Thursday, July 21, 2011


In a few days, nearly 8000 educators from over 40 different countries are expected to attend a free 3 day virtual conference, The Reform Symposium, #RSCON3. This free award-nominated e-conference is going to take place on July 29-31st, 2011. Participants can attend this online conference from the comfort of their homes or anywhere that has Internet access. This amazing conference provides educators new or currently active on social networks the opportunity to connect with educators and professionals in the field of education worldwide. With over 12 Keynotes, 80 presenters, and 3 keynote panel discussions you are bound to be inspired!
We would like to thank the incredible organizers- Shelly Terrell, Kelly Tenkely, Chris Rogers, Lisa Dabbs, Melissa Tran, Clive Elsmore, Mark Barnes, Ian Chia, Cecilia Lemos, Jerry Blumengarten, and Kyle Pace- and Steve Hargadon of Classroom 2.0 and The Future of Education online communities for making this incredible conference possible.

We hope you can join us for this incredible professional development experience!

what i'll be sharing on behalf of the lab:

it’s ok that this video sucks right now.
if it would have been perfect, this guy, and this guy, and this gal, and this gal, might not have felt the pull/allure to join us, to help us create/do better.

the why brings people together in ways that will matter most.
work on your why.
find a topic/speaker/person at rscon11 that will strengthen your why.

and don’t wait for perfect, just do. do what you can’t not do.
waiting is, well, waiting.
and perfect never comes.
imperfection creates spaces/invitations for unlikely people to become indispensable.
what’s next?...
it’s happening.

perpetual beta.
