Monday, July 25, 2011

core standards

ianchia @monk51295 @MaryAnnReilly @ktenkely & Pearson's next-gen roadmap to 2014 & US states overview (PDFs)

ianchia @monk51295 @MaryAnnReilly @ktenkely fyi Assessments+Common Core bigpicture Pearson's roadmap #edchat

thank you Ian.
but oh how sucky.
some of the most depressing tweets i've received of late.
we're curating a slow death. - unless of course suicide is involved.
350 bill to make sure we are all assessing the same, wrong, (right for a small few granted) things.
and now we're gearing what moneys we spend on what tech - for that same reason.

why can't we be smart enough to focus on learning. and focus on the resources we do have.
and focus foremost on minds. curiosity.

