Tuesday, July 19, 2011

maajid nawaz

age of behavior - extremists have been benefiting at this.. communicating across borders to propagate their message

idea=cause, that one believes in
narrative=way to sell those ideas/cause

power of social movements - they bond around these ideas, they're transnational

one of problems we are facing - there are no globalized, youth-led, grass roots social movements advocating for democratic culture across muslim majority societies..
why is it that extremist organizations are succeeding in organizing in a globalized way when demo are falling behind
4 reasons hard to spread as a civilization choice:
1) complacency - those that aspire to demo culture have power, don't feel need to advocate
2) political correctness - we associate believing in a universality as extremists..
3) demo choice has been relegating to a political choice - demo has become 1 choice among many other forms.. when those parties are elected and fail, demo takes the blame
4) ideology of resistance - if world power today was communist.. it would be easier for demo activists to use activism

what's needed is those organizations on the ground advocating for the democratic culture itself
if we start building this on the ground as a culture vs a political party
what we'll have is people voting in a demo rather than for one..

but to get to that stage... we genuinely need to start building demand on societies on the ground.
egypt is a good starting point..
what happened there was a political coalition
we need to move beyond that - to a civilizational coalitions