativity.. adults have had so much pushed on them they have forgotten what they could stick with day in and day out
if we are answering why.. let's change that up..
Kim T AZ:
Patrick Woessner:
Moderator (Peggy George):
kids need to learn at a young age that it is their responsibility to share their passion
big indicator.. angela shares her kids school pics - who's faces change each year.. couldn't show this years.
we can't not guys..
bravo ladies.. and grazie.
my question (for myself as well):
why do we say.. we have to live in the parameters of our reality.. why are we accepting a reality we don't believe in.. how does that define reality.. can't we redefine reality?
can't it all be passion driven.. no binders that are determined by outsiders..
mandy harvey
whoa - thank you uncle John
her site
the info John sent me
i think we're going to hear her tomorrow night... cool jets..
her site
the info John sent me
i think we're going to hear her tomorrow night... cool jets..
seth godin
what are you working on.. is the excitement palpable
you might not need to do more to get to that place.. you might just need to notice more..
you might not need to do more to get to that place.. you might just need to notice more..
Friday, December 17, 2010
jerry mintz
his post on mistakes in ed.. very well written.. love it.
found him via Carol Black who filmed schooling the world - amazing film everyone should see
find Carol on twitter and facebook
i can see where i want to go but can't understand why i can't get there... the answer is so simple it's hard to see..
found him via Carol Black who filmed schooling the world - amazing film everyone should see
find Carol on twitter and facebook
Thursday, December 16, 2010
nic askew
holy cow - how did i not know of
nic askew
david roche
THE SECOND GLANCE from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps true beauty is something that draws our attention at second glance, once the judgment of a first glance has realised its mistake.
they don't want to look, and then they see.
alison wood
IN THE LIFE OF ANOTHER from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
i think they want loving more than anything else
lee scampton
‘how hard would life have to shake you before you woke up?’
no need to strive to be anything.. other than myself..
everyday is just very honest
carlos enrique araujo
PORTRAIT OF A HUMAN BEING from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
my wealth is the family that i have
where is the decision made to be free from the events of your life
i just feel and think that people are good...
it's a great feeling to wake up every morning with enthusiasm.. with a joy of being around people
maria pacheco
HOW TO GIVE A FISHING LESSON from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
might the causes of poverty lie deeper than we assume?’
the physical world reveals itself differently when we're able to change something inside of us
no labels
not helping others.. but dreaming together working together - that brings a light
they transformed me.. because they made me realize the power of connecting
she's still poor - but her eyes are bright now
in what might seem to others is a limited environment - the eyes are shining
olga romanillos & olga vazquez
A LIFE BEYOND from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
might the acceptance of an experience help us to catch sight of a new possibility?
might vulnerability offer us the closeness we all seek..
all circumstance can be seen through a different lens
olubunmi ogunyankin (olu)
SMILE from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps it's our assumption that we will be here tomorrow that keeps us from our capacity to live
richard mccann
A GLIMPSE OF REALITY from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
a glimpse of reality
have you ever sensed that everything was ok despite what was going on around you?
you have to undress whatever you have
SIZE DOESN'T MATTER from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps it’s our superiority that keeps us from our own life. and our capacity for humility that leads us to it.
are you able to communicate with all who see the world differently than you in a language that you are both able to understand
what would it take for you to be together with someone
alejandro giammattei
THE STRAWBERRY HILL from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
strawberry hill - a place that everyone knows is there but few can see
you have to find the sense of your life
could you act from your sense of what is right?
perhaps we all have the ability to recognize truth and the opportunity to act on it - brave souls
dominic miller
THE BALLS TO STAND NAKED from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps everything starts with a relationship between two things
waldorf education
WALDORF EDUCATION from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
thanks @nicaskew - his films soon to be downloadable free of charge via cc
Nic's short films have been said to shake the soul. Exposed humans beings usually do. They are watched in the living rooms of Hollywood to the quiet of Buddhist Monasteries, and the many places in between. The films have profoundly affected the lives of many. They are now to be released for free download under a creative commons license in iTunes. Share the experience of being human.
nic askew
david roche
THE SECOND GLANCE from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps true beauty is something that draws our attention at second glance, once the judgment of a first glance has realised its mistake.
they don't want to look, and then they see.
alison wood
IN THE LIFE OF ANOTHER from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
i think they want loving more than anything else
lee scampton
‘how hard would life have to shake you before you woke up?’
no need to strive to be anything.. other than myself..
everyday is just very honest
carlos enrique araujo
PORTRAIT OF A HUMAN BEING from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
‘where do you presume true wealth to exist?’
where is the decision made to be free from the events of your life
i just feel and think that people are good...
it's a great feeling to wake up every morning with enthusiasm.. with a joy of being around people
maria pacheco
HOW TO GIVE A FISHING LESSON from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
might the causes of poverty lie deeper than we assume?’
the physical world reveals itself differently when we're able to change something inside of us
no labels
not helping others.. but dreaming together working together - that brings a light
they transformed me.. because they made me realize the power of connecting
she's still poor - but her eyes are bright now
in what might seem to others is a limited environment - the eyes are shining
olga romanillos & olga vazquez
A LIFE BEYOND from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
might the acceptance of an experience help us to catch sight of a new possibility?
might vulnerability offer us the closeness we all seek..
all circumstance can be seen through a different lens
olubunmi ogunyankin (olu)
SMILE from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps it's our assumption that we will be here tomorrow that keeps us from our capacity to live
richard mccann
A GLIMPSE OF REALITY from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
a glimpse of reality
have you ever sensed that everything was ok despite what was going on around you?
you have to undress whatever you have
SIZE DOESN'T MATTER from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps it’s our superiority that keeps us from our own life. and our capacity for humility that leads us to it.
are you able to communicate with all who see the world differently than you in a language that you are both able to understand
what would it take for you to be together with someone
alejandro giammattei
THE STRAWBERRY HILL from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
strawberry hill - a place that everyone knows is there but few can see
you have to find the sense of your life
could you act from your sense of what is right?
perhaps we all have the ability to recognize truth and the opportunity to act on it - brave souls
dominic miller
THE BALLS TO STAND NAKED from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
perhaps everything starts with a relationship between two things
waldorf education
WALDORF EDUCATION from Nic Askew on Vimeo.
thanks @nicaskew - his films soon to be downloadable free of charge via cc
Nic's short films have been said to shake the soul. Exposed humans beings usually do. They are watched in the living rooms of Hollywood to the quiet of Buddhist Monasteries, and the many places in between. The films have profoundly affected the lives of many. They are now to be released for free download under a creative commons license in iTunes. Share the experience of being human.
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